So i really did defended vile acts? prove it

Mate remains a gender neutral term.
Them defining it otherwise is a personal mistake.
They’re entitled to not like it, but they can’t change that.


Dude, Man, Bro, Guy despite being gendered by language are used as neutral terms too!
And if someones outright saying they don’t want to have those used they can literally just say so instead of being vague or accusatory “OMG Transphobe!!!11!111!!!” about it.

I’m quite fond of “fellas”

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I am Duskar.

But if you are Duskar and I am Duskar what does that make that fella over there?

Duskfar. Because he’s over there and not stood here.

Fellas is a great choice, gamer.

Funny how AD had a “We are all Akunda” meme before it was canonized Ingame.

Have a Thornspeaker character called Ulnear… Because Ulfar.

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dont worry, anything you have said out of context will be screenshotted and imgured

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Dusknear… Duskfar… Duskwhere-ever you are

That’s because AD is based, at times.

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the dog days are over fellas :pensive:

wtf I’m right here, I’m dog

It’s over. You’re over.

Have you heard of ‘gangstalking’? It’s a interesting phenomenon where people begin believing that everyone is out to get them, and random people they encounter are actually part of a larger collective that’s stalking them.

Just felt like bringing that up no reason haha

Some people shouldn’t be on the internet as it accentuates some very negative traits of theirs or unresolved issues.


Hey, being conscious about it is already a major step some struggle to clear.


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That’s why starting therapy is such a pro gamer move

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(Also its the Enby Undead with a chair)


I heard there’s free palm readings in here? Do me next :angel: