So tired of the hate train!

i don’t get it
Are you saying everyone who doesn’t like the game as is likes Asmongold?
Are you saying people who have negative feedback to the game shouldn’t voice it?
I don’t think even Blizzard agrees with the ‘better no feedback then bad feedback’

It’s insulting, if anything.
Still at 43 renown on my main, RP keeps me subbbed and only RP
Group content is a lot of fun and I’d love to do it but but abilities are locked behind renown and I cannot be bothered.
I don’t scream from the rooftops tho, maybe in response to posts like this I’ll mention it, but otherwise I just silently not do any content

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Tbh Legion was the best xpac for me. Content was everywhere , lore was enjoyable. If you get bored from endgame stuff you could just go do a fishing rep for a cool mount or can become an avenger slaying people for reputation in open world. Only problem was rng gearing and even with that xpac had so much to offer to keep you busy. Even playing alts had a meaning cuz if you don’t you were missing so much story. I would like to play it again with 7.3.5 quality of life changes tbh.

You can casually play the game without any renown , covenant , conduit , legendary , socket and even without proper gear but that doesn’t mean that grind doesn’t exists. Those things blocks you when you want to do something other then a world quests. No one here is a blizzcon contender or a world first raider . Just because a dude which is a multi blizzcon champion does a 0 to 2.4k challenge with a fresh account doesn’t mean everyone can or everyone should do it or someone clearing +15 with 200ilvl doesn’t mean everyone can do it. Those power gains are pretty much mandatory for any average/above average raider or dungeon pusher and those are pretty much also mandatory for any below average player.
If you want to play the game extremely casually thats fine but you are basically acting like a big portion of the game doesn’t exists.

Minck knows you can’t fight hate with hate. Be like Minck. :blue_heart:


He stream wow every day on his second stream.

You actually can.

They have one excuse. If you agree with something: you don’t have much to say; you just accept it. If you disagree: you might have to elaborate about it; that’s why criticizing the game is fine if done with arguments; being an empty hater is not fine of course.

I disagree the big failing of WOD was because we only got 1 major patch in WOD life cycle. Garrison was fun in the beginning, love the easy gold making. WOD zones are some of the best in Wow but unfortunately a lot of content was scrapped.

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don’t confuse hate with righteous indignation. a lot of us have been here a long time, given them a lot of support and have a right to demand better.

Unsubscribe, wait for a better patch and keep your opinions to yourself :x:

Hate on the forum about how bad the game is that won’t make anything better :white_check_mark:

this is just a joke
there is alot of great feedback aswell

To be honest I don’t think it’s really hate. I think it’s frustration of the fact that feedback is ignored. While I agree with Asmon beause he changes his mind every 5 min. Bellular was one of the most enthusiastic WoW youtubers back in WoD when most of them criticized expansion. Bellular is one of these Blizzard fans who ran out of his patience and trust to the dev team.

The main reason why people are so frustrated is that dev team knows what is wrong with the game and what players want. 9.1.5 is the best example of it but they don’t do it because they have corporate direction from someone higher to meet certain KPI’s so they design the game in the way KPI’s are met. Player’s reviews or opinions are not that important as long as whales leave more money than 12 mln. subs gave Blizzard in 2010.

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But you really should

why i can report this nonsense?

tbf he has alot of great opinions about the game and how to make it better, or atleast I thin they are good

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While this is true he isn’t the wise elder to always be right when people blindly follow what he says. Sometimes he is right sometimes he is not.


The current state of WoW is like how I feel about my country (Hungary) right now. I love it deeply, but I hate the current government and how they run amok, destroying whatever they find. You can always leave, theoretically, but you still lose so much.


I haven’t played retail for a long time so I shouldn’t comment on it, but. Nah, not gonna finish that.

You are literally laying the tracks for the hate train.

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I feel bad about posting this. I see it might have done more damage than good and that I should have kept my frustration to myself. I will learn from this experience though.

Wishing all a great week :slight_smile:

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Rubbish…every single time I stepped in, I got one shotted by an invisible opponent within approx 10 seconds, while just looking around.
The Ashran ‘mechanics’ (if you can even dignify them with that description) quite literally singlehandedly killed my interest in WoW PVP…it was nothing like Wintergrasp or Tol Barad, despite looking as though it was supposed to be the WoD version, from the outside.