So as a pvper i am FORCED to do pve? and i cant?

im a main pvper, i dont care about pve… why do i need to be forced to do mythic +s when my raider IO is so low from mythic + that no1 even wants to invite a 452 into a +8 anywhere… getting hard stuck at 1500 because my gear is so low that the enemy team doubles my damage… farming gear in pvp that only gives me ilvl 440 and a chance of a piece every 60+ match? i dont see the logic here… why did pvp get to suffer like this in 8.3… i can only wait on my weekly chests every week…


This topic props up every week. Yes this is a problem, no Blizzard will not address it in BfA. Shadowlands will have PvP vendors, that will most likely solve this issue.


You’re a warrior, just spec prot and you’ll be invited to +10s and +11s with no score on your ilvl. Warrior tanks are pretty much META in M+ and people blindly invite META regardless of gear and score


pvp vendors should then be like mop… give us pieces where we can choose our own stats on the gear


Well WoW is not really PvP focused game, more like a PvE game with some neglectable PvP elements :thinking:
So not a surprise… I guess Blizzard not really care about your decision to “use” only the fraction of their game
But with the PvP vednors maybe everyone will be happy :pray:


im a pvper through and through, suck at tanking, NEVER done it and i dont wanna practise for tanking in a game that i enjoy playing a dps :slight_smile: i shouldnt be forced to play a spec or role that i dont enjoy to have any fun in the game , its just simply bad game design


It’s more of a tactical decision. You really don’t need either practice nor class knowledge to tank a +8 and you’ll at least have some kind of score if you do that for a couple of dungeons and then you can switch back to DPS.

It’s not game design it’s the community. The game isn’t designed around you not getting invited as a DPS - it’s the community that plays majority DPS with the same mindset as you (e.g. “I don’t want to tank”). This leads to hundreds of well-geared DPS players applying to the same key but no tanks. Therefore, the group-leader can be super-picky with which DPS they choose but will often just take the first tank that applies in the first place.

Let’s say you open a group for a +8 and you get the following DPS applications:

  • BM Hunter, 462, 1k score
  • Fire Mage, 460, 1.1k score
  • Ret Paladin, 459, 800 score
  • You, 452, 0 score
  • Unholy DK, 459, 400 score

Who do you invite? Do you really take the warrior?

If you look for an Arena mate and I apply to your group search, is it bad game design that you will decline my application with 0 CR? I don’t think it is. There’s just obviously better choice than me. And that’s the M+ boat you are in.


I think ‘everyone’ is just agreeing with you on this subject. You can try to find a M+ community for a weekly M+ chest… and do horrific visions for up to 470 loot weekly. But yeah, pve…

I prefer PvP too, but there is a flip side. For many people Blood of the Enemy is OP, they can’t get it without PvP. It’s like Blizzard want people to play all aspects of the game or something…

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Technically, you can just play Comp Stomp. That is by definition PvE.

There is a PvP gearing system via arena rating and then conquest capping, this can get you to 470.

However it’s going to take much longer than the PvE route and have a higher skill requirement to do so.

So in theory you are not forced but in reality, pretty much :laughing:

The one positive is you can bypass luck but again, corruption is to good to neglect.

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No one can force you, but you can’t force them to take you either. It’s a 2 way street, mate. If you don’t want to do the thing others need/want you to do, don’t act surprised or shocked when they don’t include you.

You don’t actually need to kill a single player, you can just run pve objectives or pve battlegrounds(like Alterac valley), it can be done in less than a day too(one long day of wow :laughing:) !

I did that, indeed. It is not that often available, is it? The big problem is needing pve-essences in pvp and the other way around :frowning: and ilvl from pve in pvp.

The trouble essence for pve’ers is conflict & strife.

Don’t follow that adivice dude, an inexperienced tank jumping into 8 is a pain for everyone involved.

There is not much you can do tbh you either:

  • l2 tank (not into 8 tho)
  • push your own key
  • find a community or some friends that bring you in higher keys.

Just clearly state you are inexperienced and it will be fine.

I did this last season on my paladin tank via pug and cleared Motherlode +11 on my first ever attempt in ML mythic +, the dps showed me the route and I just did the tank duties :laughing:

This was never the case in MoP.

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If you know how to tank then yes but if you never ever tanked in your life I really doubt you should go into a 11.


Oh fair enough I overlooked that! Definently helps to know what you are doing with the class and be quick to react to things!
I’m thinking player could overgear an 8 but I do agree overall, it would not hurt at all to practice low down first.

PVP and PVE should be a separate game modes, independent of each other both in class design, progression and gear. There are too many people who ONLY do one of each and hate or don’t do the other at all.

As a PVE player it doesn’t hurt me much. I put least amount of effort to grinding my rank 3 essences and I was done, I don’t need trinket for my spec.

But then I put myself in shoes of PVP player. You have to play content that you dont like to get gear that you need to be competitive in content that you like. Your best line of progression in PVP is through PVE since you can spam M+ forever. This is insane.

And it hurts the game on so many levels. Every time there is a class discussion a guy comes in and is like “but in arena!” and I feel like talking to alien. We can’t have good class design in either mode because of those reasons.

So why Blizzard won’t address it? Because they invest resources in all those things and they want to “pad” their “engagement” metrics so then they can present them at the meeting with shareholders and say they did a good job.

Every time there is something that you don’t understand about decision making of systems in this game, it’s probably about money, not about “muh mmorpg” reasons.