So where is the Horde?

We dont need other primitivs elves and “high elves” and their human husband and b. babies.

Silvermoon is our, no other elves and especially smurfs ones who deal with the void are allowed.

Last time I saw a Cave Elf trying to enter in my city for killing Lorthemar I burned her.

Haranor are proto elves do they count?

For Circus Freaks show, only.

see you in two years when silvermoon accepts all elves x’D

Well Thrall seems the only one of the horde who is always around with the good guys.

Thrall has gone to get the Horde. Im sure he will bring more.

But during the last few expansions there have always been jaina, anduin etc. The Horde had Silvanas also but now she is dead which is why it probably feels like they have less.

It doesnt matter anyway they are done with the faction and alliance characters are more human and therefore more relatable and easy to market, so i think it will always be like this. Nobody cares about a troll or an undead.

They are trying a more altruistic route instead of the whole faction vs faction thing.

If you are really waiting for a more interesting plot then i suggest to come back 1 or 2 expansions later.

These stories often take time to unfold or they wont be happening at all, sorry.

Seems I will enjoying ESO instead until they stop focusing on the alliance all the time. Shame.

Yes, we do. :blush:

You’re so weird dude. Ah well… Enjoy ESO.

No just one disappointment too much. This crap has been going on since Legion.

Excuse me sir but there is no correlation between Night Elves and Silvermoon, make no sense.

Void elves are traitors.

etc etc

you re making pure speculation based on “trust me bro” :stuck_out_tongue:

imagine alliance being excluded from Midnight. My dream scenario.

You re not a Blood elve, you re a kung fu panda :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Thought it was weird how Thrall and Jaina was going to get the armies of each side, but then saying it’ll take months to get back by ship… When they have portals… And have used portals in the past, WoD for example.

Haven’t finished levelling by was waiting for some quest where the two sides would show up and help. Guessing it’ll arrive later if they are indeed going by ship…

But yeah, sucks with the lack of horde characters. Was hoping for more mixed horde/alliance teams since they started working more together in Dragonflight.

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After an in-depth investigation I discovered they can’t swim too well and your incessant tears drowned them all.

It’s your fault.

The horde is nothing! You are all nothing!

No. I’m a human and I’m a WoW player, same as you.
I told you before that this forum isn’t the right place to RP.

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Eating french toast.

Metzen. That’s why.

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Is that a kind of bread? :bread:

Well, all Lordaeron forsaken were once humans so…

And honestly I find her an interesting character. :eyes:

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