So like... can I not unlock Earthen during EA? :/

salutations to the high kingdom-appreciate the comment

The High Kingdom ? :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Looks that way to me too

quel’thalas? xD belf city, silvermoon, you get the idea!

££ Can anyone say race change money? $$. PS the sale on race changes ends by the time they come out :smiley:


phahahaha holy —really? x’D

Yeah, they aren’t even hiding what they’re up to it seems. There is zero need for them to be timegated except for profit reasons imo.


Blizzard, doing something that hurts players but boosts profits? Surely not…this is blizzard we are talking about, not…oh wait it’s blizzard we are talking about…


I got it :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes the High Red Kingdom for good blood elves comrades and forbidden for voidies :gun:

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I was naively hoping that they would move away from this kind of stuff after getting rid of Bobby, but whoever is in charge these days clearly cares more about that sweet, sweet short-term cash flow than their reputation and good will, unfortunately.

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apparently screenshots had taken off in US forums too, louder the better tbh

Sadly by the time they actually acknowledge this and it goes through 150 departments internally, and they go, ok let’s fix it by removing the 80 campaign requirement…it will already be sept 4th and they will just go “oops sorry, we messed up, oh well they are unlocked now, keep paying for your sub :D”

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I m affraid that its on purpose to motivate people to pay race change …

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every dent is worth it tbh, as something is better than nothing, no matter how small, attention attracts attention

If it is, a note for anyone reading this and going to buy a race change, you can buy a race change token NOW whilst the sale is on and use it later, so at the very least don’t give blizzard the full amount later…better yet don’t buy one at all but if you 100% are going too, do it now.

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Or dont buy one out of spite

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That is the ideal, but I know some people are addicted to this game and caught up in guilds and cannot just wait etc. so for those unlucky few, at least save yourself some money and keep some away from blizz.

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I am in a raiding guild, and personally? My guildies are my friends, some of them offered to help me level fast, we are a community, make groups, ask friends, level fast. Better than paying money for a race change.

I am a solo player who has 39 alts, one for each spec(20 years in the making), I had a plan to get them all to 80 and get different professions running, an Earthen Fire Mage was my last character to get to 70, I already have 4 80s for the XP boost and I was just waiting for tonight to get that Earthen and grind them to 70…don’t think that will be happening now, think its about time I sunset WoW from my gaming list.

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