So no buffs for holy priests

None of the healers have been touched yet, I think they are focused only on DPS tuning first. Healers and tanks are next, I would imagine.

I have not had an issue with healing the content yet. I am still early into the expansion. My logs are good so far. Just feels the same as the last expansion. The only difference is the feeling that you need to know the raid bosses better for max healing.

My gear is just pvp and convent. No issues spamming PoH when needed.

Now i get it, you are trying to become the priest meme! Way to go my friend, ill root for ya


Yeah Holy isn’t in a great spot right now… although I did do Holy for a few more bosses than I’d normally do for Heroic today, also ran Holy on Altimor Mythic this week, and it was nice to play an easygoing spec that was more than effective enough. But for Mythic? IDK Disc just performs so much better on pretty much every boss.

For easier content the spec is adequate, but players don’t want to pick adequate over ideal/exceptional.

Flagged for trolling, moving on, cya!

You followed me from another thread the to make that post which is an insult. Holy Priest - Do not bother spells - #49 by Sandario-argent-dawn If you want to go from thread to thread attacking someone. I would read the forum rules.

If you want to debate it, the original thread has covered why you are wrong and you should go there. Original post removed here. If you continue I will start reporting you. I have a right to be left alone and not suffer puerile harassment.

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we are still waiting big buff for holy priests…

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Dmg isn’t that bad tbh…

Report me all you want my friend, it will only expose you as the troll you are. The fact that you didnt dare leave your post up says it all


That is the point

I took my post down to stop your thread hijack. If you want to debate then post in the original thread. Please stop following me from thread to thread to attack me. I have a right to post and have a right not to be repeatedly targeted by specific player with harassment. See the rules, I have a right to post and feel comfortable posting on the forums.

waiting for flash heal/heal buffs and mana reduction, thanks

ands some boosting into pvp games would be also nice

Right right right, i have a right to reply to you, and you calling it attacking you is offensive to me, so how do you explain that?

At the rate blizzard is nerfing dungeons and CN, healers other then Shammy and druid will be obsolete soon!
A shammy will be able to heal CN HC solo… just being sarcastic but it is what it is…
Blizzard obviously doesn’t give a…

Check wow head… And still NO BUFF for holy priest :smiley: They buffing druid reju :smiley: hahaha… Small indie company :slight_smile:

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Small indie company

First the nerf to Discipline Priests (which is fair, I suppose), but then to see absolutely no sign of direct Holy buffs outside of Fae Guardians? Psht…

I’m legit dismayed at these changes. It’s a bit of a meme that people often forget to mention holypriests, but even blizzard just seems to forget. In raids we are a significant margent behind that even a 5% flat buff wont fix (@ any percentile we are 7 points behind mw and rdruid). We are not desirable in M+ and PvP is very average at best.

Yet Rdruids and MW get buffs and we are left in the dust. A reduction to mana cost and healing increase to flasheal and a flat % increase are generic buffs that would go a long way.

This is starting to get silly and a tad annoying.

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Shaman got a 50% buff to healing from primordial wave. /shrug