So like... can I not unlock Earthen during EA? :/

I feel the same way. I got suckered into re-subbing because my friends said this was “just like the old days”… Well, technically they were correct. We’re still getting duped into buying a product under false pretenses. I feel like a moron for having bought Early Access and even jumping on the bandwagon for this game at all…

Like you said - I think it’s time to retire WoW. I skipped the previous two expansions, so there’s no reason to pretend they will learn from this.


I would like to be done with blizzard
But i also like the game, i already have the expansion and like another 6 months on my sub.
So im sticking around.
I doubt blizzard will have learnt their lesson but ill try to learn mine “never trust a word they say”.

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So 2 days after discounts on services like race change end. Buy service now - use token in character select screen when new race arrives. Real life action FOMO marketing tactics.


Just realizing something…we got chapter 1 & 2 today, Kaivax wrote Chapter 4 comes next week. The achievement says “The War Within campaign”, which likely means we need to finish the campaign…but the campaign has 5 chapters…
And wowhead is misquoting Kaivax…even in the US forum Kaivax didn’t write “And that final storyline chapter […]”, but “And that fourth storyline chapter […]”

I really hope I’m wrong and the earthen achievement and therefor the earthen as an allied race will unlock with the fourth chapter. :confused:

Bliizz should just remove the campaign requirement for earthern. Easy win.


For me it’s very simple, either say: We are sorry and removed the campaign from the achiev requirement or unlock full campaign today or yesterday. If not I’m not logging in back again … time to go play something else … yes I have still about 5 to 6 months worth of sub but I don’t care anymore … I’m working 6 days next week, this week I cleared it so I work only 2 days and I was super excited, hyped and all I got is just scammed and lied to …


Agreed. But will they do it?

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From my exp I would say that by the time devs sees this or hear about this, its gonna be already sep 4th and I will be long gone from this game

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Very disappointed with this. How to ruin a launch day by alienating your fanbase for what… a bit of forced player engagement?

Classic Blizzard. :roll_eyes: