So go on, What is Rogue weakness?

As far as i can see Assassination Rogue has no weakness in there class design.

i remember blizzard being all, “lets double down on strengths and weaknesses” however Rogue does not have have ANY glaring weakness in there tool kit.

  1. Top Tier mobility
  2. Top Tier Crowd Control, with multiple DR’s which cannot be dispelled.
  3. Top Tier defensive abilities, with extremely strong survival abilities vs both Melee and Caster, in addition to reset mechanics.
  4. Mid Tier Self Healing, For a class that has no healing spec or any healing fantasy, it has a pretty decent level of self healing.
    5, Top Tier Pressure, Decent Burst in addition to Decent sustainability
  5. Has access to healing reduction which can applied at range, doesn’t have a cool-down like Mortal Strike and can be up on multiple targets with little effort.

so what is there weakness?

in before somebody says that there weakness is they are squishy when they don’t have any abilities left, well that’s funny because every single class is squishy when without cool-down with some classess being squishier (enhancement) even with cool-downs active.


Rogues can’t mogg sexy cloth gear


Their egos.
rOgUe tAkEs sKiLl To pLaY - yeah esp assa


All kids like to play rogues.

Subtlety actually takes some form of skill to play.

assa takes more skill than any other spec in the game its a joke how you can say otherwise

Yeah I know never said it doesn’t, but let’s be real how many of these form rogues do play sub over assa? Especially in 3s.
In 2s it’s actually aids even sub with fire

Sorry to be “that guy”

but I’m pretty sure that means all the rogue specs.

None, because assassination is easier and grants more benefit for less effort.
I’ve played against R1 sub rogue a few times this season, and he just demolished entire teams with perfect CC. He’s one of the only players I would consider to be genuinly superior and able to solo carry.

Why does the spell lock from the rogues kick lasts 5 sec and it’s on a 15 sec cd? This makes it the best interrupt in the game. The war and dk spell locks last only 3 sec for an example and range dps kicks that spell lock you for 5 sek have 25 sec cd, not 15. Doesn’t make any sense to me why rogues kick is so much stronger.


Then roll one and show us how easy it is. Or keep on whining.

Get your numbers right.

Kick 5 sec melee range 15 sec cd
Pummel 4 sec melee range 15 sec cd
Mind freeze 3 sec 15 yards 15 sec
Counterspell 6 sec 24 yards 24 sec
Spell lock 6 sec pet LoS and 40 yards 24 sec
Wind shear 3 sec 30 yards 12 sec
Counter shot 3 sec 40 yards and 24 sec cd

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Even with the numbers you provided still best kick in the game.

Yeah sure dude pop cheap shot then vandetta 4head :grinning:

Because basicaly when the so called “prunning” started rogues, mages and druids somehow managed to sneak under the radar.

I wiuld love to see those classes treated like others meaning for example rogue…
talents first row kidney/cheap shot/sprint
second row garrote/sap/gouge
thirth row vanish/cloak/evasion
pvp talents - smoke bomb/subtlefuge/blind
etc… i would love to see the outcry on forums if they did those bullcraps to them like they did to other classes :joy:


you forgot toxic blade then proceed to roll face across keyboard

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Spell lock? Can be cast LoS and has a 40 yard range? Can be used while stunned?
Sounds pretty good to me, even with the 24 sec cd.
But I guess I should have added all the rest, that some are physical while others are magical and so forth and that plays their part as well.
Personally I would say they are different and they all have their pro’s can cons.

But go ahead, don’t just make up numbers, be so stubborn that it’s downright funny.


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I guess we’re disregarding Prep, poisons removed from outlaw and sub, smoke bomb being a honor talent, nervestrike, gouge from sub and assa, combat readiness, abilities such as Dispatch being re-hashed to a gutter trash leveling talent and being able to use primary poisons on main hand and off hand and poisoning a throwing weapon, paralytic poison. Must I go on? Rogues have been pruned, given more toys and had those pruned too or nerfed beyond redemption cough DFA

The only difference with rogue is that its a class people still enjoy bullying cause its the class players typically get ganked by so it -must- be OP.

as for regarding OP’s post itself

The glaring weakness is outside of arena scenarios, where you dont have a team. Where your one go is your one -go- thats it, no pillar, no pocket healer, no mistakes are really allowed to be made and if mistakes are made its due to the lack of knowledge of a match up where as alot of other classes have the utility to be able to get atleast a second chance at killing their opponent

I can’t speak for 3’s but from experience if rogue is meant to be a glass cannon, I’d like to know where my cannon goes after vendetta given how much counter play there is too it cause literally gives me a tumor trying to play my main outside of arena.

I probably just took the biggest bait replying to this forum but sod it, might as well add my 2 cents given I don’t see why im still playing this class when I could be playing ret, dh, ww or some chunky tanky caster boy.


they are very squishy if afk for 20 seconds.

pretty sure they wanted to double down on all the mistakes they made in previous expacs. They achieved that.

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But they are not glass cannons, neither are mages. Rogues survive to deep damp as much as unholy dk-s cmon dude…

Also every class doesn’t do a lot of dmg outside of cd-s. Wtf are you complaining about exactly? How is there more counter play to vendetta then to any other ability?

Does it rly, you sure? Doesn’t the lock have to sacrifice not summoning other pet, are we not counting this in as well? Like imp to dispell traps and most cc on the healer or void walker to give him shield or to just sacrifice the pet for more dmg or he can summon succubus for 7 sec unavoidable cc on the healer.