So, no felcycle mount in TWW if you skipped BFA

You can group up with people that have an item you need.

Tbh I did everything solo, didn’t add the crucible of storm toy and did the quest line in less then 30mon iirc, it’s pretty fast and simple.

The secret thing was really nice to do, beside the pet battle extremely cancer cause you need to have luck and don’t get it by crit from the enemy.

Keep doing it it’s really nice to do, don’t give up just for that.

I did it with taptaf/lil’abom /wicker pup.

the strat wants you to have wicker pup alive for the 3rd one(donkey pet)

slowly kill him with rotating shield ability/eat pet when low hp/and the shadow dmg ability (forgot the name).

Yeah i used the wicker pup to finish off Fizwick, by the time I needed Wicker Fizwick was pretty much done which seemed to helpfully for Feasal increase the number of crits.

And I just got my fel choppa so I’m a happy bunny. Frustrating puzzles which nearly had me screaming “[redacted] this!”, but (IMO) worth it.

Doesn´t sound too hard, fair…

So, you have to actually do a pet battle and then “capture” it to get the pet? If so, then hard pass on that from me… I´m here to play World of Warcraft, not Pokemon. :wink:

For the one from teh Deathwing Lovers You have to turn in 2 keys, one to Wrathion or Sabelian to complete the weekly and unlock the “Normal” keys, and then one to igys or whatever his name is to get the “worldbreaker” buff so the vendor in teh case will sell you the drink Only takes about 5 let it be 10 minutes of masspulling mobs and looting fragments and framings… that was actually the “hardest” part of getting Spyragos.

And you have to throw a drink that you purchase at a wind elemental to get the drink the beach bums actually want. Not really much in the way of extra hoops, and probably less time consuming than traveling to northrend and outland and back as a non mage / shaman /human.

Again, Spyragos and teh Wicker pup took like 30 mins combined (Already had nelthara because I´ve had an aug since the day it was introduced), I honestly expected that to be the most tedious part of the whole thing and was comfortably surprised… In general I couldn´t care less about pets or pet battles, so anything that saves time /money /effort on anything pet related when it comes up is a win in my book :beers:

I only needed 3 attempts because I first forgot to set the proper talents, and then forgot to use the cannibalize or whatever it´s called to heal the wicker pup.

Well, I did the quest for Twitching Eye. Wasn’t so bad.

But then…

I had to enter the Vale in ‘BfA phase’. Never even heard of such a thing. Luckily I already done BfA up until Nazjatar (just unlocked the portal). The rest of the Heart Quest was rather simple. The quest for the N’Zoth invasion however is a chore. Did it anyway because never done it before,

I decided to go to the obelisk without the 25.000g frock and was lucky that someone showed up with it and poof got the shadow key.

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Use some YouTube guides. They’re usually much better for this secret finding stuff than Wowhead. Sometimes Blizzard hotfixes something and the original article is never edited, for instance.

Having said that: I still don’t like this particular questline.
It’s just way over the top.

ConCon is the best in my humble opinion
Short, clear, no BS just explaining and show what and how to do

The Orb 2 one? Or this entire secret in general?
If Orb 2, then I’ll just say: Zul’Gurub altars (if completely solo) :dracthyr_nod:

Congrats for brining up enough energy to have pressed through that :smiling_face:

Yeah the entire thing.
Imo it took things a bit too far.

Well when I joined the Secret Finder Discord before the “Peculiar Gem” part was added to WoW and we didn’t know it was yet to be unlocked and everybody was hung up at “DR” (Oh boy xD) and for the life of it could’t figure out what the next step would be I asked if the previous secrets where this hard to solve, and people just mentioned “Jenafur”, I dunno how hard that one was xD
But yea, as that was BEFORe the rest of Ratt’s Revenge was added, maybe this is WAY more complex to solve than previous Secret. I never participated in the older secrets solving, just did them when they were done.

I wouldn’t know about the solving part. I’ve never been involved with any of that; not really my cup of tea.

But as for ‘doing the questline’, it’s definitely way more extensive and involved than any of the ones that came before. I gave up at some point, because even following directions to do these quests became tedious to me and I started to question why I was even doing it, if it wasn’t fun for me. It’s not for the mount, because I think it looks horrible.

So… I just decided to stop.
And I’ve done all of the previous ones.

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