So it looks like exploiters keep exploiting, no bans happening. Look how nostalrius managed exploiters. Bans happened

Honestly? I couldn’t come up with a better solution on the spot and I’m not sure I could with X amount of time to think about it. But then again, it is of course not my job to do so, so I am not required to.

Perhaps I’d take a look into private servers and seeing how they’ve handled it, but I highly doubt any of the private servers have had to have a similar launch experience.

I personally don’t blame the engineers with coming up with a sub par solution. It’s still better than sitting on a server with 30.000 active players, 2000 of which are in your zone (probably more during launch days).

Layering isn’t as bad as people are making it. It’s not the greatest solution to the overwhelming amount of people (or mainly tourists, which are the issue layering is the “solution” to), but I can’t think of something better, so I feel like me blaming anybody wouldn’t be really fair either. Although I firmly believe there’s enough people in the community that could think of something better, I am not one of them.

it’s an exploit cause layering was ment to be used for high populated areas to be able to fit more player.

not for people to abuse it and get 10x times devilsaurs/black lotus


Because admins did not have brains to locate their servers in the country does not give a crap bouta usa laws.

Ok well you be you and goodluck with all this, I tried to explain to you why this is in fact not exploiting in the context you are using it in but you are refusing or incapable of understanding why.

“The safe was wide open! I wouldn’t have stolen from it if you had locked it!”

actually LH/anathema and others where located in the same country, so your argument is invalid.

the country of the server was not tjhe issue.

Uh ok?

Sorry to break it to ya but this comparison is wack and doesn’t change anything. Layer swapping and world entities not being shared throughout layers is intended. It’s just awful design.

That still doesn’t mean it’s totally fine to use them to grind thousands of golds worth of end-game resources or fight bosses repeatedly for more loot.

You couldn’t do this in vanilla, hell you can’t even do this in BFA, it’s cheating no matter which way you cut it.

On top of that it also completely screws over the players who don’t exploit layers, both in terms of getting BiS gear and the economy.


Give each node spawn a specific ID (I presume these ID’s are already in place anyway), once this node spawn is looted said ID is put on cooldown for that specific character. You could still layer swap but not see the node spawn in question, be it a herb or a veins. This would solve that bit, you could do the same to skinning by simply tagging a mob ID cooldown to skin said mob to that character as well.

The latter doesn’t feel great though because well, if you don’t know about this and just wanna play with your friends then it feels unfair that you can’t skin the mob you and your buddies just killed.

Should work for the herbs/veins though.

great mate, I’m down for solutions, but what about the wrong already done? at least delete the items, because currently they have cracked up the economy for everyone not playing like a no lifer.


This as an example seems like a decent solution. I of course have no idea about the limitations given the engine, and how difficult this would be for things such as Black Lotus where 1 out of X nodes spawns once an hour in each zone, but it would most definitly solve things for Rich Thorium Veins and thus Arcane Crystals.

I don’t know how black lotus works, can only one be up per zone and it is a random spawn location which it is?

If that’s the case you could put a zone ID blacklotus looting CD per character so that layer swapping doesn’t work because that zone was already “looted.”

That said you could abuse this by trading spawns but meh, that be quite a tedious ordeal plus you need someone else to not pick it up in the meantime.

Indeed, they just put a bigger c/d on the layer hopping.

It’s not cheating in the most objective way you can look at it, it’s just bad design and should have been fixed by now. The bosses bit on the other hand was a exploit because it was a glitch in the coding letting you do this, this was fixed pretty quickly.

There’s X amounts of spawns per zone and only one can be active at a time. It has a respawn of one hour and will respawn on a random spawn, which may be the same, may be a completly different one as well.

The Black Lotus ordeal is most likely only happening due to a select few players reaching higher levels (thus entering Black Lotus zones) far more quickly than others and then starting to hop from layer to layer, picking the Black Lotus and switching to the next one.

Ok so it is what I presumed it be, so a organised group of people could abuse this still even with my method. It would be a lot less abusable by linking node ID’s to a cooldown on a specific character though, combine that with a an extra rule for blacklotus being on CD based on the zone it was looted in and you kill a lot of the abuse and influx of highend materials.

People exploiting the game have been banned and are in the process of being banned. This was made obvious last night on Asmongold’s stream where one player had obtained a 1 month suspension and all the items obtained from the exploit are “forfeit” in Blizzard’s language.

Because Blizzard don’t regard layer hopping as an exploit. It is unfortunate, but the reality is that if they start baning people for that, half of the capped player base will be gone and no body wants that. The damage that layering did can not be undone by that point and we have to deal with it…

That screenshot of “ban” in Asmongold’s stream is either fake or unrelated.

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The only way to stop this is to just straight up remove layering now rather than at phase 2.
We’re far enough in for it to stop being as necessary, everyone is spread out in levelling zones, the starting zones aren’t as crowded (plus everyone is grinding dungeons anyway so it probably wouldn’t even make that much of a difference).

Let’s face it, it’s far, far too late to undo the damage caused by the rampant layer exploitation, the only way to stop it would be to completely relaunch Classic (and that would be utterly disastrous).
The only way forward is to remove layering early before gold becomes even more worthless.