So like... can I not unlock Earthen during EA? :/

I searched high and low for hours and still came up empty-handed on how to unlock them, smh. :pensive:

Thats also strange considering looking that some roadmap earthen is middle of the section that says 22-26.8 bit hard to tell from it either. Good that you found some clarification on this :+1:


Need to wait for the war within campaign to become avaliable, however long that might take. When thats possible to finish then its free game.


Yeah they even put out an article advertising early access and listed earthen as unlockable by doing the levelling campaign.

Do i feel they they intentionally lead us on for sales? Yeah
But hey, is what it is i guess.

If they do early access again hopefully they will be honest and upfront about whats in it.


I can understand marketing but if intentionally mislead i cant really say I like it in business but as you said it is what it is. I would also not be happy about it :dracthyr_a1:

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I asked support on Twitter. Let’s see if they respond.

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Nah moriz already show blue post that said there are quests you can do during EA but cant fully unlock all of the quests till 26.8. And the some wowheads roadmap showing earthen between 22-26 they have also said to not been official.

You can complete all required quests except for the last 5 TWW chapters, which looks to come out once EA ends. I just now finished my last required quest for Earthen.

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Roadmap is also on™-early-access-now-live as it was an official thing they posted. Seems kinda false advertising because they stretch that thing over the early access part, and also fail to mention chapter 5 isn’t available yet.


Weird update.

The blue who said they’ve not available in early access does not know the release schedule for the required quests, just that its not meant to be now.
They also agree that blizzard could have been clearer about all this and so has given their own internal feedback to blizzard.


Could be some mistake aswell that they forgot about the questline. Earthen is put right in the middle of that map for 22-26 lol. But as its like that they can also say that it could be interpret to mean 26 as it covers both sections, still its not very intuitive to read so could been informed better.

Yeah the early access article says you only need to do the levelling campaign.
Clearly theyre not communicating properly internally as they are contradicting themselves. :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Every second thread here is enough to give a school teacher an aneurysm.

So like, care to explain why this particular one got up your nose so much?


They did in blizzcon last year .

Also this post here

Meet the Earthen, A New Playable Allied Race ( june 5th

So like is really hard to read blizzard blue posts like.

They also said right here that it would be available in EA so…can’t always believe what blizz say.

can you quote were it is said as i can not see it.

Most misleading i probably found were that it was on this map, but they can just say that it could be interpret that it will be 26 as its on the same spot with 22-26 lol. Could distinguished it clearer and separate it from the 22 part.

map was in™-early-access-now-live

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i agree it “looks” like it said EA but its actually not until 26th as its same “map box”


Yeah its just how one interprets it, i also read it confusedly that which does it mean and concluded that could be both really so cant say neither side is wrong if just interpret the map alone

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Where did they say this was not in early access?
I dont see it. They say the requirements but nothing about unlock timings.

Plus we have an article on the 22nd by blizzard saying you need to do the levelling campaign and the side quests which are in early access.

Basically there hasnt been a straight answer until today.