So... We are the good guys in SL

Just when you thought the lore could not get any worst.

We have reached to the point where it is very exhausting to just hope they don’t mess yet another thing of WoW.

Activision does impressive job in doing unexpected annoying changes that nobody asked for.

The only good thing that remained was the lore, and they brought the cheapest writers on the market to dump all over it.


I’ve always been one of the good guys. I /hi the other faction players even.


I would delete my toon if I were you.


Lore was ruined after MoP and buried in BfA, so nothing in Shadowlands can be any worse at this point.


Yes, but we thought it would not get worst after MOP yet Activision managed to shock us.

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Is there something wrong with being the good guys?
And yes, I am ignorant to the whole lore specific details of the Shadowlands…


You would not get it /Joker

Because you are Panda.

Not really.

We’re superheroes who chase after dastardly Sylvanas in the afterlife and help primordial beings solve problems they for some reason couldn’t solve themselves. That’s about it for now.


What he said


I would say that is so g…

Essentially the character creation screen for Undead now repaints them as “Standing for protection of the living, despite their own situation”.

So we’ve gone from “All forsaken are sycophants to a murderer” to the complete opposite.

Seems theres a lack of nuance. I believe it’s perfectly capable to write Forsaken as not being ridiculous villains but you don’t need to shoehorn wierd qualities onto to them about “concern for the living” they’ve never had before. The way it reads, it paints them as some kind of wierd cursed order who have taken an oath to protect life despite the fact they’re outcasts, which is just a bit wtf.

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Lol hold on didn’t the undeads hate the living as much as the living hates undeath?

Aight, I get your point lol

The game doesn’t really have “the good guys” even since launch:

Yeah, I can’t wait to kill Sylvanas.

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So basically Ebon Blade wannabes?

Calia is becoming leader of Forsaken so no wonder that narrative changed :rofl:


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Basically yes.

All Horde races have got similar treatment of “discarding” their savage traditions in favour of more noble-minded outlooks.

I’ve never been a fan of Horde=evil but honestly, this is just turning them into humans with different physical features who say “spirits” instead of “light”.

The Alliance is meant to be races linked by ideology, the Horde is meant to be races linked by mutual benefit. Yet they now appear to be making it so so they all share roughly the same “noble, despite ppl thinking we’re not” perspective.

I mean, if they are changing the starting zone questing experience for the Forsaken in SL, then this text -could- make sense, if Calia is leading them now.

I agree about the Forsaken and maybe trolls, but this isn’t true for the orcs and the Tauren. In fact, the orcs were slowly being turned from noble savages to warmongering savages with no redeeming qualities since MoP/WoD.


Yeah Taurens have always been fine in their portrayal, no issue there. Orcs i’ll agree on too, as Orcs have always had that “but honour!” angle.

But the way they’ve rewritten the trolls and forsaken stuff needs toning down a bit. If they’re not careful Vulpera will end up being the bad boys of the Horde.