So, about Blizzard eSport Prize Pool and some Blizzcon stuffs


Suuure it’s not… :smile: Miss owner of the universal truth, sorry to have bothered your ego. :wink:

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I have provided the written text, that lays out what they were going to do.

Those are factual.

How you feel about what they did is different. That is your opinion. But it will not change the facts that they didn’t lie about any of it.

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Sorry, but I remain unconvinced.

It doesn’t matter whether or not you are convinced, the facts are there. They are facts.

Your feelings are your own. You don’t like that they funded the prize pool via sales. That is fine. Everyone can have the own opinion on what they did.

But you can’t claim a company lied when they told you in advance what they were doing.

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Then why do you keep replying to me?

I hate people spreading misinformation. So I am happy to quote what they said. Show people the facts.

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Oh, you hate now. Well, tough luck. But since you are replying to me specifically, and keep a conversation with me specifically, I assume there is something you want from me. I told you a dozzen times in this thread that you won’t be changing my mind.

I don’t want anything from you. I don’t think you will ever admit you got it wrong.

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I don’t believe I got it wrong. But as I said before, it’s up to every person to make up their own mind about it.

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I know you don’t believe you got it wrong.

Even when I show you the facts you insist you know better than what it actually says.

we want to give fans a chance to further support the programs

proceeds will contribute to the year’s final LAN event prize pools

25% of the proceeds will contribute toward the year’s finals LAN event prize pool for the Arena World Championship (AWC) and the Mythic Dungeon International (MDI) with a guaranteed minimum prize pool of $500,000 USD ($250,000 USD for each event.)

No where does is state they will be putting up any stake. Only in the event that the minimum is not met.

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And I already told you that the kind of lie they produced here is lying by omission. Their statements were true, but they did not reveal the entire truth, they deliberately withheld an important fact.

The reason why I never told you outright that you are wrong is because lying by omission requires judging with some measure or another, it’s not something that is outright as simply proving a blatant lie. You don’t believe it was? Fine, I have no problem with that, it’s not wrong, it’s your appraisal of the situation and I respect that although I do not share the interpretation. I, on the other hand, believe it was lying by omission, and the only counter fact you bring to that is that the content of their statement was true, which does not exclude the possibility of lying by omission, so your fact is not sufficient to disprove the lying by omission hypothesis.

But because this is a bit too complicated matter to discuss on the forum (as usual), I did not want to engage you any further, and from this point on I’ll only keep reiterating my position, which is that Activision lied. Feel free to repost the same useless proof 100 more times, I don’t care and I won’t be changing my mind without new arguments.

So yes, I do insist to stick to my opinion on the matter, because whatever fact you brought does not disprove it one bit. So sorry, not sorry.

They could have opted to put none of it towards them, but they put some towards it.

I only got the transmorpher toy and it is kind of disappointing. For a store bought toy… having its duration be 1/3 of its cool down period is silly. The duration effect should last longer or the cool down should be shortened.

They didn’t omit any information.

A few of you presumed some stuff. You can’t presume and then blame Blizzard because it wasn’t what you presumed it was.

There is no lie. They said they would fund the prize pool via the sale of a toy and there would be a minimum guaranteed fund. When you guarantee something to be at least of x value you become liable for that figure to be met.

There was nothing deceptive about it, they outright stated how they would be funding the prize pool.


I personally don’t care that they funded the prize pool via the toy sales, but I think more than 25% could have gone into the fund. I know some are upset that they didn’t put anything in themselves other than donating income from toys they could have sold anyway.

The cooldowns were criticised at the time too. I would love a better c/d or longer duration on it. I am also doomed to get the same ones a lot but I guess that is just RNG.


Yes, they did omit information. This is where you are wrong. They obviously wanted people to assume the wrong thing, sure, but they did omit information. That statement you linked would be equally true if they did put the guaranteed sum in themselves. All the crowdfunded esports competitions on planet Earth before this one were crowdfunded like that, and not the way they do it. The information that they wouldn’t put a dime of their own towards the prize pools is not clearly readable anywhere. And it’s fine, they are covered for it, nobody is going to sue them for that. But that is pretty much the exact thing that is lying by omission - leaving out an important part as either ambiguous or simply not saying anything about it in order to gain an advantage.

But let me reiterate: I am not interested to debate with you whether or not you think it was lying by omission or not. You are welcome to your opinion on that, but so am I. And in my opinion, they lied.

The 60 mins cool down is why I don’t bother with it anymore. Too often you get an ugly transmorph then it is like “This is bad, but I can’t use it again for a long time :(”

20 min duration… 60 min cool down.

If it was like 20 min duration, 20 min cool down. Or 40 min duration, 60 min cool down. It would be better then.

Currently though… it is a bad toy.

They didn’t omit information.

Just because you assumed something doesn’t mean you were lied to. It means you presumed how it would work rather than reading how it would work.

we want to give fans a chance to further support the programs

proceeds will contribute to the year’s final LAN event prize pools

25% of the proceeds will contribute toward the year’s finals LAN event prize pool for the Arena World Championship (AWC) and the Mythic Dungeon International (MDI) with a guaranteed minimum prize pool of $500,000 USD ($250,000 USD for each event.)

Nothing is omitted it’s all there.

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There we go again, the useless quote. Nope, no change, they lied.

We often use it at the start of mythic plus night or if we are pugging a raid. Or running an old raid.

You can’t copy the appearances either so we can’t cheat it.

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It says what they were going to do.

25% of toys sales go into the fund, minimum guaranteed fund by Blizz is 500k.

No misleading info.

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