So when warrior nerf in arena?

Don’t tell people they are arrogant and condescending.
Just do not.

This is a strawman as I never said that, you can only infer that if you only read a part of it outside context. In this context, I called the action arrogant and condescending.

Your behaviour is as well since you selectively looked at what I said in order to justify you calling me out.

Unless of course, you’re unable to distinguish between the person and their actions. Granted, this is common so I can understand if you are.

This paragraph however is very arrogant and very condescending.

Granted, it’s also true and an uncomfortable one to boot as it goes against the narrative element of our personal narrative we have that we’re rational beings. The above is fully irrational, yet many people do it all the time due to how we learn to talk about others.

  • A person who works with electrical repairs and installations is an “electrician.”
  • A person who flees from war is a “refugee.”
  • A person who’s hospitalized is a “patient.”

When we call people by a label instead of a person who does the label. When we do that we take away their humanity, and associate them with the subculturally associated traits of that label. For example, when we think “refugee” we associate the word with dirty, in bad health, poor, desperate, etc. So when we see someone who’s fled their native region who’s clean, in good health, took some resources with them when they fled, calm, etc we subconsciously feel insulted because they’re opposite of what we think they should be when we think “refugee.”

We do the same in arguments because of this mechanic. It’s called stigmatisation and it’s the action of reducing someone to a few traits. When that’s done the side effect is that the person’s humanity is erased and everything they say or do is because of those traits. The person saying the argument becomes the argument and the “opponent.” And the opponent becomes the enemy that has to be disproven instead of the argument itself. This means that you often end up in situations where people attack the person who said the argument instead of the argument itself.

What was done here. So yeah, a short explanation would always sound arrogant and condescending. So does a long one, just less so.

Not even so much the short explanation that I was talking about. The combination of this together with the inferred. ‘Oh well you’re clearly uneducated in these matters, kekw, common mistake for an unread peon’.

Also didn’t need the long explanation.

I also don’t agree with your rework for arms. Sounds like you want to sterilise the spec purely for pve purposes. Show me some ‘utterly stupid’ MS hits in a competitive pvp setting (not random bg’s). I’m fairly sure MS single hits are not what people are complaining about when it comes to arms pvp as I’ve said many many times in this thread.

Whoever said warriors had “Zug Zug” intelligence, read this entire conversation between these two.
We got some big brain boys out here, representing.

No one can know everything. However, it really grinds my gears when people think that their anecdotal experience is representative of everything. This was what he did.

Personally disliking it fair. As long as you keep it on that level all is good. However this

really needs to be elaborated else you’re just stating what you think without using an argument to support it.

Doing a lot of RBGs I don’t think I’ve ever heard of someone complaining of Warriors MS being to big. I’m not saying it never happens; but there are plenty of other classes and specs with way more instant burst potential than Arms in PVP. Are you saying they all need totally reworking as well?
Also I’m pretty sure your 13.5k is still based on PVE exploiter not the PvP version. I’ve certainly not had a non crit close to that, but maybe in random BGs with people with no versa.

Have you been acting willfully ignorant? I see people all the time complaining about Arms hitting way too hard.

And yes, they should. Classes should never be dependent on their long skills to perform optimally. That’s just bad design. The specs in question should be moved more from sprinters to marathon runners. I think the most extreme example is Fire Mages who outside their cooldowns have a rather low threat profile and with them just are inside to face. Same with Rogues, though that’s an entirely different kettle of fish.

And as I said multiple times a 13.5 hit is without any reductions in damage. So, the practical damage would always be lower. Also, 13.5k is based on a 3.5 MS, at average ilvl 200, I was sitting on a 4.5k MS before it was buffed in PvE.

Omg this is still alive…? :rofl:

As long as Arcana breaths it seems it will be :man_shrugging:t4:

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Nobody had posted for a week so i guess you brought it back to life

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