So sick of unkitable melees

In duels with equal skill, yes. Been like that for practically every expansion except for 1 where Warriors could spec a certain way for maximum mobility and durability and they would beat even frostmages. Forgot which one it was, maybe it was WoD or Legion.

… add teammates, dispels and potentially another player that the mage has to use his defensives on he runs out. As mage you must trade defensives and kiting tools correctly or you will die. This is why you don’t really see mages much at lower to mid rated arena cause if you don’t play properly you do no damage, no cc and eventually you just die.

Lost track of how many expansions in a row now that the tactic has been to ride the mage all game long, because most will crumble under the pressure and wont accomplish much all game. You go on a Lock or an SP to stop their casts and reduce their damage so it doesn’t spiral out of control. You go on a mage because if hes bad, he dies. If hes good, you probably won’t kill him any time soon.

last seasons u often simply would train mage because if u didnt they would do alot more damge. especially with frost that was the case.
i cba chasin a mage down with constant blinks, constant snares, alter and double block. but if he cranks hard and spamsheeps when left alone ima have to do so tho.

Nobody said you had to permanently kite melees to play. You just need to survive burst CDs.

Demo and SP sit still like turrets, still get most if not all their damage out.

You people forget one variable - having a non-trash healer.

I hate to break it to you, but if some Resto Shaman dumps 2 earthens on a Shadow priest, the guy doesn’t care what 2 melees are doing to him, he just takes it like a man, doesn’t die and does his dmg.

Most casters require more skill to play, yes, but at the same time are more rewarding on the higher end.

A good Mage or Warlock or Moonkin can control the game. They are the kill targets, they dictate where the fight is. They do the deadly CC that ends up in a kill. Not their melees (except broken rogues ofc)

The higher you go in rating, the more casters you will see overall.

But of course usually everything up to higher duelist / elite is primarily zugzugs so if you have never breached such ratings you will not understand what I’m trying to say above

xD (10 characters)

Think that is one of the most annoying things there is, especially when it’s random and not controlled, same with stuns.


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