So i really did defended vile acts? prove it

Divine Domain is chosen at level 1 iirc.

Fair enough

(my only cleric is Shadowheart and she obv has hers chosen for her)

Nothing Withers can’t undo <u<

He can completely undo the origin characters choices?

I’m not interested in women. If I had to pick a woman to romance in the game, it’d probably be Shadowheart or Jaheira.

I went for Halsin for my first play through and plan to romance Gale on my second. It’s refreshing for a game to add conventionally attractive, muscular men as romance options given how slim the pickings can be elsewhere.

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I did some respeccing on Shadowheart a while ago. I didn’t change her domain in the end but at the time I could have, to my knowledge.

Correct me if I’m wrong. I’d check really quick but I’m currently in prison c:

Average WoW player.

I’ll take your word for it since I have never tried to respec the origin characters.

Also why you in prison?!

Spoilers in 10 characters.


You meant in game.

I thought you meant IRL.

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I can confirm that you can change sh’s domain at withers no problem. (Can’t change the worshipped god though)

Halsin my beloved


The latest vampire clan thingamajig I did gave me Gangrel. Must be my asocial habits and feral frustration with Society™.

Man, Keti be really aiming to dethrone even the Lich King with this vile act of necromancy. How dare you evoke the memory of you ever existing to this fair and beautiful community of cultured men and women? Hurumphf to you!

I cannot dab enough on your corpse.

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Guys and gals, I wish to apologise profoundly. A night ago or so I spoke with a friend about the shenanigans that happened surrounding the mother of two. Clearly one of us must have spoken it’s name three times in quick succession, for it has been summoned to the forums once more.

I have dishonored myself with this accidental act of demon-summoning.


To point some stuff out, they wouldn’t have made this thread if someone else didn’t try to throw out the accusations all over again in the other thread instead of just ignoring/muting their post. Further, you keep it alive by posting so much off-topic nonsense here in the thread (Supposedly against forum rules.) Which many would consider ‘rude’ and so forth. All things you would criticize others for doing in your own threads or what you deem as ‘good threads’. Perhaps instead of hypocrisy, it would be better to do what you tell others to do to handle the ‘problem’, which was to ‘ignore and don’t let them into your own community events’ because


Of course the person with kit in the name is playing devil’s advocate.

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See, that’s the problem you have. The reasoning with my name was already explained to you quite a few times but any time I post something you dislike, you go right back to using it as an insult anyways. You already know that my name is a play on the word Pick-pocket. You were also the only one to respond to their initial post in the other thread, which caused the creation of this thread. You seem to thrive off such things, and it’s no surprise you use a lot of terms frequently used in places like 4chan, and Kiwifarms - you’re likely a frequent poster to both.