So, the drop rates

Whatever floats your boat right?

Cant deny the fact its a problem for many.

Hold it; i got the Girdle of shattered dreams on my alt from the great vault yesterday. it comes close! :wink:

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When I say ‘old system’ I’m not referring to Legion or BFA for they are part of the current algorithmic loot system.

So is flying and non flying. PvP balance. Class balance. Heck. Lore. Quests. Covenant choice.
Everyone has their own problems with the game. I have an issue with fire mage being only the real spec to play at the moment and frost being in a total gutter(frost fan). Yet for a fire mage main, he would probably laugh at me and call me out to “get gud”.

Everyone has theyr own problems and feedback is feedback. You deal with it. If you dont like feedback, dont bother.

I dont come in your topic about fire mage and say get gut, but you seem to be doing so to others.

Hypocricy huh?

any decent game would operate like this.

ofc those people could be 12 duplicates

but what is most important is seeing any drops

not seeing anything dropping is bringing bad gaming experience and feeling of resentment towards game .

its basicly bringing negative emotions into gaming experience

and nobody wants to play games to have those kind of emotions assosiated with gaming

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Problem is. I dont make such topics and I simply adapt to the situation.
Yes I don’t play with frost. I simply play fire instead. Making feedback to “nerf fire cause its too OP” gains nothing …besides making every fire mage main furious at me. Cause I am asking Blizzard to destroy somebody else game. Same as your feedback which doesnt get good replies from people who are satisfied with the current loot situation. It works badly for you. But it works good for me. So now what? We are at impasse now. Unless you will start acting as if your opinion has more “value and importance”?

We arnt at ampassa.

You are just trying to pointlessly argue without accepting the fact the general system around it is designed in a bad way. “meaningfull loot” means no loot at all at trash loot levels. Why would you take a 197 drop over a ilvl 220+ drop?

“I am right and the rest of you are wrong. My way or the high way” heard it before. Dont bother…

When I was playing frost. A 197 crit/haste item actually was better than a 220 vers/mastery item in sims :rofl: Only recently changed to fire.

Waaaah please throw more loot at my face or I’m gonna quit blizzard waaaah give me loot.

Sure thing… Sure thing… I bet you didnt even max crit to 33%^.

Well. You answered your own question then.

If you play a class which has strict caps to maintain?^^

No, Thats just you proibally having miss targeted your general stat prio…

My point still stands, I am done, Have a good christmas.

not as trash as yours, happy new year

So does mine. Merry Christmas. :gift:

Aww. You specifically came here just to write that? Quite flattered. :blush:

We’ve basically asked for this type of system for ages - but there’s still some people who enjoy lotto more than accomplishments, sadly.

Did it last night :blush: was working on my fourth character and just realised there is no point since there is no progression past level 60. Say what you want to about BFA but you could pick up a new class and be in a fine spot for raid on M+ pretty quickly - not so in Shadowlands sadly. I’m a massive fan of alts but SL killed that and now there’s literally nothing (rewarding) to do.

I sincerely hope it improves in future.

LOL “there is no progression past level 60”, you people are revoltingly pathetic. xD

There is slow progression, that it hurts people’s sence of progression, cause loot is to scarce because people complained about TF and meaningfull loot. It just ment to not proc LFR or m2-6 gear +35 ilvls… lol

Imagine telling people that spend hours upon hours on curve content that they need to stop being entitled.

Usually by the same people that called for a thorgast nerf.