So when warrior nerf in arena?

The main difference is that I qouted your entire sentence in context, and you selectively quoted me to spin a narrative. I know now everything about your stance that I need to know.

I notice that you avoid answering the question and instead acts with outrage as if I’m the unreasonable party. And yes, it has a huge meaning. Everything you say, and how you say it, is decided subconsciously and then given form by our consciousness, While form defines function label defines purpose.

You having no question mark in the sentence, along with the “maybe,” creates a context where the purpose is to be commanding and superior.

Here’s what you said

Also, War banner does not work retro-actively. It now works correctly on follow up cc if your partner is already in cc.

And I’m still unable to find where it’s irrelevant to your response?

Thank you, then I misunderstood

Meh. After 15 years some people still don’t get it: warrior in PvP is weak solo, but very strong when supported. There is nothing “broken” nor to “fix” there, it’s just a design.

so this post is kinda old, how it looks now, LFG:
Resto druid lf afflock
Hpal lf volcano
Hpriest lf spellcleave
disc lf rmp
resto lf bm hunter
bala lf oneshot rogue
X lf Jungle

and so on and so on

It’s funny ppl still cry warr nerfs knowing warr is basically useless solo.


Because they’re used to Warriors being useless solo, and then when you give them a healer they become mad powerhouses. The difference creates an incongruence in people’s interpretation of the class.

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Not easy to find a healer…

Pretty good summary of what arms warriors do :joy:
Told this to a friend who was struggling 1v1.
Told him warriors can’t 1v1 because we can’t heal and other specs have strong cooldowns, but warriors have consistently decent pressure in comparison to say a feral who ain’t got nothing out their berserk, convoke and maybe feral frenzy goes.

Yup. Inside the burst, everyone can wreck an Arms Warrior. If they can survive the burst and stay in the fight they’ll win. They might have 15 seconds where they go from 90% to 200% power while Arms stays at 100%. However, in the 2m 45 they’re at 90% power the Arms Warrior remains at 100%.

Yeah no. Maybe actually play your warrior in PVP and when you’ve had all these 37k crits you speak about (with Rend talented and using the pve version of exploiter?) then come back.
Arms is strong in pvp, but not because they are a big burst class, but as others have pointed out because they offer utility and good sustained damage.


I wish you had gone back and read the post that it references as then you would have read, “under optimal conditions.” Though if you had done that you would have been unable to make a “well acshually” outrage post.

Its not optimal though - most people wouldn’t run exploiter and rend together right now and you don’t get a 100% buff from exploiter in pvp so its a sub optimal build with a legendary ability which is half as powerful as you suggest.
I’m sure there are other classes which if we doubled the effectiveness of their legendaries would be doing even bigger crits, but which would require much much less setup than that.
Arms warriors are in a good place in pvp right now, just as they’re one of the worst damage specs in pve, but they aren’t brokenly good or bad on either.

You’re 100% correct that it’s far from optimal, and The Law of Averages states that it will happen eventually. Even if the chance is minuscule, and it will happen to someone as there are easily thousands of iterations being done each day. Even if it only has a 0.1% chance of happening if there are 10.000 iterations then it’ll happen to 10 people. 10 people are going to be straight up deleted.

To take into account that this will happen eventually, as pr. The Law of Averages has to be taken into consideration in the design. This leads to low DPS. However, PvP is less about the DPS and more about the setup and jousting damage. An area in which Arms shines due to the mechanics.

My MS hits for about 4k before reduction and nothing applied. In PvE Exploiter and Condemn has less value as most mobs never get healed. In PvP people often get healed, so there’s a higher chance of being able to Condemn twice and get two stacks of Exploiter.

In PvP I’ve no interest in hitting MS asap, as I would in PvE, instead I want to get a good setup before I hit it.

So if I was Venthyr my interest would in applying two *Exploiter and two *Overpower before I hit MS. Before this, I would have hit the target with Warbreaker, and I would use Avatar and Sharpen Blade.

The Warbreaker applies Deep Wounds, which’s in my PvP gear +13% damage. So MS hits for 4.5k damage. Then I add +225% from the various buffs I’ve applied, and suddenly my MS hits for 14k. HITS. This is a conservative estimate and excludes Vers and the bonus for two PvP trinkets in which case the damage would be. as my Warrior around 22% Vers for a total of 30.8%, an MS hit for 16k. It would be a 19k critical hit. And remember, this is a conservative estimate where I’ve taken the low end of numbers and evened them out. This is also before any reductions.

The hit is more than most attacks can crit and it happens far more often than optimal conditions due to the nature of PvP.

People only remember the negative things that happen to them. And what’s negative is subjective, in this case, it depends on what side of the handle you stand on. The people who play Warrior never remember the massive hits, instead, they remember the inconsequential plinks. The people hit, on the other hand, never remember the inconsequential plinks, they remember the hits that practically deleted them. On top of this, for the big hits, it also comes with a -50% healing reduction. These buffs are mostly on the player, so they can switch targets without suffering in damage reduction, this is the reason for Warbreaker as well since it applies DW in an AoE.

It would be a lot better if the damage from MS was increased and all the situational modifiers removed, or most of them at least. For this to happen though, Arms would have to go to an active Rage-generation model where MS and OP produced Rage when used. And the effects that somehow affected them just affected this amount.

You’re forgetting that your opponent will also have armor and versatility so your damage will be reduced.
So you’re suggesting taking away Warbreaker, Sharpen Blade, Overpower buff, legendaries and avatars damage boost?
Your argument seems to be that warriors are overly bursty when that is the one thing they aren’t, but that if someone plays a sub-optimal spec just for memes then every few games they might get a really big crit, although lets forget the fact that they’ll likely do poorly the rest of the time with that approach.

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Okay, this is just a dishonest thing to say. I LITERALLY WROTE

I would change them so they did something else than adding an exponential modifier to an existing ability as exponential modifiers are extremely bad MMOs.

< (point)
o (you)

You understood nothing of what I wrote in order to REEE. It also shows that you’ve considerably less skill at playing Arms than you think, which is probably the reason you express the things you do. I at least have the courage to post on my Warrior, and you post on a lvl 28 DK alt.

What I wrote is extremely easy to get. And how is a 16K HIT a big crit? There’s no need for any small random chance for this to happen. This is easily available and easy to get,

And the rest of the time matters little, other people can keep the pressure up during that time, all that matters is the setup for the big HIT and then getting that HIT off. If it becomes a critical hit that’s just a bonus.

Arcana, why don’t you post on your main?

Because my current main is a DH. I’ve played a Warrior main up until SL, including in SL Beta, as main though so I know how it works. It would just be insultring if I posted on a DH while saying how Warriors work. It would also be hypocritical since I always qiuestion the reason people post on alts when it’s so easy to change your avatar.

And before you try to ad hominem it, I’ve never boasted about things I’ve done or achieved in SL on a Warrior, as so many post alts do.

The current state of Warrior is so dire though that I just gave up, and I’ve sat through every bad thing thrown our way >.<

But how can you speak all those things about warrior if you only played in in beta, and everything that you say is from 3rd person perspective?