So this is HC?

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Don’t really go with Alexsensual videos. As for guilds, it’s obvious there will be drama, measuring contests, and the like.

“Grizzly from reddit” guild he was raiding with before Classic on pservers was even denied scarab lord in Classic by both factions so you can imagine similar degeneration for HC guilds. And to do HC you don’t need a guild even, especially with mental children.

Alexsenual or not, that video shows screenshots from some of the HC " leaders " being absolute reptiles,

I mean the goal of hc is to reach 60, join a guild and survive endgame content,
But with individuals like that, no way,

Yeah sure you can play solo the whole journey but its an mmorpg, then again you cant even group up which causes mass queues for 1 mob, a rule made by the same degenerate people, sad.


“I representate the EU Hardcore Community” :rofl:
Never heard of this guy but be cautious, apparently he has all the powerz !


He played with screenshots many times in the past as well. Now we are leading to believe a no-name account on Discord is “EU Hardcode Community represetative”. All those messages are bad but at the same time those are screenshots, unknown accounts and so on.

Alexsensual has some fetish of attacking Blizzard but most of all anyone that works with them. He started this few day ago with the NDA that the HC addon author signed with Blizzard. For him this is “corruption”, “selling out” and whatnot. Wouldn’t be surprised if we goes on rampage about whole HC idea just because of that NDA.

I have said countless time that those discord channels are a fraud, regarding HC/SoM/Fresh or idk whatever are nothing but a fraud and administrators exploit them giving ppl false hopes and feedback and abuse members of those channel for personal gains or profit, still ppl join those channels…also blizzard should step in and shut down those kind of discord channels, channels like “Official wow classic whatever” should not exist, how can someone make a channel throw in the word “official” and “wow” and all of a sudden start representing blizzard or people playing the game… again all those channels are a FRAUD and… Right above its the proof…


Freeze, the hardcore police is here. :rotating_light:

So cringe dude.
I am wondering how active the hc police will be on official hc servers.

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Sure hope HC police will only police those doing their own kind of HC and leave any other, be it IronMan, GreenMan, or Naked to 60 Challengers alone!

no one cares about HC, the twitch kiddies will move onto the next hype thing when their streamers tell them to.

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I’m very much enjoying HC, it’s the only WoW I play, I must be an outlier though as I’m 61 and don’t watch streams. I also don’t join HC guilds, no point really, I won’t be around for long and I enjoy the silence in chat.

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No the goal is more to gain clout and followers for your stream. Hardcore har turned from a community driven challenge mode to a money making scheme/schlong measuring contest. It’s beyond saving now.

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Do you play hardcore or ever try it?

Most people does not sitt and watch streamers all day and there is 130k people in the discord Classic hardcore i will say it is living well. The number went little down with people when Diablo came out but i am sure they will be back in august when hardcore servers comes out. So I am not afraid of the future of hardcore community.

Yea, I did. Eh, wasn’t for me. I mean it’s kinda exciting I guess when you’re in a sticky situation, but all the various regulations turned me off ultimately.

But I mean I think you have to be very naive if you don’t think hardcore is a very like streamer centered affair at this point. It was fine when it was a niche thing, but now that it entered the mainstream it’s just gotten really weird. Really weird and cringe honestly. Why exactly are the hardcore overlords pushing for Deadmines speedrun tournaments? Oh maybe because there’s money involved… hmm… yes… they gotta sell more RXP copies. That’s big money now I hear. I don’t know it’s just gotten really corporate and cringe. And there’s also longterm effects on the classic community as a whole from this. For instance, PvE servers have become somewhat synonymous with hardcore. You are always going to find people playing SSF or by these rules on these servers but with HC being so mainstream it’s gotten worse and worse in that respect.

Ultimately, Classic will never be the same, and I mean it just is what it is. But yeah… it’s really degenerate honestly, what we’re seeing here. A lot of these people need to maybe… get a real job, dare I say. Take a step back. Maybe find something else to play. I feel like it’s gone too far.

And I mean if you want to play SSF or by this hardcore ruleset no one’s gonna stop you but I personally am really turned off by what’s going on behind the scenes in the harcore community and also I don’t like the direction that Classic is taking now with actual development time being put into this… mode. So I don’t wanna be part of it, I don’t wanna support it. I want Classic live on and become better but I don’t think hardcore is the appropriate direction.

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He was and can be now, but his credibility is low so as before we are waiting to see if he was right or not. Not like he tried to “take down” his ex friends for whatever reason…

Kargoz is acting weirdly but that’s not proof yet of paying off a blizzard dev.

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