So sick of unkitable melees

Seriously, wtf is wrong with this game ??

I’m playing a balance druid, DRUID ??

Picked a couple of 1v1 in open world while farming herbs, there is not A SINGLE melee class that is actually kitable, not A SINGLE ONE.

Every melees have so much mobility it makes me bust out of laughter every single time how I have to sweat off just to get a little distance from these pieces of extra strong glue, only for them to press their 2,465th gap closer and shred me apart in half a second with their PvE rotation.

DH ? dash dash dash, backflip, the Hunt, well you get the point

Rogue ? LOL double vanish double shadowstep ccs galore Cloak of Shadow you get the point

Warriors ? root him ? Bladestorm … Typhoon him ? Charge. you Wild Charge away? charge again (seriously, how many charges do warriors have this xpac again ??)
swap to feral/travel form and try to run away ? Leap
And that’s not mentionning the TREMENDOUS amount of damage this class does while outhealing me even though I’m supposed to be playing a hybrid class.

Monk are also unkitable, even with the lost of skyreach, it’s just no way.

Even ret paladins, who are usually well-known wheelchairs, they’re not kitable.
Blessing of Freedom + that mount in combat thing aids af, and even if you manage to create some distance, they still just blast you throwing hammers at you from Bangladesh ???

And balance druid’s self healing is so freaking terrible it makes it even worse, there’s literally no possibility to recover once you’ve lost 50% of your life, you go Bambi RP mode and try to run away until your inevitable demise.

I have no clue why melees do every thing better than me, better mobility, better damage, better self healing, better CCs, but yeah, terrible melee favored game design once again for another expension.

Oh yeah, I heard frost mage is actually pretty good, nerfs incoming guys.


There probably are too many gap closers nowadays tbh but you can still create distance. Its not meant to be easy to do so.

You have said about some specs gap closing utility but you have,

Spammable Roots
Forms that break slows
Two sprints
Travel form leap

Its not like Boomie lack for utility.


our lord and savior precognition will save us all


i feel you, i thought ursol´s vortex will fix the issue, but it feels like, that this spell does almost nothing into some classes xd


only way how u can manage to get a bit of distance, is by using the slow mushrooms, and using Wild charge on a team mate, what is staying away from u

but even then, they just leap :joy:


‘If you manage to create some distance, they still just blast you throwing hammers at you from Bangladesh ???‘

Brilliant :joy::joy::joy:


thats the joke about it

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Search youtube for “Rudar guide” to find out how to improve the situation

balance druid is pretty bad in 1vs1. If you dont kill the target during your incarn burst its pretty much over. Feel like warrior or some casters are the only spec you can maybe win.

Self healing is next to zero.

Play with a healer and your problems are gone though and the spec is solid.

can we please stop pretending that Travel Form Leap creates any distance ?


Its part of a bigger kit for creating distance.

You can disagree if you want. A big list of other classes movement based utility was listed. I was just giving the other side of the story.

Some of the other things mentioned in the original post arent gap closers either (like vanish). However it does help make distance.

And that’s not a melee issue

That’s a Moonkin issue

In the last 2 expansions moonkins have been complete punching bags for melees, the question was always whether you can survive or not.

In contrast, Mage destroys melees, Warlock does fine, Devoker is pretty good vs most melees, Elemental does fine, so you’re left with uhm, Shadow priest, which we all know is a turret sit still and kill or die spec vs melees.

So yeah, Moonkin could use some better mobility, Wild charge is a meme for running away

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Bear form is even more of an Meme

only way to have a chance as Moonkin was to play with the Mushroom slow and Wild charge on the Mate (most likely Healer) what was far away from u, and even this felt terrible into comps like dk/ww dk, bm, fmp, dk dh

to Tank them in Bear was literally a Death sentence

Wild charge is just outdated since Dragonflight. Hybrid Heal barely does anything, double Meele dont care if u use Barkskin. they dont even care, if you use Thorns.


there was a mobility arms race the last few xpacs and druid unironically was left behind.
in blizzard’s fashion ofc they still balance druid specs as if they were the most mobile specs lmao


Bambi RP mode :rofl:


Dk says no to that distance creation tools from druids :smiley:

At this point im questioning if it would be good and not matter in the overall moility discussion to bring displacer beast back for boonkin in some form.

need melee nerfs asap

melees have 100% uptime right now, he only playable caster is the frost mage


Demo lock is fine against melee too right now
Had some 1 v 2 and still demolished them

the game doesn’t care about 1v1s and definitely not 1v1s in open world.

the whole kiting thing is a meme anyways. the game isn’t and shouldn’t be designed around being able to infinitely kite with just frost bolt and blink like it was in vanilla. the game is designed around giving yourself 2-3 seconds of space while your healer is in CC.

the scariest part of your whole post is the underlying reality that yes melee have all of these tools to get to you, but what happens when they do? now you’re in the face of a frost mage or warlock or boomkin or ele shaman who is doing the same or more damage than you, ignoring armour, and is often tankier than you as well and gets CC immunity should you ever make the mistake of trying to kick one of their spells.

Why should melee classes have 100% uptime?

Yeah? How? Casting is pretty much impossible when a melee class is on you.