So where is the Horde?

As linked to the US thread as well I wil l start the same thing here. Why is Thrall the token Horde guide for us all while at the same time we have like 6 or 7 important alliance folks ? Is the Horde really this thinned out already? Feels bad.


to be honest in this specific case? I kinda agree…Don’t get me wrong, I detest his trolling…but–They could have included lorthemar or thalyssra, by the excuse of void>and how it was once after sunwell, so belfs wouldn’t want void gaining a foothold for certain and sent someone to aid. That sorta stuff. I do say this as an alliance main…


I swear im going to spawn sylvanas if they dare have alliance all present in silvermoon next exp. Only elfs allowed as exception


points at amirdrassil it will happen x)


This is a specific case I am just copying something that happened over at the american friends nothing more.

I dont like the horde but I must admit, after finishing campaign. There is absolutely no Horde moment with no Horde NPC or something. Its about Anduin, Faerin, New dwarves, Moira, Alleria etc…


there will be a thrall moment soon, not putting any spoilers here ofc

Sounds fake but okay.

Not introducing new characters, getting into dead end/abandoning old ones results in Horde having no place in the story at all. Thrall should be dead or retired several expansions ago with his successor being well developed and leading Horde in the new direction by now.


Killing off or turning half the Horde Cast into Villains, doesn’t leave you with a lot of Characters to implement doesn’t it?


Calia H/A? :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

etc… there are plenty of named Horde npcs

The Horde are here after the levelling campaign. Stop fretting.

He will come around during Midnight obviously, same goes for Liadrin and Rommath

He had his Chance in Shadowlands and he took that by just sitting around in Oribos :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Poor wandering bull :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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Because he’s a cool character.

Right. That’s this thread over and done with.
Next topic?

Was. Back in Warcraft 3 and all the way to Wrath. In Cata they made him into green Jesus and destroyed character.


That’s your opinion and that’s fine.
He’s not that character anymore; and I think he’s cool.

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I will stop you right there

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I can’t and won’t

Which is the most important part of the plot I am afraid.

I was thinking the same.

I mean, I suppose… very loosely… the big screw up for the factions was started by the Kirin Tor thinking it would be a bright idea to do the thing with Dalaran that laid them all out flat last time they did it in Legion - on that note, how come Khadgar was even conscious afterwards? - and the Kirin Tor is… kind of (despite being officially neutral)… more connected to the Alliance than the Horde, so it makes sense that the Alliance would be more angry about what happened, which would explain why they wanted to have a heightened presence there.

So yeah, there’s a vague story explanation, but it doesn’t help Horde players who want to see their own faction leaders and not spend all their time apparently helping the Alliance. It would be easy enough for the other Horde leaders to say “this affects all of us” (the factions getting along theme) or “we don’t want the Alliance getting in there ahead of us” (the more interesting conflict theme) and head over to the new zones.