So where is the Horde?

We did that all the time minus shadowlands. This is the actual First thing ever where both factions don’t have a different introduction.


You re not gonna stop me not today, not yesterday not in the future. You re simple mage trolls friend and I am a High Priest from a long Quel dorei light infused family tree. (RP)

Kneel before me mage. :elf: :sparkles:

I meaned I dont know if we can consider Calia as Horde or Alliance. Technicaly she s a forsaken so horde but she was former human and Menethil family tree

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What Horde characters? I see 0 of them. Only Alliance characters. I bet even Jaina will show up at some point.

Agree to disagree.

I found the joint arrival of the horde and alliance very cool and refreshing.

Stop living in the past, I’d say.


What’s more interesting (and realistic) is them working together because they’re forced to by circumstance, but they’re constantly arguing about what needs to be done and who needs to do it. Basically an ongoing power struggle but it’s political rather than violent. The faction war has been going on (actively or passively) since Warcraft began. You can’t expect it to be resolved in a few years.

Alliance killin’, Horde is dyin’
Belves hurt and you hear them cryin’
Can you practice what you preach?
And would you turn the other cheek?

Metzen , Metzen help us
Send some guidance from above
‘Cause haters got me, got me questionin’
Where is the Horde? (Horde)


Yes you can, actually.

But; there’s still a bit of tension here and there. In fact, I just witnessed some when doing the continuation of the main campaign last night.

Black Eyed Peas?

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yess. when i read the OP my thoughts went at this song

Good job with lyrics :+1:

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Oh I’ll be there, trying our all your fancy Elven wines, then puking and peeing in the alleys of silvermoon

No male human paladin will defile our sacred lands ever. I will show you the way out.

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There is no way out, only holy fire to clean them all. :fire:

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Are real world conflicts that have gone on for decades resolved in that time frame (without one side wiping out the other)?

If you’re going to answer “yes”, it would be helpful if you could provide examples.

France and Germany. Israel and Germany. USA and Russia.


Also when?

Same question.

you asked for countries that did NOT totally obliterate each other despite being arch rivals and on bad terms.

i imagine Horde will shine in Midnight because stuff will happen in Quel’Thalas and Lordaeron

Are you just here to pick fights with people even when they’ve agreed with the premise of your post? Considering that’s nowhere close to what I asked, I have to assume you are.

60% of all elves are alliance and Mezten said it will be elven reunification.