So it looks like exploiters keep exploiting, no bans happening. Look how nostalrius managed exploiters. Bans happened

Anyone using exploits in Nostalrius got banned, anyone in top guilds know people that got banned for abusing exploits.

One of the few times a exploit regarding a quest happened this is how Nostalrius devs dealed with it.

learn from them blizzard, they are better than you right now, and that was a free private server.


Got any actual evidence of exploiters still exploiting, evidence of exploiters not getting banned nor their items removed?

well not the dungeon layer thing, but exploitting world layers to farm devilsaur and stuff like that, is still happenning on a big scale.

and yes I know about people who exploited and are not banned. And I still haven’t seen anyone get banned I’ve seen some screenshots of people claiming somebody got banned, know no one banned myself.


1 of my homie kept running rag with the exploit and hes not banned lol hes almost bis


Nice video, but how does that show how Nost devs dealt with it? Someone deleting items and sending in a support ticket, ok…? And?

If it shows anything, it shows that some players are still honest.


Layer swapping for devilsaur is not a exploit, there is no bug being abused here. The rest of your arguments are based on such a small sample size they don’t really prove or disprove anything.


Hard evidence of course is tough to come by.

However I can safely assume that there’s a fair bit too many Black Lotus’ in the auction house, given the fact that there’s only a total of 1 for each zone it spawns in an hour, and the same person currently has >30 Black Lotus’ in the auction house. It is of course possible that this person has spent a sizeable amount of time farming them (or playing the auction house), however I find it somewhat unlikely that a single person got this many through legit means.

And the amount of Devilsaur Leather fluctuating around is somewhat suspicious as well, but again could be related to the amount of layers.

So while I personally have no hard evidence, I do still have quite a few suspicions about people deliberately hopping layers to camp spawns or similar.

Also there is of course the /layer channel, which is dedicated to hopping layers. Whether or not these people use it to abuse layers, rather than escape an alliance gank squad or search for a named is questionable as well, but there comes the question what exactly is “abusing layers”?


A mate and none of his guild mates have been banned, despite boss farming for thousands of G.


Well then. You know what to do, right?

In this case, a quest was available before it should be, nostalrius devs sent a warning, if you didn’t delete the quest items with video evidence you’d get banned, and yeah they could track if you did it and didn’t delete.
Also there was the prismcharm exploit and bans happened, instantly no questions asked.

obviously the layer exploit abuse would be an automatic ban under nostalrius management.

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Ok but swapping layers is not bannable, excessive abuse is but whatever line that falls under, who knows.

Layer abuse in the world is not an exploit, again.


it is an exploit as there shouldnt as many devilsaurs/black lotus available.

if layers can’t be exploited and are thus a feature, blizzard should say layer abusing is fine and that’s it.


Oh yes, I fully agree, hence the line

but there comes the question what exactly is “abusing layers”?

But the server economy is most definitly currently taking, and has most likely already taken, hits due to players actively (or rather more actively than others) switching layers.

One can only assume, and hope, that Blizzard is currently working overtime to remove layers as quickly as possible.


well Nostalrius was the only server to get closed by Blizzard you can guess why.


Layering has undoubtedly destroyed the concept of rare items, not sure why anyone would debate this.

It’s like the engineers who implemented layering didn’t even consider the basic consequences.


Layer swapping is fine. Using it to kill the same boss multiple times within the same week is not.

And who says those bans are not coming / continuing?

Ofc a real company is a bit more careful with banning (usually) since they have stakeholders to please and even laws to obey. An illegally ran game, ofc they can do whatever they please…nobody cares.

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Sadly, Blizzard don’t have the balls to ban streamers or top end guilds who have exploited. As usual it is one rule for the streamers and top end guilds and another rule for the rest of us.


A exploit in the most literal sense of the word is the following in this scenario:

Swapping layers and gaining a advantage by doing so is a unintended side effect of the mechanic caused by a glitch.

Reality is.

Swapping layers is intended, each layer having it’s own world and world entities, is intended.

Ergo, swapping layers and being able to find the same entities as on your previous layer… is intended.

There is no exploiting here, smart use of game mechanics? Sure, abuse of a flawed design? Sure. EXPLOITING? No. Only thing being exploited is poor design of the layering system albeit I do not have a better solution outside of not being able to layer swap at all.

For clarification: Exploiting in games is the following, abusing a BUG in the code to your advantage. There is no bug and the mechanic is working as intended, there is just an oversight which falls under: smart use of game mechanics.

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first we got xp exploit, wich made a lot of people reach 60 way faster.

those people didnt get rollbacked, and not even considering that, since they got there faster they could abuse layers freely to get tons of devilsaur/b lotus or whatever they wanted, when they wouldn’t be able to get as many in a non layer server, they are getting easyly 10x the amount wich ruins the economy for all the players coming behind.