It’s a large part of it. The “answer for every” situation is utility. Partly it is that their utility is so easy to use. MS is practically a “fire-and-forget” wonder. And with the War Banner now working retroactively it’s going to get even worse.
I also did miscalculate in my math examples. It’s much, much worse than that as I had forgotten to add the crit damage modifier.
This calculation has no Vers added to it, which just makes it even higher.
MS hit of 3.5k
Add: Deep Wounds of 20% = 4.2k MS damage
Add: 2* Overpower = +80% damage
Add: 2* Exploiter = +100% damage
Add: Warbreaker = +30% damage
Add: Add Avatar = +25% damage
= +210% damage = 13020 MS damage
Add: critical damage modifier = +75% damage
Add: Rend critical damage modifier = 10% damage
= +85% damage = 24087 damage
Change the initial MS value to 5k and it becomes a 6k hit, a potential 20.1k HIT, and a potential 37185 damage critical hit.
Aside from Avatar, nothing of this has a long CD. Warbreaker has a CD of 45 seconds. So Arms has little burst, instead, they’ve relatively consistent high damage applied on a single-hit basis, which is optimal for PvP as it supports the jousting nature. Add this to the utility they have and you have a package that’s an utter nightmare to deal with in PvP when backed up by a healer.
They need utility else it’s way too easy to shut them down without killing them. The solution is to let them, keep their utility, change how MS works, and remove the exponential modifiers.
Due to the exponential modifiers, Arms will just continue to hit even harder as the budget for secondary stats increases. So yeah, as much as you complain now how do you feel that this season will see the easiest to deal with Arms unless it’s completely redesigned?