So when warrior nerf in arena?

What you express here is, “I have no alts.” Since if you did you’d know that none of the other classes have to solve complex algorithms while accomplishing basic gameplay, they can just, you know, play the game without having to worry about all that. And if they auto-play without mental investment they can succeed. If you auto-play with Arms without any mental investment, unless you severely out gear the content, you’ll most likely die.

And that’s the major problem. People that play Warriors well are extremely skilled as doing so practically requires a ph. D. in WoW. The average player will be considerably worse than an average player of any other class.

There’s no inbetween. You’re either good at playing Warrior or you suck at it, there’s no average skill level. Other classes have that.

1000% this

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Me not playing shadowlands alts so far doesn’t mean I didn’t play alts in BFA where the things that you highlight as problems (mainly rage generation, survivability) were still there. Playing a warrior well does not practically require a ph.D. That’s just plain untruthful. If you are comfortable with your key binds on your main spec, picking up an alt warrior and mapping over your key binds somewhat for similar abilities will help you a great deal.

Maybe warrior just isn’t the class for you, I don’t know. What some people find easy on one class, others might struggle with on another and vice versa.

You’re conflating a few things. Arms DPS is low. The damage pr hit can be measured in the extremes, and since PvP is all about single hits Arms is in a good place for that.

In patch 8.0 yes, and then it improved since Haste did and the Rage generation and gameplay got smoother. Thgat in no way means that it’s okay ir even well edesigned.

Also, your last argument is peak intellectual dishonesty as I never said that, or even implied it. If you actually presented what I wrote honestly then you’d bring forth that I said that every other class was easier to play since playing a Warrior well is harder than any other class.

Take your wounded ego and, to paraphrase you, maybe you should go away. Once you start lying about what your debate opponent said then you’ve lost the argument. All I have to do is to point it out, I’ve no need to even counter-argue it as you’ve effectively counter-argued yourself.

You never said what or implied what? What have I said that was untrue? Why are you telling me to go away? I don’t really have an ego to wound sir. I’m a very average player. Playing a warrior is not harder than every other class. You are a very hard person to try and talk to Arcana. I don’t want to turn this into a debate about my mental state or perception of the world, agenda or narrative yet again…


I looked at your profile and while you might think that you’re an average player you have around 220 average ilvl, a rating of 1801, and for out of seven m+ timed on 10+.

Your subjective reality is that you’re average. The objective reality is that if most players with average skills saw that and you calling yourself average they would gnash their teeth in frustration.

The prior quote got twisted into me saying that Warriors are too hard for me to play. When you construct a strawman like that I know what your bias and your narrative are even if you’re unaware of them even existing. That’s the core of phenomenology.

I said MAYBE warrior isn’t the class for you. Whether it is or isn’t is for you to figure out. I didn’t say it was too hard for you to play. Stop looking for things that are not there.


Also, there is such a wealth of information/guides and streamer/video content out there that I think the average player is slightly better at the game than you think.

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This was the exact thing you said. Notice the lack of a question mark? And the “maybe” represents a foregone conclusion, instead of, “perhaps” which in conjunction with a question mark is an honest question.

Which one sounds the most sincere? “Maybe you should stop saying you’re average.” Or, “perhaps you should stop saying that you’re average?”

At this point you really are stretching. The inclusion of ‘I don’t know’ at the end of the sentence may as well be a question mark.

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You’re right. Instead they see a warrior as they join and think: “great time to be oppressed an entire game”

There’s a reason warriors are dominating both arena brackets, let’s not pretend they don’t have any broken elements that need fixing.

I notice that you avoid answering the question and instead acts with outrage as if I’m the unreasonable party. And yes, it has a huge meaning. Everything you say, and how you say it, is decided subconsciously and then given form by our consciousness, While form defines function label defines purpose.

You having no question mark in the sentence, along with the “maybe,” creates a context where the purpose is to be commanding and superior.

Warriors are broken, except for different reasons than you think. What makes them broken in Arenas is the exact same thing that makes them broken in PvE. It’s their inconsistent performance pr. hit.

Blizzard has been trying hard to limit the jousting damage of Arms since Legion, however, Arms still needs to have the DPS needed to be able to function in PvE. So they reduced the initial damage of mortal strike down to nothing, and then they added a lot of things that if you apply them then MS starts hitting extremely hard.

And this is where it becomes relevant for the brokenness of Arms. In PvP DPS means little and damage pr. hit means a lot, and in that area, Arms excels.

The “funny” thing is that all of these additional buffs are exponential in nature as they add a +percentage increase instead of a percentage of AP to the damage of Mortal Strike. So as MS increases in damage these applied buffs will only get better and better. To illustrate how ridiculous this is here are some numbers. An MS hit of 3.5k can under optimal conditions crit for, assuming a 20% Mastery and the full situational buff of +245% (the two are multiplicatively), 14.490 damage before reduction. This is ridiculous.

In PvE, this rarely becomes relevant as you have to follow a rotation. In PvP, all this setup becomes relevant as you set up the conditions for the kill. The target getting healed just makes this easier to achieve as some of that additional damage comes from the Exploiter+Condemn interaction.

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To put my numbers example into perspective. Using the same numbers, except for bumping the initial MS damage to 5k, it can now crit for 20.7k.

The oppressive nature of warriors in pvp isn’t from what you seem to think it is. While your argument has merit, in practice it’s condemn that’s providing warriors with oppressive consistent damage and not fluctuating mortal strike damage that makes them broken. They have an answer for almost every situation, mainly due to the return of old spells as someone mentioned earlier, which is the main issue.

It’s demoralising right now to fight warriors, especially in 2s. Sure, they don’t have the burst of other broken specs (except in the damage stacking situations you mentioned), but instead you’re dealing with not being able to escape because of death sentence and condemn spam.

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It’s a large part of it. The “answer for every” situation is utility. Partly it is that their utility is so easy to use. MS is practically a “fire-and-forget” wonder. And with the War Banner now working retroactively it’s going to get even worse.

I also did miscalculate in my math examples. It’s much, much worse than that as I had forgotten to add the crit damage modifier.

This calculation has no Vers added to it, which just makes it even higher.

MS hit of 3.5k

Add: Deep Wounds of 20% = 4.2k MS damage

Add: 2* Overpower = +80% damage
Add: 2* Exploiter = +100% damage
Add: Warbreaker = +30% damage
Add: Add Avatar = +25% damage
= +210% damage = 13020 MS damage

Add: critical damage modifier = +75% damage
Add: Rend critical damage modifier = 10% damage
= +85% damage = 24087 damage

Change the initial MS value to 5k and it becomes a 6k hit, a potential 20.1k HIT, and a potential 37185 damage critical hit.

Aside from Avatar, nothing of this has a long CD. Warbreaker has a CD of 45 seconds. So Arms has little burst, instead, they’ve relatively consistent high damage applied on a single-hit basis, which is optimal for PvP as it supports the jousting nature. Add this to the utility they have and you have a package that’s an utter nightmare to deal with in PvP when backed up by a healer.

They need utility else it’s way too easy to shut them down without killing them. The solution is to let them, keep their utility, change how MS works, and remove the exponential modifiers.

Due to the exponential modifiers, Arms will just continue to hit even harder as the budget for secondary stats increases. So yeah, as much as you complain now how do you feel that this season will see the easiest to deal with Arms unless it’s completely redesigned?

When they return shield wall and a selfheal to arms.

Note that my math is -without- Sharpen Blade.

I am not outraged. You read way too much into what people type. You are like a broken record.

I never said or even implied that you were feeling that way. You bringing it up in your own frankly sounds like, “I’m not racist but…” You also avoided answering the question again and instead went on the attack by blaming me for overreacting. That’s the language of anyone that feels like they’ve been accurately interpreted.

No one has used that phrasing if they were thinking that way, they would just shrug and leave you to being incorrect in their eyes.

This is what you said. What question is it that you’d like me to answer?