So ... 1400-1600 = 2200-2600 games

its clear to see that in the start of the season it goes like this

1400 = 2200
1600 = 2600

1800 = 3k

2.1 is 3k+

its insane how hard games is at the start , it feels miserable to que and for some wierd reason its demotivating to try and win , playing your best and still losing most games with a very bad w/l ratio just because of the ladder climb right now,


1400 = 1400
1600 = 1600
1800 = 1800
2.1 = 2.1


here is a guy who doesnt know how MMR and inflation in arena works ^^ big clap


idk I don’t really see a difference. I’m playing around 1300 in 3s now, 60% w/l ratio in 50 games, feels like playing like last season against the same kind of players that I was facing between 1.8 and 2k (a complete cesspool of bad players playing top tier comps, great players playing their alts or comps that don’t exist, people being legitimately average thus belonging to the 1800-2000 bracket). rating is just a number, if you’re being top 5% right now with 1600 then you’ll be top 5% by the end of the season way higher thanks to the inflation. the % matters regarding who you face, not the flat number

Everyone in the wow forums in the arena section is a multi glad rank 1 2.4k rating every season, that didn’t get boosted, and they know everything better. They even know how LFG feels at low rating atm, even though they say, that they are 2k rating right now. Meamwhile I ask myself, how would they know, what teams I have been facing recently…

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Yeah it’s crazy I’m playing around 1700-1800 and every team is either glad or rank one xp!

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its opposite for me every season im trying my best & trying to get as high experience as i can and playing vs multi rank 1 and boosters motivating me to do my best & beat them and improve and learn something new and if you are scared & demotivated to play against higher experienced players then whats the whole point of playing arenas? just to collect transmog from pvp or what? instead of improving and getting better most players literally spend time complaining about x class or random things on forums like how 2 of 3 enemies had glad mount & it was impossible to win lol like why is glad mount scaring people away instead of motivating to do their best against higher experienced players than they are

also this bs logic that people say literally on every new season is ridiculous
^ example: 1.8k now = 50k last season :clown_face: :+1:

wait what? 1.3 with 50 games and 60% winrate what? you must be trolling


Wow I didn’t know that I’m a duellist already
If it goes like this I will be glad in a week!

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Give this girl(male) a 3k badge right now

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Yup it just like this. Hope it will be bk to normal in dragonflight…

hi clueless

I’ll second that, playing vs better players presents a unique opportunity to learn from them in a way that watching a stream/listening to advice could never teach you
At the same time, if the skill gap is too big, you might not even realize what and why they’re doing certain things leaving you confused and frustrated

its been like that literally every season in wow history for the first 1 or 2 weeks. Maybe its a little more rough because overall participation isnt as high as normal with no new content added but its nothing new or weird happening right now.


What are these threads? You queue day 1 and make a surprised pikachu face when you suddenly face people like Lontar, Drainer or Trille? Really?


Guess I am rank1 now…:man_shrugging:t2:

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It’s funny because we get these threads every season and every season it’s the same story. We got mmr reset and fresh CR. These rank 1 guys also have to play the game. They are that good that eventually they will go up and ladder will normalize. Also there is that inflation mechanic where Blizzard also increases everyone’s mmr every week so eventually you will get there. Relax

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There shouldn’t be any mmr reset between seasons tho. That’s very weird game design. No other game does that

But Blizzard does it for years before some of these other games were even created.

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That means I am a 3k xp player now?

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Lost Ark does that.