So I might have missed a detail here but the bullet-points I found on MMO-C and other webpages did not make it apparent at all.
Is WoTLK going to stick around like Classic / Hardcore is now? Or will they kill it like they did with TBC?
So I might have missed a detail here but the bullet-points I found on MMO-C and other webpages did not make it apparent at all.
Is WoTLK going to stick around like Classic / Hardcore is now? Or will they kill it like they did with TBC?
Nothing has been announced about Wrath-Era yet, But Cata is coming mid of 2024 so might be too early to announce it (copium)
It will prob go away or they will try and milk money from ppl with the copy BS they did with classic servers in TBC.
Yes, it gonna go away, like TBC
They promised only to keep Era Vanilla, nothing else
It’s going away, they said no plans for wrath era servers at blizzcon Q&A.
Sadge. Well, to vanilla classic we go… Guess private servers have won, ey?
Inaccurate. There is no live Q&A this year.
They will have a post-con Q&A instead:
If WotLK goes away, that’s my sub they have lost and I’ll find a private server or not play at all. I’m not playing through the horrific Cata/Pandaria and all the other retail crap again. I have zero interest in retail now. I’m sure many others feel the same. Post WotLK is NOT classic.
Same, i feel cheated, just put down a 12 month sub to play the Game i love (wrath) and they will delete it all to make Cata.
Luckily i only got to low levels so deleted it all and moving to Private!
They got my money.
Let’s be fair. I really want to believe that they changed. But on 1 hand saying i want too respect peoples time. And there are so many good games. We don’t wan’t too force you into our game. But then force people to play cata on classic. Is a clear sign they really haven’t learned anything. And make the same mistakes again. If they really changed they would give the people what they wanted. 50% cata and 50% leave those servers alone. People that want cata should be able to have it. I really want them to have it if it brought them joy. But there is a other side too that deserves as much joy. This is like doing exactly why people are mad at you, while saying sorry and that it will never happen again. The Q&a was better then we have ever seen. But some things said there made me want to quit the game for the first time in 20 years instantly. Classic is a love letter to our players. And we build it that we can bring it back in an instant. (But we are still gonna make 50% of our players mad by doing something that made them want classic in the first place again). I really don’t get it.
Ask for a refund!
They will delete it all? What? Icecrown will still be in the EXACT same place, my son It’s great that we’re having Cata, awesome. I’ve invested in my characters and want them to live on, and playing one expansion for the rest of my life? What a nightmare that would be
You think you want that but you don’t.
Not a nightmare, a dream) I have been playing for Woltk for 13 years and so many people on private servers, there is still a big population of up to 60-100k (for all the biggest private Woltk servers)
and seems there is a need to get back
I’m a late comer to WOTLK classic and am really enjoying it however now im worried about what happens to my chars.
Can they carry on through to the next. Like copying a char from regular to test realm or will it all just get wiped?
@Shadowfling: Unless Blizzard changes their plans, the current WotLK:C realms will simply change into Cataclysm realms and characters live on on those. In effect it is a perfectly normal transition from one expansion to the next.
Happy days and thankyou for that. I was getting disheartened and not logging into play because of it. Now I can continue my adventures.
transfer your character to retail now for 30 euros !!!
cata is insanely underrated , play it u won’t regret it
i just wanna play wotlk without having to go you know where
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