So i really did defended vile acts? prove it

Yeah no. I’m not down with the various 4chan boards and the farms do some absolutely reprehensible things. Keep trying though. You’ll do one successful thing at some point, even if accidentally.

You’ve done plenty to merit the likelihood of you being a poster there, Kiwifarms is where terms like Lolcow originated which is something you used to describe someone who continues to associate with certain people that ‘wronged’ you or the RP scene previously but now seem to stick more to their own groups and avoid people like you wanted them to which apparently wasn’t enough.


least deranged vulperaposter argument.

You’ll get there buddy one day I’m sure


Don’t you just love the smell of Ad Hominem in the morning?

Quit being weird just because they have a point.


I’m also not surprised you went back to using pronouns I told you not to use towards me, too. In case you actually forgot (I doubt it at this point, given you always do this cycle anytime I post something you dislike) and are not intentionally misgendering, it’s they/them. If you don’t like using those, just use my name. Male default pronouns are not good, and I told you that before.


What point? “nyeeh, Obahar was mean to somebody?”

Yeah I was. Keti doesn’t need defending, and it’s weird how I’ve not seen Pickpaw around for months and then they suddenly pop up here of all threads.

I don’t need to be morally preached at by someone who offers the most middle of the road takes.

“if you didn’t argue with them then there wouldn’t be an argument and they’d go away” is an extremely fair point to make.

Like yeah Keti doesn’t need defending but nobody needs to see Keti posts, and the quickest way to get more Keti posts is to respond to Keti posts.


Pickpawkit back at it again from the general forums to grandstand for Keti, just like when the original drama began.

Is Abomination still ghost-posting as you, or did you drop that fever dream argument last you got called out for being a hypocrite/jade-witch defender?


I thought your character was male, so I used male pronouns.

So: “Mate, just shut up and go back to being a constant pity party.”

(Woman in that context would be a weird one to say IDK.)

I have nothing against your pronouns, I just don’t remember who identifies which way and go off of characters. Vulpera are androgynous. But sure, I’m deliberately misusing pronouns despite the fact I abide to everyone’s pronouns.

No, if I didn’t argue with them then there wouldn’t be an arguement and they’d stick around on the server doing the exact same nonsense that they previously did, have been doing, and continue to do. That’s exactly why I told Keti to shut up.

Oh no, another person alt-posting to avoid being associated with their main name while they make personal attacks on others.

It’s just funny that when you post against someone like Oba, you get told you’re ‘grandstanding for Keti’ when I’m telling people how to solve the issue and how to NOT attack people. Like idk, maybe stuff like misgendering people is bad (Something I had to do prior because people were doing so to Keti)

Yeah, at this point I wonder if that was you or Obahar. Given they didn’t even get the character gender right (Plus th efact that you hide your alts at this point.)

We go through this every time, too. That’s incorrect.

Just like this, because Mate is another male default pronoun. I even told you, they them or my character name and you avoid using them.

You’ve done so quite a few times with me and then when I correct you, continue to do so.


If you haven’t figured out at this point that yelling at Keti does nothing but make them louder because they’ve proven to just continue to do the same thing over and over regardless, then whatever.
Keep screaming into the void for it to shut up, I guess.

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Once? Twice? Probably over a year ago now?

I don’t give a crap what gender you are. Male, female, non-binary, genderqueer, any other identity - I just think you’re an underhanded snake of a person and a deliberate troublemaker who goes “woe is me” the moment anybody dares disagree with them.

And I do disagree with you because I think you bring nothing of value.

Keti returns?

Keti defenders returning?

What’s next, the trade chat logs?


four+ times now.

You seem to care a lot.

That applies a lot more to you than to me.

I at least, don’t harass community members for fun which seems to be something you enjoy doing - which fits the 4chan/kiwifarms poster theory.


Lol. Better than standing by noncery repeatedly.

Don’t die on the hill of defending jade witches??

Sorry in advance, I don’t have my glasses on. I’ll make sure to inspect your masked pixel character carefully in the future to know your OOC gender-identity if I refer to you again.

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Okay, let me rephrase: Your gender identity doesn’t reflect on what I think of you as a person. If I call a person male it’s because I believe you to be male, if I call a person female it’s because I believe a person to be female.

Regardless of what identity you choose - all of which are valid, btw - I’m still going to think you’re scum. I don’t need to misgender you to think that of you.

This is made up lol
You are truly argent dawn’s most loyal concern troll + keti superfan



You’ve got to be kidding me.

Which is bad, it assumes gender when you can either use true gender neutrals or someones char names online.

Speaking a lot like that one community council member, eh?

It isn’t, it’s male default like quite a few ‘lol it’s gender neutral I swear’ words that are actually just words people use to refer to groups of men. A simple study in language would prove that.