So the new undead capital

Well if you wanna be technical, if even a third of the dead from the sacking of Quel’thalas joined the Forsaken they’d still have 3 times more Thalassians than all living Thalassian factions put together not even counting losses in subsequent major conflicts so the number of Elven Forsaken is likely much more significant than what has been generally showcased, which in my honest opinion is a shame given how drastically diverse the undead of Warcraft have been.

As for the “Why should they do it?” debate, for one the Forsaken fanbase got screwed over the past 3 xpacs so hard it’s not even funny to see Night Elf fans complain. So throwing them a bone could go a long way. Also if we believe some of the rumors and/or clammering for more Azeroth based stories the fallout of the power vacuum in Tirisfall would be ripe for storytelling between the Scarlet Crusade and their secret heir, Turalyon and of course the forsaken, especially if we believe the timeskip rumors.

stratholme or scholomance could be a good place for the forsaken to move to, closer to silvermoon, and lil bit away from the alliance, who pretty much controls soutshore, and gilneas, and not to forget stromgarde keep now also.

so forsaken moving to scholomance could be a good idea.

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I would like that, too. I favor Stratholme, but both Strat and Scholo are iconic places that provide the fitting atmosphere and lore background for the Forsaken and as you say, are closer to their Blood Elf allies.

Would really like that as well! In combination with the long overdue world revamp. And I’d much rather if players played an active part in rebuilding the new Night Elf and Forsaken homes + Gilneas instead of being presented with a fait accompli once we return from the Shadowands.

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They got a tent in orgrimmar like the vulpera gypsy

Which Forsaken are we speaking of anyways?

You want the evil creeps that are basically playable Scourge, because the devs were too stupid to get the difference? Well, give them back their evil underground slime pit and monster factory, sure.

You want focus on reclaiming their identity as Lordaeronians and peacefully accepting death, like the Desolate Council did? To the point where half of them were willing to instantly switch to Alliance as soon as the opportunity presented itself? Make a neutral Lordaeron or Stratholm city and put them in there, I guess, while we are already demolishing the factions.

You want them to become something new that could still fit the Horde? Get them out of Lordaeron and actually put them somewhere new. I hear Northrend is nice this time of year, for example.

We need an identity for them first, before we can actually say where they might fit.


Regardless of the current incarnation of their identity, Forsaken must always be bound to Lordaeron, because of their former human nature. Ironically even permanently moving the Blood Elves to Kalimdor would make more sense than the Forsaken, because at the very least, the ancestors of the Blood Elves do actually come from Kalimdor so they would still have some sort of connection to their new lands and they wouldn’t be so much homesick toward Quel’thalas (even if losing Silvermoon and the Sunwell would probably be quite terrible for them, not only as a civilization, but also for the direction of their future story). The Forsaken don’t, regardless of their current degree of evilness they are bound to that land on which they died as former humans and were reanimated.

As you said, maybe only Northrend could make a slight of sense as a new nation of Forsaken, as a Scourge-themed continent. But now that there’s no Lich King anymore and the Scourge are on the rampage everywhere in the world, establishing a new Forsaken state in Northrend would be very hard, not too mention trying to recruit them while they are so aggressive and mindless (currently while we are in the Shadowlands).

Bottom line, regardless of their identity, Forsaken must always be bound to Lordaeron in the story, just like the Night Elves are forever bound to (Northern) Kalimdor. Although, I guess being bound to Tirisfal in particular isn’t necessary for the story of the Forsaken, just a zone for them in the northern part of the Eastern Kingdoms will do (even better if it was part of the former Kingdom of Lordaeron though)

…I don’t understand that argument. You say yourself that they are former humans. They aren’t humans anymore. And even if they were. turning their backs on a cursed place that has too much baggage for them now is hardly contradicting human nature.

I don’t even understand the point for Night Elves.

So if these are arguments, I think they are in need of elaboration, and if they are just statements… wel,l I just disagree.

That’s a lore assumption with not much of a foundation. The only hint we have is the Kyrian quest and since we have no timestamp on that one it could show events that were during the prepatch. While we were told that an unbound Scourge would be that terrible, Shadowlands never ever treated them as such and presented the kidnapping of some rulers as a much more serious problem that needed everyone’s attention. I don’t think the rampaging Scourge will ever become a plot point.

They’ve acknowledged that the two races lack of a proper capital is something they wish to address in future. Personally I think it’s a waste of resources, we only need one capital per continent per faction (yes, thunder bluff and ironforge are extraneous but they are fine as is) and the Horde has both Silvermoon and Orgrimmar. I’d invest resources in improving Silvermoon and the Exodar rather than creating new ghost towns, or ressurrecting old ones, but if they are going to do this I think they’d just give Undercity back to the Undead.

Considering the Alliance has conceded Lordaeron is Horde territory, there is little reason not to, and in real world terms it would save them money just to bring back Undercity rather than building a whole new city from scratch.

So… a bit like what they said about Gilneas, I guess? Yeah, that means nothing at all.

Blizzard are reluctant about updating and finally making Gilneas into a proper Alliance capital because they know they can just lump the Worgen into the new capital of the Night Elves if they want, like basically it was with Darnassus, so for them it would just be a waste of resources. Their direct Goblin counterparts also lack a proper capital for themselves, after all. So between giving a new capital to the Forsaken in Lordaeron or just making Gilneas avalaible to the Alliance players, I think they would certainly pick a new capital for the Forsaken, especially if there’s a new faction war in the future and the Forsaken are supposed to try and contain the Alliance’s advance in Lordaeron, they totally need a main capital/fortress in their zones in order to even try to do that realistically.

Silvermoon and Exodar also sadly I don’t think they are getting updated until they become an important focus for the plot in the story of a next expansion (either an Alliance/Horde invasion against them “justified” by the presence in their faction of the Void Elves/Mag’har who want to respectively get rid of the Blood Elves and Draenei, or a big plot point that has to do with these two races concerning the Light and/or the Void)

In fairness I can see this happening, but it will also likely end badly for the Void Elves because a.) Without Undercity, the Horde needs a capital in the EK and that is Silvermoon so for gameplay alone, any Alliance move will fail (even with Undercity coming back it will probably fail as parity would mean the Exodar or the new Night Elf capital being wrecked in response) and b.) the most obvious motivator for an Alliance attack is likely to be the Army of the Light arriving and joining the Alliance. If they join the Alliance, Yrel will move against the Void Elves at some point. I doubt any move by Yrel against the Void Elves will be casualty free in a race that can’t afford deaths due to them having the lowest population of any race in the game.

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Hey as I said I’d prefer they left them as is and invested the time elsewhere, but if they do bother restoring Undercity would be the best option.

I guess the important takeaway is that Anduin explicitly acknoweldged Lordaeron as Horde territory and the property of the Forsaken.

Blizzard also said there will be no more customization added in this expansion

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They’re likely doing a lot of reflection on the choices that got them to this point, with a large part of the senior staff leaving and Shadowlands flopping harder than WoD did.

I really REALLY hope you’re right. But from past experience with Activision I won’t hold my breath.

I have noticed that the skullshape of undead differs greatly from that of the stormwind/gilnean humans, and if they streched out their backs it seems they would stand taller and slimmer than other humans aswell.
I wonder what they would look like if they were resurrected properly, could they be a standalone race or would they be conscidered to be a customization options for humans?

Considering Kul Tiran humans are an actual divergence enough to be warranted as a different race of their own, this kind of physical difference might actually be true.

Bit strange, meaning the conditions of Lordaeron would have to be so vastly different in compared to the south to warrant such a change, but I can still see it nonetheless.

Well… that race has three types of models, though, one one of which is the playable Kul Tiran. Usual human like Jaina, thin human with Forsaken-like models and the big guys.

I’m praying when we get player housing it’s racially themed, so I can finally have the rotting wheelie bin house I’ve always dreamed of.


I will forever be a supporter of Alterac City as new capital for the Forsaken.

It is centrally located in the core of Forsaken territory (Silverpine, Hillsbrad, Tirisfal and WPL).

They can refurbish the ruins ontop as a starting point, but can eventually expand into the mountain if they need more room.

They can easily acces the rest of their towns, cities and villages, while able to block any further Alliance encroachment upon their territory while isolating Fenris Keep, Shadowfang Keep, Pyrewood village and Southshore village.

They can easily annex the former nation of Dalaran and even build their own on the leylines there (or dump a captured necropolis in it?).

The lower temperature is better for keeping their bodies working.

Historically it makes sense as Alterac was annexed by Lordaeron between the Second and Third Wars.

People saying goblins don’t have a “proper” capital really need to get out in the world more, goblins have more of a capital then the gnomes, worgen, tauren, Darkspear and Forsaken.

Sure, it’s not an Orgrimmar, but they could easily add every convenience of a capital to this capital-but-not-a-capital.

Then again I also support the addition of portal rooms, to every capital city and placing the AHs and Banks as convenient as in Stormwind.

And the updating of Quel’thalas and Exodar, and making Hyjal, Gilneas, Gnomeregan, Bilgewater Harbor and Echo Isles into proper racial capital cities with portal realms and AHs and banks!