So, no 8.3?

Lazy ? They are mostly 3D vs the old on body painted sets.

You may not like them. But you shouldn’t call them lazy

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Some of the warfront sets are just gorgeous even some Bethnic gear is quirky yet nice .Its subjective view .

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1,5years would be 3months longer then even hfc was. if people arent happy with bfa now, Ep being around fir 18months would be a wors sub less then wod had by miles.

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m is a once a week,M+ you can spam as much you can.

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mechagon tiring after a month, i never wanted to set foot back there after i forst got there.

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Might be 3d but i still think ditching tier sets over these is just lazy a billion dollar company should have manpower to create tier sets with 3d parts by now.

Also i do like some of the sets in BFA like RFA set but too bad its locked behind greed wall. Its the set that i would have really liked but there is no way in hell that i would spend that much real money to buy a cosmetic gear even if it was the set that to me looks best set in years.

For me it was the other zone that place without flying is harsh ,there is mounts I still want from there but atm I can not face it .

I agree that horde has nice looking set but alliance sets only look good on certain races of the alliance and benthic gear only leather and cloth look decent but again there is no class identity or class sets only 4 different armor types.

If you compare the stuff we were given in previous expansions BFA is a letdown especially when to me the best set was wasted on a greed wall of RFA.

Naijzatar was hell ealry on(its quite pretty to look at but still not fitting for naga captial grander then zin-ashari ever was but still quite pretty).
Escpially those crabs,stealth, high dmg(certainly on cloth with lower ilvl) and so quik respawns, i had a barly survived killing a group not even 10sec later they all had respawned. just so many crabs it was, wasnt the naga ,it was the crabs that were/are the true danger.

But i dont like either of the zones really.

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What cosmetic gear can you buy ?

Yeeeeah. I don’t really see nazjatar, mecha and EP being the “endgame” content until next expo somehow.

Blizz have typically thrown in a raid in their last patch prior to expo. No reason to expect different this time. You won’t build or maintain hype for your next expo by promising players “yeah but new expo in X months!” and they have nothing to do in the meantime.

So short of blizz on announcing a “psyche, next expo coming instead of next patch!” to move us on from BFA quickly, I say nah.

And given they need to handle this next one very carefully to avoid some of the early expo disappointment with bfa, then I’d say they will not rush the next expo out if they’ve learned anything at all.

For the ones who missed the blue post yesterday


39 posts

Forum Ambassador



They are skipping 8.3 its official.
Now is only to guess how short they will cut BFA

I’m pretty sure we have a very different definition of what official means. Let’s not give Azeroth up for lost just yet.

In the coming weeks a couple of new questlines will become available with the conclusion of the War Campaign and the return of Wrathion. As for what the future holds, stay tuned for BlizzCon !


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We will have 8.3 I have no doubt. I don’t visit Mechagon at all upon acquiring flying and visit Nazjatar once a day with my second alt since I am done with my two other character essences.

It is not even imaginable waiting until next summer for new content. What we are gonna do if there is no 8.3 ? Will we keep farming the bee mount over and over again? They will deliver 8.3 no worries.

I just hope that they also got new writer for next expansion… if that same woman is writing, I doubt 9.0 will be any better story wise.


Also new update that in next patch you cant go upper than lvl 70 azerite neck and get gold instead of ap.

Why would they stop azerite gain if there (supposed to be) 8.3 and ect?

This only make me more belive they rly gonna drop 8.3.

My heart bleeds for the art teams…transmogg crushed so much of it. There are a few who still run around sporting their progression, but almost all of it is hidden under trash from a long time ago. I suppose in the future, their designs might be used as said trash but it still saddens me.

So from 1-10 how ,cool do you feel by using insulting words instead of voicing your opinion like a normal person ?

Sorry do you mean trash? I mean trash as in it has no stat value anymore, as in you would never wear it because it’s stats are trash. Would you prefer me to say, items with a lesser stat value than currently accepted raiding gear?

So elite gear never had stats. How does it work with your concept of trash

So you basically ignored what the blue poster said …………………gj some people I just cant belive .

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