So, no 8.3?

Perhaps i’m not explaining myself properly. When an expansion comes out, we replace almost all of our existing gear before we reach max level of the new expansion. Relegating the old armor from prior expansions to what I coined “trash” status. Meaning you wouldn’t use it anymore because it’s trash (unless somebody decided to cover the new armor sets with trash armor via transmog)

See I think of it in a different way it gives us an option to wear some of there older stuff we wouldn’t be using anymore at all so nothing goes to waste :slight_smile:


Again . And how does elite gear / Cm gear works with your concept ?

Sorry I have no idea what elite gear actually is hahah, i thought you were trying to say epic or something. Google tells me this is pvp armor? I’m assuming this must scale and why you’re so insistent on me factoring it into the idea that armor becomes trash with new expansions. Well in that case elite armor would not be trash and I would not count it as part of my original statement? Is that what you spent 2 posts trying to get me to say hahah. If I thought your intentions were sincere, i would go back and edit my post to say (with exception of elite armor and cm (i’m not sure what that is)) , however i think you’re just bored at work and trolling :smiley:

Well that’s certainly a huge advantage of tansmog! Everything is recycled and people can dress their characters in whatever appeals to them :smiley:


I wore my BoD leather set from mythic raid with solid smiley face, and I have always worn my current sets. Except now. I am not sure how this naga-set looks on …night elf. The boots are weird… dont match my latex pants.

It’s Pvp gear which never had stats to begin with. My point is , gear is not only about stats. It’s now about getting items to make your character the way you want him to look / to show your past archievments ( CM / Elite gear ) / or just have nostalgia.

Calling it trash gear is really uncalled for and wanting to remove Rpg elements is never good

Some days depending on mood I like to wear the black mageweave set (classic) other days I like simple and classy look with a pvp set (cata) and if it wasn’t for mog I wouldn’t be able to do that .
Some of the sets we have now whilst very beautiful don’t fit me my persona.


I can understand why people create outfits and styles, i have no issue with their liking and enjoyment of it. I just preffered to be able to look at a character and know how strong they are and how far they’ve progressed. This probably stems from spending so much time in BGs in the early days (I would always look for the poorly geared runt of the litter and pounce :D) Or standing in IF and seeing somebody with that dagger from the final boss in X dungeon. All that is gone now and the tradeoff is obviously that people can wear what they like :smiley:

I have transmog myself, I took time to farm the windfury skin and a variery of other things. But I still would much prefer a world where I can see progression around me , without having to manually inspect everyone haha

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You also said no 8.2.5 till blizzcon and see its coming next week… badum

Which if you read all my posts you would have seen I said “I need more coffee as its all over battlenet app” so your point is moot . Actually I never said no 8.2.5 till blizzcon I said about recruit a friend so facts right mister .

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Blizz neither confirmed 8.3 neither denied it from the prev blue post… so anything is possible

You keep believing that and you keep on nit picking my posts I don’t really care the amount of times you have picked fault with what I say is like water off a ducks back now .Been picked on and ridiculed most of my life so a person I don’t know on a forum isn’t going to affect me .

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Until i dont see a blue post which says " hey guys 8.3 will arrive soon tm", i hold on my statement that there will be no 8.3.

You are also free to hold on that 8.3 will come.

We will see what it be…

So the blue post telling another forum user that what they were saying wasn’t fact is just a lie then ok gotcha .

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You mean this part? " As for what the future holds, stay tuned for [BlizzCon ]"

This can have many meanings…

Ofc you being male have to be right and have to have the last word go ahead reply and try and belittle me again I will not respond as you twist what ever is said to fit your needs.

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Wow nice feminism… ok im gonna stop talking to you from here and onward, because you hate someone who doesnt have the same opinion as you…

Have a nice day!


I guess swearing makes you a rough and tough guy “shiver” so scared .


so if no future releases of bfa where the fck is my dranei cultural armor then??!?