Yeah 10-12 changed colour after completing 9 and have yet to be implemented.
MY guess is that tlose will ebentually unlock teh mountspecial and maybe give something on top related to teh bike… But for now I´m happy still having the keypad weakaura and having either green Fireworks shoot up or green flames trail behind me when I punch in “17”
Side note, It´s amazing to me how many people have the bike and don´t know this feature exists… and 17 isn´t teh only code that does intersting things, btw
Mountspecial? You mean the “Override Sequence” spell in your spellbook to activate the keypad and enter codes like 17 etc.?
WeakAuras…PAH!-thetiCK! xD
418 btw is pretty usefull for Bunny Day :nod:
I dont think they´re the same thing, and yes teh WA just makes the Override sequence quickly and easily accessible withiouu8t having to keybind it or open the spellbook. I had problems getting it to display on my UI, even though I use the default one, so I just weakaura’d it instead… so now whenever it´s off CD I have a little button on my screen that I can click on that opens a small clickable keypad
But by Mountspecial I mean the special things most mounts (ground, or flying mounts in no-fly zones) do when you press space ot type /mountspecial… Dragons spreading rheir wings and roaring, Mecha Moguls Miniguns, that sort of thing…
There currently doesn´t appear to be on eattached to the felcycle by default, though it´s ofc entirely possible that the override ssequence functions Are the Mountspecial… we shall see when more secrets get solved
Then you wasted 3k and someone gained 28k and laughed at you.
The same NPC (a Night Elf Wraith) who wanders the far eastern path of Aszuna that sells you the scroll you need if you’re not a warlock also sells you the dogg saron perky cotume for 25k.
Think I’m gonna skip the bike. Pylon 2 needs toys that are a pain to obtain. I know there’s a workaround but who knows what else is gonna be required.
And moreover you get the USA colored one for a few bottles of lemonade.
If you dislike Orb 2 already and don’t like to spend a significant amount of time to farm even more various itmes you may have missed back when they were implemented and don’t want to rely on if someone else happens to be there to help out and you don’t care too much about the green colour then yes, you should totally skip this secret.
Or do it bit for bit over the course of an extended time as it won’t get removed.
But don’t force yourself into it, it IS a significant amount of time/and/or gold on the AH you will have to invest if you need to farm/buy the required things.
Just an advice that it will get more frustrating the further you get, to prevent you from getting exahusted and angered.
But as I mentioned: Doing it at a slow pace whenever you feel motivated enough to farm stuff for the secret or carry on slving the orbs is a good way to not bin it entirely.
The sad old truth here is that even those who have been playing back to back expansion did NOT have all the necessary pets, toys and mogs required for some of the stages and relied heavily on the community by making groups in the LFG finder or purchasing pets and anything else they could off the AH.
Sad old truth? Of course many of us seasoned (vanilla) players did not have every neccessary item. How would we even? Most of us don’t 100% the entire implemented content.
Actually, you’re more likely to get the ingame version.
PEPSI, owners of Mtn Dew, had a brainwave.
Lets hold a promotion! Lets put promotional material on the packaging! What could go wrong!!
Thousands of and tens of thousands of promotional packets of Mtn Dew with the codes on the packaging was all they did. People soon got wind, and instead of buying the product and having to show the promoter the receipt as proof of purchase before they gave you the code, (For those unaware, the Gummi pet promotion did that), they just ripped out the promotion codes from the product which they left on the shelves and sold them on websites or to players in game for gold.
Wonder why they suddenly “sold out” on a promotional virtual product? Thats why. They knew they made a complete mess of it and released a new wave of codes.
The likelihood of you getting the promotional Mtn Dew variant is nigh impossible. The only option you have is the ingame version.
Citation. My wife who is in Tallahassee FL and got me and a friend the Gummi pet, searched every Walmart… Publix… Target… you name it, anywhere they had the Mtn Dew promotion.
She could not find a single package with the promotion codes available.
Gameflip still has them available, for acutally 10 bucks instead of 25 upwards now.
People got stuck on their ingame codes
But yes, Mtn. Dew in general messed up pretty badly there.
Edit: Gamelfip charges you only when the code is confirmed to work by you and you then complete the order.
I also worked on getting the items Ididn’t have and researching what I needed for all the pre requisites, took me about 2 to 3 hours.
Also for those who haven;t gotten to the pet battle quest yet, ignore Wowhead’s pet selection of the wicker pup, spyragos and nelthy (I forget it’s name.)
Instead get the Snowclaw Cub and use the team Cub/Spyragosa/wicker and use QuckFreeze then the Ice stun on cooldown. A lot easier.
It is also claimed you can also defeat Feasel in the Darkmoon Faire using your normal pets for that, in which case if you use Fel Elemental/Azure Whelpling/Unborn Valkyr you’re laughing. Not sure if it’s true though.
It just feels silly too, just copying waypoints and solutions.
I’m a big fan of adventure games, but there’s no way that I or any other single person could find out all of this by themselves.
I think I’m gonna do the Mekgineer’s Chopper on one of my Engineers instead.
Maybe I’ll pick up the quest later again when I have more time to burn.
The big Secrets of Azeroth were never meant to be solved solo, though.
Yeah, if you just read the guide and follow each step, that feels stupid when we like to riddle and venture around Azeroth and beyond, I agree.
But maybe you can try, at some point in the future, try how far you get without help, look a thing or two up, and try to move on alone again, and so on.
Well that seems stupid indeed.
Its typical PEPSI. They couldn’t run a bath. The trolli promotion was at first complicated but it made sure people couldn’t just walk into their nearest walmart and rip out every code. Trolli had you register with their promotional website, and match your reciept with the appropriate participating store and after a few days they sent you an email with the code you entered onto your battlenet account page.
All PEPSI did was make sure that thousands of tins of Mtn Dew sat on the shelves until store management ignored PEPSI and just started stocking it as single sales.
I love, when stuff like this from GIANT companies, who earn WAY more money than they deserve, backfires so hard.
It doesn’t hurt them, sadly (besides their investor’s ego…), but it’s hilarious to see.
Yes, the ones ripping out the codes benefit from it, as they make direct cash out of it, but they’d made plus on cash anyway when selling the ingame codes.
Once again, as this seems to still be overlooked…
There is no “quest” to pick up at any point in the felcycle´s acuisition process, or with any other previous secret mount /item.
Yes you CAN do it with other pet combos, just like every oter pet fight in teh game.
They even specifically say that the setup is not 100% foolproof, but does work if rng isnt horrible.
But more importantly, getting those 3 pets starting from nothing will take a player that played DF roughly 30 minutes, less if they already rolled an Aug, and cost less gold than just buying an Azure Whelpling off the AH. Wicker pup takes less than 10 minutes of flying aroudn drustvar, and Spyragos is a bit of flying around in Waking shores buying alcoholic beverages for the beach bum dragons.
Wheras the Azure whelpling for example still has a stupid low droprate even after the buff in TBC and zone rework in cata, I farmed those for almost a week nonstop to get my epic gyrocopter and saw exactly one drop, and that was literally on the day of the buff when the price had already tanked, I just got lucky and found a sucker in /2 that thought 4k was still a bargain. I still go back to Azshara every few weeks for an hour or so and have 17 years later not acquired one for myself.
Fairly certain without looking that I don´t have teh Unborn Valkyr or Fel elemental, either… The process of solving the secrets for the mount is already long enough without adding countless hours farming rare /secret pets on top of it, and expensive enough even without spending thousands of gold on rare pets on the AH… I didn´t reach goldcap by frivolously blowing out 5 digit sums left and right every time 30 minutes of gameplay would accomplish the same end result
You’re not supposed to, this was for the secret finding community specifically. The larger playerbase just gets to reap the rewards of their labour.
Easily found in Northrend at spawn points, no one farms it anymore.
Fel lava pools around the huge volcano in the middle of the map in TBC Shadowmoon. Hundreds of them. They also have the benefit of having just under 1900 hp
Azure Whelpling. You just need to have any pet who can cast Arcane Winds to negate fezwick’s Haymaker.
The Fel Elemental will obliterate Feasel’s first pet, do significant damage to the tonk, I usually get it to close to the point where you defeat it then it then it heals itself, and as soon as you summon the pet with arcane winds immediately cast that and just basic damage to the tonk dies and Fezwick can only damage you by throwing bananas at you and one time giving you a whack. His haymaker which will always hit you is useless to him.
As for the pet challenge, the RNG as always was incredibly fortunate.
For Feasel.
Which is why I went and got the Snowclaw Cub and laughed at Feasel when his pets kept getting flash frozen and stunned, even on swapouts.
6 attempts with what wowhead recommends.
1 attempt with the Snowfall Cub instead of the tiny neltharion whelp in the team.
Not strictly true though is it? You need to do some hoop jumping for two of the drinks, especially the one from the dragons who worship Deathwing.