The Mortal cast was pretty much ignored. You remember those three because they featured in a few cinematics, but what did they actually do? Besides yapping i guess.
that’s kind of the problem here. There was a massive surplus of useless inconsequential trivia, while trying to ignore the actual story they were attempting not to tell, until the last minute. Like what the hell are Brokers and what do they ahve to do with literally anything?
Calia needs to die. That is the only acceptable outcome for her story. The Horde doesn’t want her. She is a scheming alliance plant who was sent by Anduin to undermine Horde politics.
Voss didn’t care about the Horde or the Forsaken before BFA, she hardly counts as a validating tool.
It’s an exaggeration but not that far from the truth though, the first thing she thought of doing as a member of the Desolate Council was to help the Alliance, not the Forsaken or the Horde.
At least being a Menethil family member, she gives legitimacy and rights to the Forsaken over all the territory of the Kingdom of Lordaeron (not just Tirisfal).
Meaning the Forsaken taking that territory back under her rule (or presence in the Council), it would actually be legitimate. And any Alliance aggression against the Forsaken in Lordaeron would always be on the wrong side for this reason.
So you have to think at Calia doing that just with her presence as a plus, actually…
Calia is an alliance character. Literally the first thing she does is pulling forces from Gilneas and allow the Alliance yet another possible staging ground for the next invasion of Lordaeron. Calia is many things but she does NOT have the Forsaken’s best interests at heat. The looming presence of Shadowfang Keep and Stromgarde are a direct threat to the hegomeny of Lordaeron for the Forsaken. If the playable Undead had a competent leadership the first thing they would do is trying to remove the forces of Danath and Ivar Bloodfang from their lands to make sure the alliance isn’t able to attack them yet another time.
She renounced her title long ago so I don’t think that anyone thinks of her as the legitimate heir to the whole territory of Lordaeron anymore. We have yet to see if her promise to rid Gilneas of Forsaken troops include the lands leading to it since they’re technically part of Lordaeron too, her true intentions towards her people and the Horde will be revealed when that happens.
Her name is a curse for the Forsaken outside of Voss (since she wasn’t killed and brought back by Arthas nor the Scourge) and her friends among the Alliance care for her because they used to know each other personally, not because of her lost title. I don’t think being a Menethil will help her at all.
What does the Desolate Council do? Rule or help? She doesn’t rule as the heir to the Lordaeron throne, but she still has a role of authority. She wouldn’t be able to help her friend from the Alliance otherwise.
You argued that she renounced her title and therefore cannot be seen as “legitimate” heir of Lordaeron. The point is that she did NOT come back and said “I will take my throne and rule”, she came back and said “I don’t need to rule, I just want to help.” Lilian Voss tried to convince her to do replace Sylvanas and lead the Forsaken, but Calia did not want to and preferred staying Lilians counselor.
Now, as a part of the council, Calia may have a certain influence, but she does not rule alone and the decisions are not hers alone to make.
Yeah, she might bring up the Gilneas thing, but the decision will be made by the entire council.
Sure, she does rule. I just wanted to point out that I disagree with Hellaynnea regarding the “legitimacy”-thing. Calia doesn’t rule out of entitlement or any right to do so, but to help her brother’s victims.
What I’m trying to say is: If you put her personal motivation as a “Menethil” aside, she could be anyone. It’s not like her name gives her a special position in the council (as far as I understand it).
Calia refuse because Sylvanas (and garrosh) are the examples what happened when one person controls everything.
For the forsaken Sylvanas wa everything, the wanst any other, it was one one person military dictatorship wither personnel cult (where dud we see that before? )
And then she the figure had abandoned the people after everyone saw her trye face, the hirde the people was just a toll.
And here comes now calia who want give the really a feeling that one cares about her people after whst happened
Calia needs to die. We don’t need another version of Baine and Thrall ruining a Horde race with their alliance appeasement and peace mongering. Calia is an alliance puppet. The retreat of forsaken forces from Gilneas is evidence enough. Her only goal is to undermine the military efforts of the Horde.
I’m curious if they will address the decay issue. It has to play a role that her body was conserved by the Light. What if… every magic has its own “necromantic special effects”? What if they plan to introduce new forms of necromancy in the ranks of the Forsaken? Could be a way to give the Forsaken access to more features. Conserved bodies for Light Undead, green eyes and spikes for Fel Undead, etc.
I’m also curious what Calias role will be. She is such a specific chess piece with a specific skillset.
She will be made evil in the inevitable light is bad expansion and will no longer retain the Forsaken plot with her light redemption nonsense. Blizzard knows the Forsaken community doesn’t want her and since they say they listen to feedback Calia has no future.
You mean that community of 12 yeas old kiddys who like dark/ goth edelord undead who are cool because they do dark and evil thigs with nothing else.
(While listening Linkin park music in the background)