You get for a dungeon 1 item in a group. And 1 extra if you time the dungeon. Lets say you time 50% of your runs, you get 1.5 item per dungeon in the group. 5 dungeons = 5 x 1.5 = 7.5 items for the whole group.
Loot addiction is a powerful thing you know. Blizz just lowered the “dosage” a bit and people are already screaming as if they did 50 runs with no loot…
But you will
Oh you surely will
It’s gonna drop next week, i promise you
You;re exaggeratingg again.
I dfid 12 runs.
I got 1 loot
Goo figure.
Actually , dont figure, we know you arnt.
And what did you want in instead?
12 runs=12 pieces?
Sometimes you go 10 runs and above with nada. Sometimes you get more lucky and get a piece after every 2nd or 3rd run.(Like 1 paladin in my guild. That lucky… )
You keep on saying 1run per 1 peace.
You should reead again. Bbut I am not gonna bother with what seems to be trolling now tbbh
You keep on saying on some mystical progression. Well maybe you have a chance at loot per 2-3 dungeons or whatever. Regardless what Blizz did with the loot ratio. Luck still plays a factor.
Even in BfA which you seem to so fondly remember(purely from loot perspective). There were peps who got 5-6 items pre raid run, and there were peps who get 0-1 item. There were peps who got their bis trinket from Dungeon X on the first go and there were peps like me who had to run Sieges 30-40 times to finally get that damn spyglass trinket.
At this point. What exactly is your “expectation” for progression?
A GUARANTEED item per…2 runs? per 3 runs? per 5 runs? Cause luck has been with us since Vanilla…
Laddy hasn’t been in a 40 man raid before as a rogue and constantly choking on your rolls as you somehow roll under 10 each week.
Is this sokme kind of joke?
Go read. Donlt answer, just read how it should be done.
…Now I am even more confused.
You are complaining about lack of gear or ilevel disparities between raids and m+s?
Its a part of it.
Ya know, the whole feeling of sence of progression?
I would hesitate to ask but…Start raiding then? There are chill/casual guilds communities out there who just clear HC with whomever is online at the time if mythic or scheduled raiding is not your thing.
But I guess you got 101 canned reasons why you can’t raid right?
Yes, And I rely on pugs for those because I cant determine free time on set dates.
And you again,k dont understand the concept at all because M6- is made useless come week 7.
Norm first 8 bosses = useless cause theyr not gonna add much ilvl.
Nopw hush please.
So was in the past expansions? Bfa 8.3 After a month or so. I barely saw any normal pugs and keys +2-+7 where in great deficit as well. Some “easier” content becoming less popular in the same tier is not some “SL only” feature.
Oh. I am sorry. I didnt knew I had to ask for your written permission to comment on a Blizzard moderated forums. May I see your Blizzard employee ID card?
You’re just trolling, which is why I am telling you to hush if you cant see fundementally whats wrong with it, is the facvvt that youre talking end tier related when we are in the beginning of a tier. Thank you.
And bye.
“I disagree with you so you are trolling”. What you may consider “wrong”. I can consider it “right”. This is not a math question where is only 1 correct answer and thats it. But an issue which can have multiple opinions and multiple solutions.
But you are not the first one. Guess I should say “thank you” for not calling me a Blizzard shill or white knight and whatever.
An issdue cant facctually be denied which ijs what you are doing.
Its an issue to you. But a mild annoyance to me.
It can be a “world ending disaster” for one and a minor barely noticeable annoyance to another.
It really cant.
Played SL so far. Working on 2 alts already. And your proposed loot issue has barely had any effect on me. And not cause I did not notice it. But simply I just adapted to it and tried working around it.
An issue is only an “issue” if you make it so. I tried my best to work around with tools I had. So its not a “life shattering issue” to me.