So like... can I not unlock Earthen during EA? :/

I figured the last 5 chapters of TWW campaign was locked until a few days later. I tried searching everywhere but to no avail. I got to 80 and completed every zone’s campaign, but couldn’t find the next campaign quest “Against the Current”. Did you have any luck with it?

I done have early access, but there are people in my guild and some poeple on discord that has completed it. and unlocked world quests aswell.

Colder, I got youth in me still. :saluting_face:

I’m 43, you’re mean


Pfft I appreciate the old, you’re great. : D

The lowest ill go is 28.

but definitely a 90’s baby

Oh really? Then it must be pretty darn elusive. Turning into a Dwarf made out of gems and whatnot was harder than I thought lol.


Gretchen, stop trying to make fetch happen! It’s not going to happen!

1 Like

You sound like an ill educated buffoon then

And we’ll speak how we like about how you speak, simple as that. And you do sound like an American teenager or one of those “wiv it” schoolgirls I laugh at listening to on the bus where every second word is “like” and it’s used as a noun… adjective… adverb…

Yet I hardly hear it being used in the context of "I like (insert something here)

So I’m gonna guess teenage American or silly schoolgirl.

Because I have yet to hear an adult say “like” in that context, with the exception of, who still thinks he’s 13.

But still. Its the 2000’s and words have no meaning since literacy became unfashionable.


Pre 2004. “An unruly group of people intent on causing mischief.”

Post 2004. “one solitary set of pixels wandering around a videogame world, pluralized into mobs when there are two or more wandering pixels in a videogame world.”

And I still think the funniest thing I ever read in WoW context was someone telling me that “mob” was actually short for “mobile online beast”.

If speaking casually makes me sound like an “ill-educated buffoon,” then so be it. Using relaxed language doesn’t define intelligence. Different situations call for different tones—this one’s just chill. So, I’ll keep speaking how I like, thanks!

Out of all the ways people use “so like”, you jump to the worst possible interpretation just to find something to get upset about. I don’t envy that approach to conversation. It’s your prerogative to be grumpy over it. <3

Edit: I’m going to put you on ignore so this argument can end. I didn’t start this thread to debate with someone who resorts to ad hominem over two words that somehow got under your skin so easily. I wish you a good day!


Hmm theyre on the roadmap on 22-26.8 so I guess could also see that they would be on EA too :dracthyr_a1:

I’ve already seen players rolling as Earthen so I think you can do it, yes…nevermind it was just transformation (edit)

They cannot be unlocked. We have blue confirmation.

Am i annoyed? Yeah kinda.
Wish they would have been clear and upfront on what is and isnt in early access before it started.


You can speak how you like about how I speak—that’s fair and I never implied otherwise. But jumping to conclusions about someone’s age or intelligence based on their use of a common word like “like” comes off as a bit outdated and passive-aggressive, no? Language evolves, and people use words in different ways, whether they’re teenagers or adults.

I find it a bit odd that you and Clergy are jumping on the bandwagon to question my intelligence and age over two words. Personally, I think there are more healthier ways to disagree with how someone speaks. But that is just how I view it. :slight_smile:

If words like “mob” have taken on new meanings in different contexts, isn’t that just another example of how language adapts? I’ll keep speaking how I like, and you’re welcome to do the same. Just let people be themselves.


There is an item that turns you in to a skardyn so youve probably seen that.


Oh no. Anyway.

I got EA and don’t know what Earthen is.

Golly gosh!


This is exactly the kind of response I was hoping for in this thread, instead of people getting worked up and attacking me over saying “so like” lmao. The forums can be a wild place at times.

Thank you so much, you’re the best! <3

It was not on Wowhead lol!