So, now Sylvanas can not only defeat but destroy the Lich King? Yawn

I never saw it as that. That Blizzard is trying to emphasize how wahmeen can be strong too. I mean, you have to be backward or naive to think that they can’t.

Anyways, I am not sure how anyone who follows Sylvanas character can seriously discuss anything about it when you go “somehow she defeats Lich King”. It’s not somehow. She grew powerful over time and especially during BFA. As The Maw grew powerful so did she.

yeah the maw, this suddenly a$$pulled thing that didn’t exist explains it all


Well, let me shed a light on logic of majority.

Blizzard continuously says that Sylvanas is not Garrosh 2.0.
Players continuously claim that she is. Well, pft players…I mean trolls. That is how most people think.

As story in BFA unfolds you can see that she just has different perspective and there is more to it than just a war.

War comes to a conclusion and it is more evident that Sylvannas has different plans. We even get a dialogue where she is feeding the souls to something.

That “something” now got the name “The Maw” and it is not that it didn’t exist, it is that it did not have name. So, we all knew there is something where those souls go.

So yes, for everything that you think you know, think again because there is always an explanation and if there isn’t, it is either not finished or it is yet to be uncovered.

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It’s true.

And often, that explanation is simply “Bad Writing”.


hear, hear this jankobahn must like every single writer’s work out there, thinking if the story doesn’t make any sense it just ain’t finished or is yet to be uncovered. You can look at a hole in a dudes wall, laugh and tell him to fill it up cause it looks stupid OR you can just fill it up youself with your own dung just like janko. I personally do not touch my sh!t but hey [quote=“Jankobahn-twisting-nether, post:18, topic:99761”]
Well, tastes my friend

well clearly undeath has rotten his brain truly tragic if he thinks this is good lore

Yeah, for “some” people.

As Sylvanas is now she could defeat arthus. Its simple Arthus power lies in frostmourne and frostmourne get stronger with each soul it absorbs. So the lich king use his weapon as medium to his power. Sylvanas body became medium to her power. And only reason Sylvanas is this powerfull is because the maw feed on a old gods soul think about the anima you can get out off that. Lets say Arthus trap the old god in his frostmourne. Nobody on azeroth can touch him even with the light because off the power up he would get from that soul.

Also part of the undead power of lich king comes from the shadowland. So whate if the realm didnt give to much power to Bolvar because jailor didnt wanted it or the couldnt miss much because on low anima in those place.

In the end both lich king and Sylvanas power comes from shadowland. So who gets favoriet there will get the most power. Sylvanas isnt powerfull because she didnt trap the souls in her but send it tot the jailor and he is powering her up. If he stops we get the old Sylvanas power lvl like lich king with out frostmourne.

If Danuser’s obsession with his waifu hasn’t destroyed the narrative before, it certainly has now.

This is not a story any longer. This is fanfiction written by someone obsessed over a fictional female character and it should have been stopped long before now.
The fact that it hasn’t speaks very ill of Blizzard and the staff they choose to keep.


I don’t know what is triggering me more sylvanas or her fanboys trying to justify her with bull**** like this.


Blizzard gave you a perfectly fine explanation. YOu just chose to not accept it because “F*** I hate Sylvanas frkn bit**!!”


I want the game to “explain” it to me while playing not blizzard.

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Let me just change this bit to

Sylvanas roasts Saurfang, and is apparently more powerful then the Alliance and the Horde combined

Players: What The Hell ? Blizzard, ok.

I’m sick of her already on the teaser trailer .
I’d prefer her to be not Over powered she just makes me cringe now.

(voice actor is fabulous and so is her cinematic character but the writing omg )

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Their bias is showing , Victory for Sylvanas, they just hate her and any logical explanation will be invalid to them cause u know tiny minds cant comprehend big thoughts

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The veil is thinning. Since there is a connection between Frozen Throne and Shadowlands Sylvanas is at the right place to draw power from Shadowlands.

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this is litteraly all NEW lore that just got made up a few days ago and yall are like GIVE IT TO ME, read a novel please hhahahaa… HAHAHAHAHAHA … yalkl don’t read

that is becuse it seems like Elune didnt even bother to help.

Elune dont act, she dont talk, she dont show. She gives power to her childs to act. You will never see Elune, just moon on night sky. She is last, when you saw her, it means realms are down forever.

bolvar was pretty weak as a lich king. after all, arthas was “the chosen one”.
i can see sylvanas defeating him alone. 1. we defeated and weakened the lich king before and replaced him. 2. everyone got much stronger since then. stronger sylvanas vs weakened lich king = major win.

The problem with it all is that Sylvanas is a pretty unlikable character, she does nothing but look down on everyone and spends the majority of her fights smirking. However, this allows for a bigger pay off when another character bests her in whatever way (Greymane with the lantern, Saurfang at Orgrimmar). Perhaps as her story concludes we will be able to watch the cinematic trailer, knowing she is beaten, and it will be more cathartic.

The issue I have is that they’re not allowing her to be a likeable villian. They wouldnt let her be vulnerable to N’Zoth, they keep claiming how this dude thats giving her all this power is not her master, because shes just too cool to have one. Just let her have some weakness, let her seem relatable. Jaina is super powered, but she has a heart, she cares for people and this can be used against her. Thrall was powerful but was brought down through his own actions and conscience.

I’m reluctant to judge the story based only on what we have, because we have only one part of the story. I Personally hope that Sylvanas gets manipulated by this new enemy and is made to see the error of her ways and gets a little character growth. However, I fear that shes just going to some how become more powerful than the guy giving her the power and then we’re going to have to kill her. Only time will tell.