So I mined WPL, EPL, UnGoro & Silithus at 9AM Server Time (Firemaw)

You can’t have one without the other… Servers are overcrowded right now. Farming will not be the same as Vanilla with how it is now on Full servers.

Yes. I agree completely.

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Which is why they need to make the population caps like in Vanilla. It’s a slippery slope when you change something so fundamental as it requires additional changes.


Thorium is fine.

I’ve been mining it for money as well, made lots of gold. Rich Thorium Vein respawns about 20 minutes. Sometimes few minutes less, sometimes more.

I’ve been camping one spot (4 spawn locations that are nearby) for many days on one character, while playing another character. Relogging every 20 minutes to mine it. I don’t do routes, I don’t do popular places, all I camp is one specific spot in remote location.

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The thing is Thorium is a rare ressource, but it sell for nothing. Like common, 50 silver for 1 ore … 5g for 10 ? Even a Dreamfoll sell for 70s to 1g, a single herb …

Thorium is so low price … You are never alone to roam to find them, so if you are lucky you can get from 2 to 5 RTV per hours, if you are unlucky zero or just 1. And Arcane Crystal is 2% drop-rate, it’s just a profession that is not worth. I dropped Mining as a Rogue to go Skinning, and my income per day is now insane with ninja-looting Devilsaur of opposite faction and farming them with friends because they have fixed timer spawn and they are only 6 with know spawn point.

And do you know why there’s not zillion of Thorium page in Auction House ? Because all people buy it for nothing to get Eng max level and for BS, but nobody want to farm it, it’s just a waste of time.

Oh and if you are Rogue/Druid, you can go in Silithus cave to, with Wintersprings it’s the best spot for RTV, but frankly it’s overfarmed and i don’t like to roam for eternity with a stupid low percentage of having a crystal and useless ore that resell for nothing. And because there’s Mage/Hunter/Warlock that try to kill the elite to get the ore in cave, i don’t want to ninja my own faction by running in stealth and sprint, this is not how I enjoy WoW. I grief opposite, not my faction. Some of my friends do that and they can end with 2-3 Arcane Crystal / day if they are lucky, when I do the same amount of golds income just by sticking to Un’goro if I play 8h with consistency (no RNG).

At this point i just stock my Thorium I got from Mining, and bought the rest for Eng and I don’t care about Mining anymore.

Nope, if you are a rogue skinning dinosaurs is the way to go, other classes seriously can’t compete or do anything to stop you.

No, its not rare. It common. There are bunch of spawn points, they respawn every 20 minutes. It might seem rare because all high level miners are mining it, so in high traffic areas its mined within minutes after spawning. Which is why there is big supply and almost no demand. Most players who use thorium mine it themselves, so they don’t need to buy it.

If you want to mine thorium, avoid high traffic areas. Look for areas with rich thorium, not small thorium.

I applaud your efficiency!

Thanks. That + fishing (in addition to camping that spot, I run though place that has both fishing and rich thorium) earned me enough money not just to get epic mount, but also get exalted with other faction so I could get different race’s epic mount. Sold over 20 arcane crystals, tons of ore and bars. People should stop following routes.

That’s BS.

This is a Retail toon. We don’t even know if this Retailer is actually playing Classic and if he does in which server.

The problem with Thorium availability exists in Megaservers. This toon may be playing in Dragonfang for all we know.

Can’t choose classic characters for some reason. Ruxy - Hydraxian Waterlords.

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Go. Away.


Actually I can. Forum has been fixed!


I had the same but opposite, refraining from posting in retail wiht a Classic character, and yes they fixed it … maybe at restart yesterday?

So you’re posting an opinion based on an anecdote and when anyone contradicts you tell them to go away.

Have you come to discuss anything, or just to have your personal complaints validated?


Some spot on azshara shore I believe. Levelling fishing along with mining, yea that’s smart. I ground winterfall village last night for an hour. 2 spawns of the same vein, 6 ores, 6 stones, 1 crystal. Along with 10 ekos, 15 firewaters, 25 beads and 3 stacks of runecloth

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You still would see them on minimap, and if you see something on minimap…you going places to get it.

Mine inside instances, bro.

Poster plays on a normal server, not a Megaserver. My post concerns Megaservers.

Try 5am next time - “Megaservers” are Medium by 9am