So are you satisfied with the Covenant class powers being locked?

You sound like blizzard. Clueless and stuck with the idea that somehow this is a good thing.

Tell me what part of Vengeance demon hunter as an RPG point of view looks like kyrian? The most EMO class in the game has a 75% kyrian covenant pick.

or a holy priest that fits kyrian the best, yet has a near 50% necrolord pick which is the opposite of their class fantasy.

I can’t take you seriously, because you’re not making sense.

the power resulted in the choice not being a choice anymore. It became following the best ability path and reading guides for it. And yet you think the power made it meaningful.

you don’t see the balancing issues it cost. You don’t see the RPG issues it resulted. You don’t see the damage or anything that makes me capable of explaining it to you.

Which results in me concluding that either you’re clueless, extremely casual or a troll. And in neither cases i can explain it better to you. Goodluck.

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Removing skills from your game wont make game slower. You have to slow down entire pace of game. You get more interactions with players in Deadmines becouse youa re not in rush to beat timer as you do on retail in mythic+. Its more chill and community friendly enviroment.

Covenants doesnt have to fit your class theme in order to fir into RPG.

75% of competitive part of the game. Not of all players. So again, you are wrong. It is not an issue. 75% of competitive part chose power which is not surprising.

Or mabye you are just player what doesnt like RPG games trying to play and enyoj RPG game while complaing about very fundamentls pillars or RPGs. Yeah thats pretty much whole problem. You play RPG when all you really want to play is dungeon/raid simulator.

Very own exBlizzard deves disagree with you.

Wait a minute there.

Who says anything about class fantasy?! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The whole story premise for Shadowlands is that your character works with the various Covenants and then makes a decision to join one of them based on the experience you’ve had working with them.

That is a character-driven storyline, not one related to your character’s class.

It’s entirely reasonable to envision your Holy Priest as having bonded with Draka in Maldraxxus and therefore wanting to commit to that Covenant. It has nothing to do with what class or spec your character is, but more what kind of personality you attribute to your character. The personal roleplaying aspect of the game.

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I can see you’re dense, so let me write it out for you clearly.
The issue is that min/max in BFA was a lot more effective than min/max is in SL.
Do you understand that going from:
Arenas - 95%
BG’s - 97%
Raiding - 100%
M+ - 99%

Having swings in covenants of 10-30% per each area of the game, depending what covenant you chose and how lucky or unlucky your class/spec has been with what covenants offer you?

Bzzt, wrong Kyrian is Nr. 1 in PVE as well.
Just switch between covenants and then switch between fights. You’ll see that Kyrian has the overall advantage, Kyrian has 1-2k more dps on some fights, the only advantage for Venthyr was Hungering Destroyer with a measly 40ish dps.

Can’t even compare with how good Kyrian is.

The powers effectiveness is assigned by Blizzard, they chose to make X covenant better. Most players flock to the best ones.

You’re reaching so much… we all know Holy Priests would chose Kyrian while Shadow Priests would chose Venthyr most likely.
It’s common sense, the players when creating the class already aligned themselves to a theme for that character.

For pve I want to play night fae as my hunter. For pvp I want kyrian. The system imo is horrible. I am forced to excel in one area and be mediocre in another. My alt BM hunters are pulling huge numbers in leveling just because they are night fae.


I dislike Jito but he is far from dense he is just a blizzard apologist and does not play at high level .

No. Don’t use “most players” ever because you have no clue what that means. Nor it does matter in the slightest.

If you want power, you can chose to do so. If you are lazy you can chose what guide says. If you chose aesthetics you can chose to do so.

It is really non issue.

Of all the garbage stuff in SL. Convenats is single one that is ok.

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I meant that he keeps asking the same question and doesn’t seem to understand that the min/max that he’s suggesting is obvious but not the issue here, the issue being that we have more restrictions this expac than we had in SL.
So we’re forced to min/max in a smaller area than before.

That’s why i also gave him choices, and put in that permanent restrictions, which i think showed that he wouldn’t like that.
So there is even a limit he wouldn’t like blizz crossing.
The limit for me was already crosses, but not for him, this being the difference of why he isn’t bothered that much… leaving aside his casualness.

I’m sorry, but did you just wake up? The current spread of players to covenants has them specifically at the most overpowered ones, with the ones that are underpowered having the lowest picks.

It’s not me who’s sitting on the forum whining non-stop about being unable to make choices that everyone else seemingly makes just fine, all the while proclaiming to be some serious min/max player.

This is the most pretentious amount of whining I have seen on the forum in quite a while. Why? Because the solution to all your problems is entirely within yourself. You’re just trying to pass it onto Blizzard, as if they are at fault for you being crap at making decisions to further the playstyle you claim to pursue.

Jesus friggin’ Christ. :roll_eyes:

Why? Surely that is up to the player, depending on the backstory they have chosen for their character. That’s the freedom of roleplaying, that we get to decide what our character’s motivations are for being the class and spec they are, and how they perceive the world and the adventure they’re on.

If you let your gameplay choices in a roleplaying game be dictated entirely by similarities in art and presentation (adding more complaints to your pile?), despite being offered the freedom to pick as you please, then that’s entirely on you. Want another tissue? :crazy_face:

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Even in your example there is nothing tying player power to the covenants themselves.

The issue is that people who use keyboards to play this game, and those who dont like to feel like a burden to their friends, dont want this system. We simply want to be able to push m+, raid, pvp with our characters and most of performance oriented players dont care about roleplaying.
The player power being tied to the covenant restricts us. It would be fine and nobody would have an issue with it if blizzard wouldn’t change the soulbinds and covenant abilities every 3 months for the next 2 years.
The covenants themselves could have been just the cosmetic.
If blizzard would pull the ripcord, you wouldnt be affected in any way, since you can still rp and do whatever you do in wow. And performance oriented players would be happy that we dont have to go trough massive grind just to change the ability, because blizz suddenly decided to nerf/ buff something.

That way we could choose the covenant we like, instead of blizzard telling us which one to choose until the next patch where we will have to regrind 40 renown.

Seing 75% of all vengeance dh go kyrian should raise some questions. Same for druids. Im lucky enough on dk that all the covenants are close together in terms of numbers. But what would you tell a fire mage who loves ventyr, but cant play it because the covenant ability makes like 30% dps difference?

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Some covenant though ARE NOT a choice. For mm if you want to do good in pvp and chose anything other than Kyrian you are shooting yourself on the foot. Go play a necrolord hunter and see if you will ever reach 50% of the damage output that a night fae can dish out. Choosing the wrong covenant is like deliberately wearing grey gear because it makes you look prettier.

You don’t even know what choices i’ve made, so you’re just making some story in your head right now.

My playstyle = doing multiple content
Blizzard does a change that limits my playstyle, ofc i’m gonna complain.

You’re not one that has much logic, are you?

Like i said above, you don’t have much logic, do you?

Maybe if you weren’t such a casual you’d understand that players also want art and functionality within a game.

I don’t need a tissue, i need you to use some logic and be less dense.

Well let’s have them then.

Class, Spec, Covenant and what content you’re doing on what level and with who.

Let’s hear it.


You don’t even know the current spread. What are you even talking about? You have zero relevant data.

Then why are you playing DH, that alone is shotting yourself in the foot.
There you go.

I disliked the concept when it was first pitched to us and I still very much feel the same way today.

It’s actually worse to me now because I am staring down the barrel of a scenario in which the Covenant I hate most will be the BiS come wednesday. I obviously won’t switch for it but knowing that a 20 % DR among some other things will be inaccessible to me if I choose to remain where I am today sucks so bad.

I suppose I shouldn’t complain too much because I’m well aware that many other classes and specs have it far worse than priests.

But man…this game did not need more Night Fae players. :expressionless:

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General spread is irrelevant

Look at spread in specific specs if that info is available