So ... 1400-1600 = 2200-2600 games

we started around 900 mmr, we were roughly at 1900 last season. im facing the same kind of players currently at 1300 in 3s that I was facing last season at 1900. not easier, not harder, we’re slowly approaching a normal w/l ratio.

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not in one game but over time playing vs better players is better than playing vs worse than you if you lose 5 games same way and you are still confused why enemy uses that and this then thats on you for not paying attention and learning

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Wow pvp is a mini game built into wow, Like blitzball was into FFX.

It doesnt get developed or even tested most of the time so the people playing are at an all time low,

Majority of people still playing too are old veterans who could never really find a new game to get into.

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And the biggest fail perhaps that it took blizzard this many years to develop upcoming df soloq style system :thinking:

As this minigame is pretty antifun for everyone without set contacts to go with and if you are lfg vs people who only play with ppl they played with trough years already then ofc they are going to farm everything that is mostly yolo from lfg

im not sure how to take many of the comments here. but i take it as normal troll on forum,

if a rank 1 team consistently sit on 1300- and climbing up to 1.8 and SITTING at 1.8 right now. and they were 3.6k xp or even 2.7 or 3k. that would make the matches your fighting the same value … a 1600 challenger 2 rating is not supposed to be fought vs rank 1 teams every other game :slight_smile: so your rating doesnt add up at all . saying 1600 is 1600 when its vs rank 1 players every other game is a big troll ^^

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do you even realize that if the top players are at 1600 else challenger andy isn’t at playing at 1600 mmr else it’s cosmic glad andy? flat numbers don’t mean anything, challenger andy could play at 3000 rating, it still means he’s challenger andy if the top plays at 6400 rating.

suuuure so what your saying is that if they are sitting at 1600 and not moving there they are no longer rank 1 :slight_smile: they are challengers ? :slight_smile: how funny

welp i tried, waste of oxygen


its okay, let me feed the troll a cookie :slight_smile: , here you go, now enjoy your sunday ^^

I mean it’s partially right tho. Idk why but I saw several multi glad people at ~1,6k CR. I guess for some people MMR was a bit scuffed, as some people mentioned their placing games. My first ~7 (?) games on my druid felt like I am playing against 0 xp people.
On my monk I didn’t play vs bots at all from the very first game. My druid had a higher MMR in S3 than my monk.

It’s deflated a lot more than usual, especially in 3s for a couple of reasons. 1) Season 4 is ultimately a complete and utter joke, lots of people would have taken breaks or are preparing for Wrath. 2) People spend the first 2 weeks or so going for Duelist, for the majority of specs this is easier to get in 2s, so most games played are in 2s.

I’m playing 3s very casually and on 2nd/3rd page of the ladder. Every single game is against full on tryhards, it’s fine though, decent practice. Only 7 people in EU are above 2.1 in 3s right now.

Whats your solution then? The game is probably more dead than ever before. All I meet are r1 title ppl, I dont like it, because I dont have the practice they have, but the other option is to let the ppl keep the mmr, so you will complain about being stucked there and they would be getting free glad/r1 again and again. Both are terrible solutions, but I would say being farmed by them at start is probably the better one. If you get ppl to play with, its still doable. If you rely on lfg as I do, its just pure pain and not worth the effort. So what would you suggest as a solution?

No :joy:, not really.

oh my god you are right lol i just got gladiator at 1.6 rating idk how but i won 50 games and i got mount in my mailbox damn did glad requirements drop for this season that low? :smiley:

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I remember starting at 1800mmr in S3 when I quit in S1 and now I have 900mmr which I haven’t had since I mmr dumped back in cata :joy:

We’re aware of a bug that caused the current Season to initialize with the incorrect MMR scaling for this region.

We’ve been working on a fix for this, and while we don’t know when we’re going to be able to apply it, once we do, you should see players move to the MMR that you expect for them.

Sorry for the confusion. Thank you for your patience on this.


Thank you kaivax!


Wow amazing. I knew something was off as well

here he is, just trying to cry in the forums, and actually unveils a bug.

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Or Blizzard had set the inflation while expecting an influx of players queuing instead of the opposite happening, thus causing the MMR inflation to occur slower than normal. But then you can’t of course go out as a company and say “Sorry, we done bad”, because it’s obvious it’d upset people if you admit it was the company’s fault. So it’s easier to blame it on a vague bug while you’re working out the calculations to adjust the MMR to a smoother inflation rate that better fits the participation numbers.