So, no 8.3?

Cool. Still my post was sarcastic.

Anything to speed up the coming of next xpac. I wouldn’t even be mad. We need the promised reverse pruning and change that Ion talked about in a QnA. Bring back pvp vendor, reverse pruning, fix class design and bring back honor points and conquest points. It will NEVER happen in bfa, so the sooner next xpac comes, the better.

Jesus christ i hate this guy and his misleading clickbait videos. “8.3 is CANCELLED because the war campaign is ending? :open_mouth: OMG BLIZZARD :open_mouth:” Yeah buddy, its totally not possible that 8.3 can have a story and new raid/dungeon and improvements without the war campaign.

Now Asmongold can react to this, rant about how sh*tty Blizzard is, then his fanboys can come to the forums as well to tell us how dead this game is. Wonderful.


Well yes that’s how it works he makes a video and the neckbeard in question reacts to it and his fans flock to him he makes :moneybag: and then if we say anything bad about him his neckbeard witnesses will come after us.Its business in a way.

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Bell isn’t blizzard, he’s just featured a lot on wowhead at most.

A lot of clickbaits too

Posted an Hour ago

Pretty sick and tired of trolls and clickbait .


Wait for it… wait for it…

Wait for official annoucements. Blizz may be trying to throw of any attempts to leak/datamine so that the whole story doesn’t get ruined again.

I just linked a blue post saying about the 8.3 rumour 2 posts above your’s


8.2.5 and wait for Blizzcon. So yeah.

Until Blizzard says so it is all speculation…

I got bored of both zones after i got the reps done and for raid. Nothing interesting drops there no class tiers and all the sets are just ugly if the next expansion won’t deliver its going to be real dry season because there is nothing to farm from bfa raids because no tier sets.

Since when do sets drop in zones ?

Not the leather sets , they are awesome

Weapons ? Trinkets ? The armor sets ? Mounts ? Pets ? Archievments ? More ?

Did you expect it to go on forever?

Have you not been playing the expansion?

Well, burning down and making uninhabitable due to plague stuff. But yeah… it’s there.


This is a blatant falsehood.
We got most of what you mentioned already. Have you been playing at all?


Really ? I told you before. We got two WF.
The bear mininum to call it warfrontS.

It was nothing on this

Once again I find myself bringing people down to earth with a SAM called “reality”.

If you believe everything you see on Youtube, especially on videogame channels which are little more than people pandering to their audience for “views”…

You are always going to be disappointed.

No 8.3 = Ending this crap faster.
Do you want another full year of BFA or half year of it then to the next expansion?


Yeah im also on that… 8.2 seemed TOO huge, compared to legion and before.

I think they maybe realised that BFA failed hard (Like WoD did, everyone excepted 6.3 and such…) and trying to finish it off as soon as possible.

I say we may got one more season for m+ and arena (maybe 2 for arena), maybe a 2-3 boss raid to not get bored until 9.0 and next xpac.

(And i also assume that F&F alpha for new xpac already out, but that just a wild guess)

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You believe that streamer? He is full of corn

It would mean Alpha would be out next month for new expac it wount happen.