So about 9.1 gearing

How is it bad thing? If anything m+ is what makes wow grindy, farming same dungeons over and over. The change would make m+ more like starter gear for raiders yet keep it relevant for those who like to push keys

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it means it doesnt matter if M+ Gear equals Raid gear in M+ Enviroments as they remove the requirement of the raider beign there effectively providing those additional buffs Outweigh the upgrade for heroic Raiders in DPS Gain.

So M+ Players get their M+ Enviroment as a end game progression system without feeling a requirement to raid

and Raiding players get their Raids without feeling like their behind the curve due to not wanting to do M+.

Imho… its one of the better changes obviously if they execute it well that is.

the ilevel disparity, is clearly not working, players are still unhappy and Raiders have effectively taken over the M+ Scene, so they’re trying something new which will hopefully make Raiders feel rewarded without cutting M+ to achieve it.#

if they can get it so, raid gear is objectively better in raiding enviroments, while Equals M+ Gear in mythic+ Enviroments… they’ve effectively put the game EXACTLY where it needs to be to appease the majoirty of players.

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There is not such thing as raider player and mythic+ player. There is just player. Yes some players focus only on some parts of wow content but most people do all of it.

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wasnt it always like that?
PvE sets gave X stats/procs.
PvP sets gave X stats/procs
i would not mind a M+ set, like extra dmg do adds and w/e
just like old days.

Maybe if you actually balance pvp instead of killing game more and more, your decisions are like you dont play your own game.

Only way to properly balance pvp is to decrease acessability of WoW and reduce itemlvl bloat which is something you are all againts.

sounds good.

I don’t have to raid to do mythic+, and i don’t have to do mythic+ mainly to do raid.

To each their own.

Perfectly reasonable with the only downside being the fact that you have to carry some extra pieces in your bag? I had to carry multiple layers of gear in BFA. I’m not afraid of 2~3 sets.

My question is, will that raid gear with special bonuses still be better or equal to dungeon gear when the bonuses aren’t active?

Currently raid (in PVE) is the soul source for ilvl 233 weapons and the best trinkets in the game. Additionally stat combinations are more narrowly available from Shadowlands dungeons than in previous expansions.

If dungeon loot remains sub par in important slots and raid loot gains additional benefits inside raid, then dungeon loot will just continue to fall behind in value.

Pervious iterations of PvP gearing that used this approach saw some of the stat budget for PvP gear replaced by a PvP focused stat. That made PvP gear the best in PvP but due to its reduced PvE focused stats it was sub par in PvE. If the new raid loot has a full stat budget and additional raid only effects it will effectively be the only viable loot.


Wish I would say step in right direction but honestly it should just work like pvp gear in wod.

So a dungeon gear is +20 in dungeons, same with pvp and same with raid gear.

Sets are simply braindead idea. Needless to say, better than this abomination we had now. Still not enough to bring me back tho

If raid gear equals M+ in M+ environment but is superior in raid, then it is simply the superior PvE gear and M+ is obsolete.

Since legion in every single season top key pushers always use Mythic raid gear. Even in 8.1 and 8.2 when the largest outcry about dungeon gear negating raids existed, the best players in the game with access to whichever loot gave them the best advantage chose Mythic raid gear.

The truth is Raids have always been the superior source for loot, if this change doesn’t address that disparity and simply adds more benefits to raid gear it will effectively remove dungeons as a source for loot.

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You already have “world” gear. With world only bonuses. Look on covenant gear.

Well…You don’t need different gear for M+ and Raid, else you need different for arena and Rated BG (as someone else said and it is ridiculous).
However, if you bring set bonuses they shouldn’t drop only from raid for one small (big) reason: With M+ the game has evolved…they have their own crowd and there is nothing bad with it…
In general, if someone wants to only raid he /she can do it, get the set bonus (tier) gear and keep raiding without touching M+ , if he/she doesn’t want to…
Why the other part, M+ players, should go in raid for the ONLY reason to get a set gear that will help them in M+?
For all it matters, they could just token-ise that gear with set bonuses and let it drop from raids and M+ …with the item level standardized according to raid difficulties but for M+, for ex. M+2-4 Lfr ilvl set gear ,M+5-9 gives normal equal ilvl to normal set gear, 10-13 up to heroic, 14+ up to mythic ilvl set gear. You can call M+ levels as you want, i just said an example…but you get the point ,if anything i go by vault’s ilvl standards. This way no one would have a problem…

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im not gonna grind for 6 diff sets. if this happens and its badly implemented im off.
Barely got time as it is, i will not be no lifing as in korean mmos.


Hmm , I don’t like grinding more then 1 type of gear but i can understand that players that raid need that and every activity maybe should have it’s own sets , raiding , m+ , pvp should be different .
If u do all activities … sounds a bit to much :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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sounds like another great reason to delete alts or stop playing this grind fest


easy fix would be that raid gear and m+ have the same effect on it. but raid gear tmog looks different for each class like we had that. they could test that for 1 patch and watch the feedback of the players

I know that maybe it would be op to farm the set in m+ but cmon let us have a little bit of fun in the game.

but imo they need todo something about raiding because heroic raid is the most timewasting content in the game and it is hard to find 20 players to progress mythic. 10 man mythic would be cool :thinking:


i dont get why blizzard is so stuck with raiding in this game. A lot of world first people just stopped playing WoW after the raid, because there is no incentives to push dungeons or do anything once mythic raid is on farm, you dont even need to grind sockets because there is no endgame to grind it for

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I am not sure we can take that as a plan.

I thought this came from some new interview I didn’t see, but apparently it’s just someone on icy veins thinking out aloud.

Meh. Disappointed. (To be clear, I have no opinion on raid vs m+, but I thought there was a confirmation that they do go forward with WoD-style gear for PVP, and there was none of that, it remains just something vaguely spoken about weeks ago.)

Slap class-specific tmog on those and all my money is theirs

So basically we’re getting tier sets back but without the class-specific bonuses and transmogs?

I personally don’t mind the change too much. It will utterly destroy boosting in PvP and make gearing in PvP far less painful, which suits me just fine.