So... We are the good guys in SL

Yeah that I agree with.

The whole “Horde is bad” is the Alliance mindset. As far as I know no race has been portrayed as “bad” in their own story. In the forsaken story the humans are the monsters who want to deny them their rightful place in Lordaeron.

Things aren’t black and white.


Eh. The pacifist klingon thing came with W3, retconning them from warmongering brutes in W1/2 (like basically orcs everywhere always) to something more relatable that would fit if they were to be one of the triumvirate beating up mean old Archimonde.

I don’t think we chase after her. I think that canonically we will die and be sent there. Keep in mind, what Sylvanas said has not come true yet - the streets don’t run red with blood. This will be the Shadowlands prepatch, it will lead to our more or less final death, which will send us to the Shadowlands.

Sorry, you’re correct, I meant since their place in the “new horde” they’ve always had that, but you’re correct earlier hordes they have not been.

When this happened that’s when blizzard orcs really took off tbh, because to write Orcs as potential heroes/not-necessarily-enemies in a fantasy universe is breaking with tradition quite a bit. So I was pleased about that change.

This said it doesn’t mean the “noblising” every villain race is clever to same degree. Forsaken didn’t need that to be a clever addition because them offering a “behind the eyes” view of an undead character even if they were still quite rotten is good enough on it’s own, because no other MMORPGs have ever offered something like that.

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Newsflash: you were never the bad guy, and never will be. If you think being a tool for Sylvanas counts, think again.


A few weeks ago I found a Horde Pandaren in the middle of a Battle for Gilneas.

I switched to speaking Pandaren to him.

Before long we had a picnic basket down and were having a great time chatting it up.

Then he said: “Don’t look now, but my friends have arrived. They’d like to say hi.”

5 seconds later I had been impaled by 8 horde players.

So you may be using /hi to the other faction, but that doesn’t make you a good guy! :angry:

Yes they are, now stop being so delusional. Maybe you started the game few months ago?

Sure, that’s right, but… this still does not excuse the weird new angle they’re taking with the Forsaken. At no point of the story were they the “protectors of the living”, even if they’re not an evil race so to say.

I don’t get it, what did you link?

Post basically saying the horde were the bad guys in WC and WC2 but in WoW things aren’t so black and white.


We won’t die. We have connection to Azeroth’s soul so we can just go to SL alive.

Bolvar will lead us there to chase after Syl

From the alpha, the quests in Bastion say we’re dead. Maybe that’s placeholder just to guide people testing the alpha… but I think we will die. I think Sylvanas will show up in the prepatch and everybody is going to die. I won’t be surprised if Blizzard pulls something like what Epic did with Fortnite and has us just… dead for a week or two, unable to play the game.


Expecting good things from Blizzard writers at this point HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA

Oh I have better joke, we die that’s why Forsaken became protectors of livings, because all livings extincted. LMAO

Uh, was it not obvious from the trailer alone that we would be the good guys?

Confused as to where you even thought there was wiggle room on that.

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Seems like they are poised to pull another Kerrigan…

As crazy as WoD was, it at least worked and didn’t have any lasting negative effects on the world. What really ruined the Lore was Blizzard opting to wipe out the Legion in one patch the following expansion. Then proceed to do the same twice both with Aszhara and N’zoth in BFA.

They have thrown away the last three of the big villains in mere patches with poor build up and reasoning to why none of them just decimated us when the should have been easy for them.

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Blizzard’s writing is pretty good, but like 90% of it isn’t in the game. I hope they don’t repeat the same mistake with Shadowlands… but it seems they will. There’s major events that will happen in the Shadowlands book - Sylvanas will try to kill Bwonsamdi and somebody will try to kill Talanji, which will cause a rift between the Horde and the Zandalari… and none of that will be shown in the game, but these are major events, without which, these characters won’t make sense.

Yeah, retconning the story every patch is surely fun and good…

WTF! No wonder the game is declining so quickly.


Blizzard’s writing, especially in BfA and now beyond is absolute trash – it is incredibly one dimensional and so slick that you think it has to be someone going overboard with fan fiction


Their writers are decent. What isn’t decent is their story director who have no idea how to actually build a world.

They have explicitly stated that the “rule of cool” dictates where the story goes.

I can’t agree, I think even their choice of words is on a low level by now and their texts never allude to anything, only deliver objective descriptions even though they are delivered in a subjective narrative most of the time

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