Alredy told you that desing what palyers hate is mostly implemented on purpose to create fun experience in the future. So yes players do like solo content but it do no leads to fun experience. Frictions, restricstions and incovinience are tools to create fun experiences.
If you want the RPG part, what we ask won’t change that.
You choose a covenant, you get their story, their cosmetic, their mounts and their class hall thingy. as well as some other nonsense like titles and so on.
But locking the power behind that choice is stupid. If anything, It resulted in the death of RPG.
Now if you’re a semi serious player interested in role playing, you have to choose.
Covenant abilities for most classes provide too much of a difference in contents.
You’re a warrior? You want to be necrolord because it fits the honor and glory RPG? Yea goodluck with that. Have this sh%tty fart cloud for an ability that doesn’t hold a candle against condemn.
What you’re defending was a stupid decision in the first place.
There is nothing in your description that contains a lucrative system that increases player power and is restrictive for no othet reasone than because devs said so.
Locking player power behind covenants make 0 sence. Even the covenants as they stand now, make no sence to be so restrictive. We helped each covenant to rebuild and what not. But because i chose one covenant, others dislike me? Then why do i have callings to go help them?
Covenants being locked off make no sence from story perspective either.
Just because wow is an rpg, doesnt mean that it gets a pass on completely dumb design. Yes, its an rpg, but no other rpg artificially locks you off out of 75% of its content and player power just because.
There is no tough or difficult choice, there are obvious choices and then there are downgrades.
Do you understand that the level of min/max from BFA for example to SL, has gone downhill?
That’s the issue.
Can you tell me where the stop is? Should Blizzard next up do the following(let me know where the stop is for you):
- lock covenants permanently
- lock conduits permanently
- lock spec talents permanently
- lock your char to 1 spec permanently
- alternatively instead of permanently you can chose the following for more options: once per day, week, month, year?
There is no fun experience to having less abilities to play with and enjoy. You have it backwards.
Just give up, the dude likes his slow paced game, with no mechanics to deal with and classes being about 1 spell.
Yes it will. There is nothing RPG about just respecing into bis covenant whenever you want for no cost. There is no choice in it. You just follow internet guide and play simulator.
Its literaly core aspect of any proper RPG game. You are jsut clueless when comes these games.
Ofc they do. If they wouldnt that choice would meaingless becouse your output would be same no matter what you pick. Thats not a meainngfull choice.
But thats your choice. Picking performance over theme is still choice.
Yes i do. Becouse slower game allows for more community inteactions, you dont need 1000 mechanics to make content fun and there isnt any class what uses just 1 button.
There is fun experience to have your own unique skill instead of being copy of thousands of same mages. As i said you are clueless.
Yeah, you’d rather have no spell at all! You just like plain boring game!! You have your boring game!! Classic is waitin for ya!!!
Actually, coventants is the single system in shadowlands that works.
Choosing between power and aesthetic is choice as well.
This is the type of players that blizzard should have never listen to.
Quite literally everything that is “pro competitiveness” is slowly killing the game, turning it into toxic cesspool.
As opposed to “following internet guide” and choosing your covenant now?
Because guess what, most players have chosen their BiS covenants.
It’s why the covenant spread is now so skewed to the covenants that offer better abilities.
Maybe you should remove half of your powers from your bars too, then you’d enjoy that 50% more!
And here is another one that likes the way covenants are.
Why did people ask me what i’m talking about, where are those who like covenants locked?
Here they are!
There isnt single covenant what is bis for all type of situations and all type of cotnent. Retri pala have literaly 3 bis covenants for Raids, Mythic+ and Torghast.
No you do not you are just a player like him you do not own anyone or have the right to tell anyone what to do or expect and you are now trolling even more so i have flagged you for being inflametory .
Oh really? Why don’t you tell me how Kyrian isn’t the best for all 3 now?
Let me know what the BiS is for those categories, i’m dying to know, throw in pvp in there for good measure.
Why? Removing my skills will suddenly make other players interact with me more or what?
It’s fairly obvious that you’d have more time to interact with them…
So what’s the friggin’ problem?! You want to min/max and say there are obvious choices? Then friggin’ pick the obvious choices! I mean, c’mon…
That makes no sense to say. You min/max within the design space offered, which means you can either pursue (or don’t pursue, as it is) the minimum performance gains presented or the maximum performance gains presented. Hence the name min/max. It doesn’t really matter how big a gap there is between minimum and maximum, if your intent is to pursue the maximum performance gains, then your approach to any choices presented to you is always going to be the same: Pick the one that gives the most performance.
But none of your choices are locked permanently and there’s no reason to entertain the notion that Blizzard would pursue such a design path, because they friggin’ haven’t for the past 16 years!
Becouse it isnt. Raiding bis for retri is Venthir, second best is Kirian and 3rd is Nigh Far.
For mythic+ best covenant is Kirian.
Apparently yes.
Because it’s not an issue. While Elias is obviously wrong as usual.
I already explained why it’s ok. You get to chose. It wasn’t assigned randomly.