So... We are the good guys in SL

That’s a lot of words to simply say
“They’re a$$”


No, not it wasn’t and hasn’t been good for years upon years.

I seriously doubt Activision are the ones who decided Undead should be good guys all of a sudden.

Try actually blaming Blizzard for once. Not every single bad decision is just “Activision”. Especially one about lore.


It’s not really. But a lot of it, as I said, is contained in side media and Blizzard acts as if everyone consumes that. I even haven’t read most of the books, I haven’t read Chronicle even, and that is the problem. If we just go by the game, the writing is pretty bad. It really requires reading the books, or at least watching things on youtube, in order to become good. That is a HUGE problem, there is no reason why Blizzard would make it that way.



They would make so much more money if the writing in the game is actually so great, that it made you want to seek more of it. Not by the game being an incomplete, incomprehensable mess.

Blizzard is no more. How naive of you to think this is our Blizzard that made this game.

it is now activision game. Like all other activision games, it is just about milking with ZERO creativity. It is about making quick cash and console ports.

Just look at COD.


You blatantly don’t understand what Activision-Blizzard is or how the company is structured.

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No you don’t lol.

It is Activision now, Blizzard magic is long gone. Understand that.

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ok boomer in 10 characters

I legitimately don’t understand people like you. I personally when I grow cynical towards a game and company, I have to quit it. I can’t stay and consume product with cynicism, when I have so many games in my Steam library that I need to play. Life is finite, you can’t waste it on playing a game you’re so cynical about, mate.


I like this game, if I don’t I would not waste my time here.

BUT if they continue on this Activision route then I would surely quit the game.

When I started BFA, the story didn’t make sense to me. Then I discovered Pyromancer on youtube and he managed to convince me the story is actually really good, and right now we are facing the culmination of 15 years of foreshadowing. But the problem is that the story in BFA is like Dark Souls - it doesn’t exist in the game, you need to go on youtube and have someone explain to you why it’s good. And this is bad for a game that is so driven by its narrative.

It is not good, if I don’t see that it does not mean I should leave the game I like and let it turn into total rubbish.

I would say the lack of veteran players like myself is what is causing this game to spiral downward. Perhaps it is their way to bring faction unity by erasing what the game is all about.

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Right now, we know for a fact there will be an even bigger wedge driven between Horde and Alliance… and it is in the writing. “Ours is a cycle of hatred” Sylvanas says in the beginning of this expansion. We can already see the Horde’s rejection of warchiefs isn’t going to work. Just look at what is going on in the streets of Orgrimmar right now. There will be infighting within the Horde, and this will elect a new powerful single leader, a Warchief. The council will be a failure. On the Alliance side, too. N’zoth says the boy king serves the enemy. The enemy in this case is the light, or life in itself, probably Eonar is a villain. The tyrannical side of the Alliance will show itself. There is no attempt to bring peace between the factions. And there’s so much threads pointing towards Azeroth being imprisoned in the planet, sleeping, and she will wake up. N’zoth says something like “She’s not the last. She’s the first. Drown her and you will see”. This is talking about Azeroth being the first Titan, and “drowning her” might refer to what is about to happen with all of us dying, drowning her in blood.

There simply cannot be peace between the horde and alliance. The alliance is too proud and hubristic and the horde is too attached to its culture. Neither will budge, and they will fight again. Theirs is a cycle of hatred.

Hope not. This cycle is more stale than the milk I bought three months ago and forgot to drink.

They need to stop beating this dead horse already, before they ruin the factions even more. Both of them are a major embarrassment after BfA.


You are aware that the Horde has never been “the bad guys” and neither has the alliance been “the good guys” this is a world full of grey and there is fault on both sides.

Are you upset that we’re not following sylvannas in her madness? She literally wants to take a massive sh&t on all of Azeroth, when we’ve spent the last 8 iterations of the game protecting it.

Why as a Horde member am I inclined to even consider helping her.


I think this is exactly why they’re flipping the entire world on its head. They want to flip the conflict. It used to be The Light being good, the Horde being invaders, Alliance, people of the Light being her defenders. What Blizzard is hinting at right now is that Sargeras probably was the good guy. Maybe Eonar is the enemy. The Light is the enemy. Where it has always been more or less “the horde are the bad guys, aggressors, and the Alliance are the good guys”, I think the future of the conflict is The Alliance being the bad guys and they will be led by Anduin.

You’re aware that neither faction has manpower nor resources for another all-out war yes? The entire point of the allied races was for the factions to get more fodder to throw at each other.

Not right now, sure. But the peace cannot last. Both factions know the other is starved of resources… and we don’t know what will happen before Shadowlands. My money is on everyone dying, and maybe Azeroth waking up during the Shadowlands expansion, maybe near the end, for 10.0. And when that happens, who knows where the story will go. I’m pretty sure 9.0 will be pretty revelatory, maybe even the prepatch. “This world is a prison” is a very strong line, with a lot of meaning behind it, and both N’zoth and Sylvanas have said Azeroth will drown in blood more or less, and N’zoth said, talking about Azeroth that when we drown her, we will finally see.