So as a pvper i am FORCED to do pve? and i cant?

In that case, the KPIs are meaningless! Developers and gamers suffer of such KPIs

Well it’s a pve game with pvp on the side so… Ya… What do you expect? Every single expansion since vanilla some bis pieces are always from pve so should be used to it by now

Why I have to do PVP to get best essences?
I don’t like pvp, I still don’t have both of them at r3. I guess in the next few months, I somehow will farm remaining 11k honor and who knows how much more of these conquest cap essence fragments.
As for ripple i time - it is sill rank 0.

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For me it goes fast lol Only because I go to fight with Alliance side lol Horde is doomed, trust me I play 2h bg and got only 1 win. With Alliance goes honor fast and it is quick to run. :joy:

This is the point, you dont like doing PvP. Alot of PvP players dont want to do PvE, i personally like running a few mythic+ from time to time. But i dont like running 10-20 in a week to catch up if i took a break at the start of 8.3. I went from being competitive to then being 150k hp behind everyone else. The reason it worked in the past was because people did not have to do any of the gearing to be competitive (outside their preferable side of the game), i mean i didnt even get my legendary cloak in MoP and i was fine. It is different now, when you have trinkets like the bike and Drestigath, where they do so much damage in PvP, that it is literally always going to be an uphill battle if you dont have these and everyone else does. I got 1.8k rating in s1/s2 but now the PvE gear is so strong that i cannot get above 1.5k rating. My skill has not changed that much, but when you get above 1.4k rating you are suddenly roadblocked by tons of PvE players that simply do 160k of your HP with a trinket and then have 100-150k more HP. Its not the idea that they outgear me, but the fact that i cannot get equal gear from any form of PvP, even if i was 2.2k rated i would still need to farm out trinkets and even at 2.2k rating it would just be easier to go run some mythic+. PvP has never been a weaker part of the game. It has just been seperate. There is nothing wrong with the seperation of PvP and PvE, Blizzard have made this issue more prevelant with adding systems on top. They have funnelled PvP players through content they would have never done before and i think if they continue to do it then they will not have a PvP scene left for much longer.

Watch 1:00 and 3:30 in this and tell me that there is not a problem in PvP. They have not solved the GCD/One-Shot macro issue, they have simply traded it over to PvE trinkets instead. Lazy game design and balancing.

Tell me about it
I hate PvP with a minor passion…
…but somehow… managed to grind out enough honor for the R4 Blood of the Enemy :crazy_face:
If this is not insanity, then I don’t know what is :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You will play the slotmachines Ion have prepared for you and you will like it!

The difference is…

Youre forced to spend 5% of your time to pvp to get those essences.

Pvp players have to spend 95% of their time PvEing untill they are ok geared. Lets look at the best example for my class:

Mâro the current rank 1 3v3 player.

  • Out of 4 essences; 1 is obtained via PvP and 3 via PvE.
  • Out of the 12 obtainable gearpieces; 2 are obtained via PvP 10 via PvE.
  • Cloack that is pure PVE; requires doing dailies for 30-45 mins every day + multiple mask runs a week. This is a must to get gemslots on all pieces + enough corrupted gear to compete.

I think a lot of pvpers whont mind doing some PvE on the side…but right now it isnt on the side. Unless you have 8+ hours a day to play…the vast majority of your time will be spend in PvE. If you want to do ok in pvp that is.

Oh! Wao! What a novelty! I have a notification! My post has been blocked.

Keep reporting.

Enjoy pve.

For a lot classes blood of the enemy major and strife minor is bis for pve in m+. So 50/50 for pve as well. And from the start of bfa, I am yet to farm these 2 essences, so they take a lot of time to do.
But again, if you hand out players very best gear by only zugzug’ing their heads to each other, that is not good either, compared to people who take 500wipes to progress a boss.

So far ticking the boxes as to the level of debate we could expect.

As well you should, it is after all the -general- forum, which does rather beggar the question, why is the whinge happening here, and not on the PvP forums, were there too many whinges there already?

Luckily for you there is a forum -exactly- for your needs! You’ll find it if you look for PvP…

Can you try that statement again? Coherently this time?

Could you please extend the rest of us the same courtesy, when it comes to not having an idea, and kindly go to the PvP forums, we do not need more PvP whinge threads here…

Thanks awfully…

Oh dear, well, lets examine that. How does it -give- you ‘Cringe’? That makes no sense at all! “I don’t do pve and I never will, it gives me to cower in fear or subservience”

That makes no sense either?

Did you mean it -makes- you cringe, or it -causes- you to cringe? Which is it? It can’t -give- you cringe, that just makes no linguistic sense at all…

I am sure, given your invaluable contribution to the community, we shall all be weeping into our handkerchiefs.

Just for the record, I didn’t report you, I prefer mocking people who say silly things, rather than abusing a report feature, although in your case you did break the Code of Conduct several times, and also gave a very telling view that many have of PvP fanatics, which is far from a flattering one, and the reason why some have such a low opinion of the PvP playerbase. Perhaps Blizzard reacted the same, in the face of such, I could quite understand if they did.

Do not blame reports or PvE for your inability to express yourself like a grown up.

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Lol what? U gearing up to kill npcs faster? I think most gear up to one shot players.

Is someone holding gun pointed at you ?

If not then you are not forced to do anything.


you are just envious/hate when others do something and can use it.

That’s not 50/50.

Blood of the enemy + Strife can be obtained in 2-3 weeks of doing some casual PvP. Added to that is that these are old essences…u literally had 3 patches to get them already .

To be competetive in pvp you need to do do:

  • Mythic Nya full clears in other words be a hardcore raider.
  • M+ preferably at 20+ for extra chances on loot.
  • Do Vale Uldum dailies / 5 mask clears.

Thats hours of PvE each day for ppl that want to PvP.

Well I really wanted to stay away this one - if anything this topic showed, arguing with you guys (the PvP community) is as useless as shouting in a dried up well… but since you dragged me in to this, here we go!

As you said, YOU think - wich is fine, good and all, everyone is entiteled to have their oppinion, but they are not entitled to their own facts !
Provide any number to support your argument? You can’t.
While what I said is true - and no, don’t really care what PvP fanatics belive about it, so please, don’t even reply - WoW’s main focus is on PvE - yes, killing NPCs - after they sometimes care about PvP, usually thanks to the constant and unending whining of the PvP community, but the changes they made in favor for PvP, nerfing this, boosting that, usually have a deteriorated effect on PvE, because whats work more or less well in a contained Arena/BG enviroment simply fails in PvE…
Why is is so damn hard to accept, while yes it WARcraft, and we have factions, PvP is a secondary content and while you could choose to focus only that aspect of the game, its not just silly but arrogant to expect or demand from Blizzard (or the PvE community, which it clears - at least according the forum - the PvP community look down with pity sometimes streight disgust) to give mayor focus something that is not the main aspect of the game…
But as my learned collegue said:

(I will tell you the answer for free: because you well aware, since its not that important for them, Blizzard rarely visits those sections and your tantrum fall in to deaf ears)


Well I can’t call doing BGs 12h a day a casual pvp. One BG win gives you 200 honor, so to get 30000 - you need 150 wins. One BG lasts ~15-20min, let’s say 17mins, so that’s a whooping 2550mins of the unfun content, that I hate to do (42.5 hours). Really casual. Considering 100% win rate. So if you go 50% win rate (which is normal) - 85 hours. And that’s only 1 essence, the strife one is even worse.
Last time I did 2 BGs was I think 1.5 week ago, won both random and epic on the first go, and I still can’t find any motivation to repeat that borring content (even if I win). So ya, it takes very long.
And in 85 hours of pve, you can get enough gear from mythic+, few hc raid runs.
And no, you don’t need any mythic nya content, m+ 15 catches drops 475 loot, which is equal to M nya. And if one armour piece which has 5ilvl more is the cause you are losing in arenas - well maybe not the ilvl is the issue?

Calm down boy you are not correct. What you said is not true. Also I am not pvp fanatic i play whatever i feel like playing in game.Go play dark souls or something if you want real pve focused stuff. There would not be alliance and horde if it wasnt pvp oriented.

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