So Calia is

I know my community. They all hate Calia. Especially on the US Forum. She is not and never will be accepted. Blizzard need to face the truth and get rid of her.

One person controls the Alliance. The high king is like the warchief. That’s not the problem.

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The alliance is literally full of absoloute moanrchies. That is not an argument. Dictatorship can work if the writers want it. But it doesn’t for the Horde because Blizzard hates us and wants to make sure the races suffer from the weight of alliance bias.

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Forsaken are almost a democracy now, and the Horde too…or should I say oligarchy? Just like in real life, maybe democracy will win where dictatorships failed… :stuck_out_tongue:

All 26 of them? :clown_face:

Sure, because that’s enriching for the player’s immersion and experience and will definetly make them more money!` :poop:
Seriously, it’s been years and you still haven’t built a logical fundament for that claim.
Whenever we asked for the “Why”, you switched to “Braindead roleplay mode” or just ignored it, so again, answer the question:
Why would Blizzard “hate” their own creation and intentionally aim to make the experience less fun for “Horde (only) players”?

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Have you slept during Bfa? The entire expansion was purposely created to make the Horde players feel bad about their faction.

You tell me. Why did the alliance come out on top again while the Horde was on the verge of collapsing AGAIN? Give me an honest answer.

And do your job for you?
YOU are the one who’s annoying half the community with “alliance bias” spam-threads and considers his subjective opinion a fact. So once again:

If you don’t have a reasonable explanation for it, you can’t consider it a “fact”.

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Calia needs to die. I stand on that hill. That you support her just makes it obvious that alliance players are the only ones who like her because Anduin sent her to undermine Horde politics. I have uncovered your plan. Take her to Stormwind where both of you belong. Filth.

I reject the alliance. And I reject peace on their terms. Allf of Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken. And the Gilneans need to be wiped from the fave of Azeroth. ALl of them. Greymane and his wretched family included. No peace with alliance scum ever.

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long live Calia Menethil the peacemaker of the forsaken giggles at long last the Menethil line once again co rules in lordaeron it’s wierd though that Grand Executor Mortuus didn’t get a spot on the desolate council (ye i know his a reference character to oxhorn but don’t put npcs into the game if your not going to use them"

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Not that I agree with the…interesting rant that stated this thread,entirely, I would say there are some legitimate flaws in the story telling for this character.

I don’t think that Blizz hates the Horde but I have to say that recently I have been very tired of being constantly lectured by Alliance Characters I am being made to help.

For example: Zudai is part of the Ardwnweald Covenant, I put him there because that’s where Loa go when they die and kind of where Bwonsamdi would be located.

I am forced to help Shandris free her mother. As soon as I arrive I get told get lost because I’m Horde.

I…stopped caring. I don’t mean that she should LIKE me, she lost her home and her people, but my blue backside has just offered to throw itself into litteral hell and help her free a woman that wants to kill me.

As a Horde player I’m not even given dialogue options telling her to pack it in. It would be far less humiliating if we where given the option to stand our ground to the tune of something like:

“I don’t like you, but I am willing to help you because it’s the right thing to do. So either you can grin and bear it and talk to me like a person who is helping you or I can turn around and go back to saving souls and you can find someone else.”

Rather than just stand there mutely while she sighs and says “fine you will do.”

In Legion we are literally threatened with being murdered by Tyrande because her husband got kidnapped by SOMEONE ELSE. Again Horde payers have to just take that quietly instead of being able to stand up for themselves.

During BFA when working with Genn and Jaina against Ashara the Horde are pretty polite to the Alliance characters and get on with the job. Genn rages and insults the Horde a number of times while we are literally helping him at the time.

My point is that it’s actually really annoying, frustrating and frankly disheartening when Horde players are made to help Alliance Characters and we are made to either sit through a lecture about how terrible we are and need to make up for it, threatened with death if we pull a face the Alliance doesn’t like or mistrusted so deeply it makes me question why I bother.

I don’t play Alliance much so I can’t be sure but I don’t recall this being a near constant problem on the Alliance side. I recall one time Vol’jin tried it and the Alliance was given options to back chat him. Other than that I can’t recall any but I could be wrong.

Remember how in BfA having “dialogue options” in one quest chain was actually hyped by players and sites like wowhead? That’s how uncommon they are in WoW, even if they don’t really have any effect at all. For some reason the devs don’t seem to think that they matter in their style of RPG, or at least not enough to be worth the effort.

I agree with you 100% . That’s why Horde vs. Alliance is worn out and unnecessary.
They build an entire cosmos of threads and enemies, there is just no need for half-baked faction wars anymore, especially when they end unbalanced and are drawn out like the Sylvanas-story.

I play Horde and Alliance and on both sides there are characters I like and dislike. They could pit them against each other in local conflicts, I would be fine with that - but in the end, the “extraterrestial” threads should always be prioritized in my opinion.

May Calia die quickly before her peace plans can ruin the Forsaken. And Voss too while we are at it.

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Their is never a satisfying conclusion to Horde vs Alliance expansions because both factions rely on each other to keep that theme going.

Screw red vs blue expansions.
If they really want to try and villain bat the Alliance, maybe do something with Yrel and her crazed Lightbound Draenei.

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Literally the only story that is interesting. Neutral plot sucks because it is always about the alliance and their heroes. Argus showed us that.

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It’s personal preference.

You and Kalibas are just the same. Wanting us all to conform to your way of thinking, whether it’s about the Night Elves or the Horde.

Red vs Blue is boring with no good conclusion. The only time it works is when it’s smaller scale conflicts that are part of x zone, such as Ashenvale and that arc of Night Elves vs Orcs. Cataclysm Ashenvale focused a lot on this, but it still wasn’t a big thing in the expansion as it was about Deathwing, Old Gods and Twilight’s Hammer.

EDIT: Blizzard can still do more “Ashenvale” type zones, where red vs blue is the theme of THAT zone, but not the expansion. I call out Danuser on a lot of stuff, but I’m glad he did come out and say that BFA will be the last Horde vs Alliance expansion.

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I want the Horde to defeat their enemies. And the alliance is our biggest enemy. They deserve to fall. And I will not stop until I get what I want.

See - both the same.

Both want Night Elves and Horde to have direct, “I win” buttons.

And why should I be forced into playing the game that YOU want? I only care about Blood Elves and Nightborne.

EDIT: You are a failure at this because your playing a game and want a story that relies on two parties. I don’t want that sort of story and Blizzard themselves have confirmed they are NOT writing those sorts of expansions again? When are you going to get that into your skull?
You and Kalibas need to learn a harsh lesson. Crying and demanding will get you nowhere.

Demanding the Horde Elves be nerfed so Night Elves and Void Elves can be awesome…where did that get him? Oh, additional Blood Elf / Blood Knight lore in Quel’Thalas.
Demanding another red vs blue expansion? Where will that get you? Oh right…another dismal conclusion where half way through we have another “Thunder King”/“Azshara” type patch where we work together.

The Horde was utterly bamboozled in Bfa. Blizzard owes us a massive victory on the same scale of Patch 8.1 That is my demand. And the Horde council needs to die replaced with the leaders I seem worthy. These two things are not up for debate.