SH GY can be approached from two different sides when the Alliance has it. When the Horde has it the Alliance can only approach it through a choke point where the horde has high ground.
That skill does come into play before alliance is pushed back behind SH. Besides how else would you explain the win rate slowly evolving over time? The horde meta has not really changed much since the premade days and it’s not like horde were winning 100% as soon as premades were stopped (more like 60-70% at first).
Also, that’s just not the case. It’s only 20 ressers for horde when IBGY is not horde controlled so they spawn in the cave.
The cave is the main reason. You need 100% of ally to hold ibgy, if not successful we horde have enough blood to summon memelord and break all the benefits alliance has in your mind … alliance can summon memelord from mid of map in open area… which is useless. If you honestly think faction X is better than faction Y because of a map advantage then you are deluded.
If you think that horde is a better faction because of map disadvantage you are extremely deluded. Explain to me, why does IBGY have too many elite npcs there ? Why is SHGY wide open? Why do horde get to defend IBGY while allies are low HP / mana after capping IBGY ? Why are allies are low HP and mana after capping IBGY ? because of constant defense against horde respawning so close to IBGY while alliance defends it.
You don’t have that on the alliance side. All the chokes you speak of that benefits the alliance is useless because horde already has meme lord summoned to break the choke, while alliance doesn’t. Not to mention, for us to summon meme lord we have to gather in the middle of the map, while the horde can summon at a safe place.
Uhm… Yes, you do. SP GY is set up the same way as IB GY, in terms of respawn distances, and “cave advantage”.
Dun baldar as a whole is more fortified than frostwolf keep, you know?
What’s funny is that Horde can “magically” push the Alliance back, while Alliance “can’t” push the Horde back in reversed situations.
That’s because you didn’t rush horde b. more rush b, less cyka blyat.
You mean taking advantage of that when horde already summoned their meme lord and wing commander? Because they had so much blood to gather during the IBGY struggle alliance had? So much of an advantage.
Because in reversed situations, its all down to SHGY and IBGY to push them back. you cant push horde back from SPGY all the way to SHGY, they will have Ice lord already summoned to break the “Choke” you speak of and which is useless at that point.
All the reasons, giving up, afk or anything else is a symptom resulting from the map disadvantage ( which is the main reason ).
You mean it’s your favorite excuse, right? It exonerates any and all responsibility you, and everyone else in your team, have over the outcome. “We can’t do anything anyway, it’s all the map’s fault.”
“There have been alliance who won, but we can’t do that, because it’s the map’s fault.”
“We died in PvP, because the map is to blame.”
“No matter what we do, it’s always the map’s fault we lose.”
See? Nobody ever says “We lost because people AFKed.” or “We lost because people didn’t fight as a full team.” or “We lost because people gave up when the push was taking too long.”.
Oh right, and also “We lost because crapgeared low lvled players and/or too many playing bad specs ended up in our team.”.
It’s always “the map”. It sure must be neat how you’re never responsible for your own losses.
But why do you care anyway, you’re clearly playing on Russian servers. Just premade like the popular kids do? Or did you get blacklisted?
By the way, ever heard of self-fulfilling prophecies?
This is side problem related to the poor map design. When you know you have to give 200% to overcompensate this problem, you just dont give a &$%! and go for the hks.
Look, get off your shiny horse. Numbers are not in your side, data is not in your side, statictics are not in your side and FACTS are not in your side. He is right, you are wrong.
Ever heard of confirmation bias? Not saying your “facts” are facts, but everything you base it on reeks of confirmation bias.
Beware I hope you can see the irony in this post of yours
Yes, its the main reason why wsg and ab are symmetrical because there is no advantage / disadvantage differences in those bgs unlike av. Horde or alliance both have a group of pvp players that have “Self-fulfilling prophecies” which is why those two bgs are 50/50 pug wise.
Its working as intended just look at the horde and look at the allies (ofc in TBC we get those elves instead of dranei and it starts to look worse)
Allies should not complain they get more honor doing 6x AV in 3h (6 marks included) than horde doing 2,5h queue and 0,5h won AV. Allies can actually skip the AB and WSG premade hell and grind proper honor. But they will never look powerful like the horde (until retail) so let em have it
As for changes to AV in TBC… who will play AV when there is no more ranks? Maybe ppl to get exalted for the wolf (again who would like to ride a goat that allies get? ).
You still need to get the gear from BG before you start arena.
That is a myth, in which many wow player base believed and seem to forget that there are pvp players that are motivated to play for instant ques. and from my experience playing both sides as a (pug), wsg and ab is mostly premade reliant. Usually I lose my games as a pug vs pug as horde more often.
I said, its a myth that people believed resulted in this. Early classic it was around 49% to 51% pvp population in that website and up till now, wsg and ab are 50/50 win rate both sides except for av. horde dont win av because they are better, they win it because the map is in their favor that’s the whole argument is about.
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