So i really did defended vile acts? prove it

My guy(? neutral useage of the word) that is some top-tier paranoia you got there, I don’t alt post. All my alts are visible in the Simply guild rooster page.
Can’t speak for anyone else, not my problem since most here aren’t friends and would be acquaintances at best.

Seriously go outside and touch some grass, talk to some people and maybe pick up a hobby or two. It’ll do you good than sit here paranoid on the World of Warcraft™ European Forums.

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There’s something funny about someone with so many alts and forum posts telling others that they’re terminally online when you and others are on the AD forums literally 15 hrs a day


Although controversial, I did find myself oddly warming up to Zereth Mortis. It was a strange zone but the aesthetic break from the boring grey shades of the Maw was something I quite welcomed. The lore of the zone wasn’t something I cared for however, but I did enjoy doing my weeklies there which I believe Pickpawkit also quite enjoyed!

Perhaps you should take a step back, mate. Such a degree of paranoia over interactions on a video game forum of all things really isn’t healthy.

I didn’t play SL, played a small amount of DF.

Definitely not bad faith posters, mmmnope. Such a good community AD has.

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Huh? What on earth is ‘bad faith’ regarding my post?

I haven’t been accused…yet.

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My posts are accumulated over the course of 6 years, with some 4-5 years gone to the history books, so not that bad actually.
Also I only have what, 15? alts which isn’t anything impressive considering I don’t play WoW and haven’t since 2021.

Unfortunately I will also say I don’t even sit here 15hrs a day, I do work and I do other things as well, shame you can’t say the same :pensive:

Nice not quoting the whole thing


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Using the word “mate” is x-phobic and misgendering them (According to Pickpawkit, at least).

Ergo the “bad faith” I reckon. We’ve gone well and truly beyond schizo territory already.


I made a comment on another thread, see this thread pop up in response to it, made some non-responses to it, and then 7 hours later, I have to scroll through nearly 400 posts to catch up after I finished work.

I don’t even know what is being argued about anymore.


Oh woe is me, two people accidentally defaulted to male pronouns by mistake. Such tragedy.

It does suck to be misgendered yes, it does suck to experience gender dysphoria, it isn’t something to laugh at or joke about and thus I’m not going to.

But for god’s sake people aren’t saying “man/dude/bro/mate” etc to slight you, they’re doing it because it’s natural for them to do it and they made a mistake.

Get over yourself ffs. Yeah, the mistake sucks. But to try and spin it as anything other than that is just asinine.

Obahar and myself are being attempt cancelled for transphobia and ableism by lvl 20 vulpera poster


They are after seeing my reaction to being called that, they are. Hence their very deliberate choice of words and even making snide remarks while doing it. That’s the difference, I identify that sort of behavior. You don’t, and you don’t care. That’s fine if you don’t mind it being used towards you, I however do. It’s one of the things Kretias has always done to avoid using my actual pronouns.

Take your own advice. But whatever, I’m off to actually enjoy what’s left of my night and I regret the time I wasted on these forums trying to educate people that misgendering others or attacking them for things they can’t control is bad.

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My dear, I’m not the one constantly screeching at people and being so paranoid that it’s almost cartoonish. I’m at least not out here pulling the EVERYONE IS OUT TO GET ME card because I simply know that isn’t the truth.

Like I’m out here questioning if I should include the word “simply” in that in case you somehow construe that as me and Aldru being in league with each other, your paranoia is that thick and that predictable that I could genuinely see you doing so if I didn’t add this paragraph.

textbook example of projection right here


Yeah you didn’t educate anyone on that because everyone already knew that, and you were just too dense to realise a mistake for a mistake. See you though, I’m sure you won’t be coming back.

They’re gonna do it anyway, since we must be BFFs or something despite most of our interactions being on the forums and like once in SL where you stumbled upon me fishing in Revendreth iirc

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he is literally me

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Whatcha wanna bet that I dont? Besides, I got pinged by twiluna. Must say you’ve been, as usual, a splendid source of evening entertainment.

I must thank you for causing me to meet my sweetheart however. Much appreciated :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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