So where is the Horde?

The toast kind! With Drenched in a egg/cinnamon mix.

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This ^

We needed new seeds being planted a couple xpacs ago to carry the Horde banners into fresh content and story. Currently feels a little lacking ngl

There is no H or A story anymore. Do not waste your time asking this anymore. Now we have H and A fighting together against the enemies of the world. Blizz is not able to write different stories for H and A anymore. They put us together in the same pot and that’s it.

Justice for Vol’jin

I see that break didn’t last too long.

I have to agree.
Battle for Azeroth was the only time there was a seperate Alliance and Horde story. Alliance was sorting out the issues of Kul Tiras and the Horde was sorting out Zandalari Trolls issues.

This was a good thing even though there was a war going on. It felt like they are once again independent organisations with their own races - cultures - challenges and more.
Yet it is the same thing: Hold hands to defeat the latest big bad evil or threat. Rinse and repeat times infinite.

I remember an interview where developers said that yes, this is an Alliance-centric expansion, but the Horde will have their moment as well, though they didn’t want to spoil anything (I guess they were referring to Midnight, but I can’t say for sure).

It was always like this, blizz too lazy to make seperate capitols and quests.

I think the reason we don’t see horde storylines anymore is because they were inherently masculine and of course, that has no place in WoW anymore.

We need to go back for the old times. I refuse to take quests from alliance leaders.

I understand your pain. I feel the same having to take quests from Hoard leaders.
Every time I have to enter one of their little mud huts, the smell of unwashed fur and dung is just overwhelming sometimes.

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Erm, name of the expansion after this is Midnight, and the synopsis is: " In Midnight , players will return to Quel’Thalas where the forces of the Void have invaded Azeroth, intent on claiming the Sunwell and plunging the world into darkness and fear. Players will help reunify the scattered tribes of Azeroth and ultimately fight alongside the forces of the Light to banish the Shadow forever."

Considering this is story expanded in 3 expansions, and they also said there will be sacrifices, I think all characters will be here sooner or later, and some of them will die. So, dont worry, u will see for example Blood Elves and Nightborne deffo in next expansion.

i beg your pardon, but our mud is “best quality” awarded 5 stars from the cow council 2.0 . We proud ourselves of the smell it has.

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All Horde leaders are safe to kill while alliance leaders are untouchable. Becuase Blizzard hates the Horde.

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chris metzen himself said midnight will be about mending the bonds between the different elven tribes soooo not really xD

IF they don’t want to break their own lore yet again they have no choice but to let the grudges stay. No single blood elf have any reasons to trust the allioance now or in the future the humans and their stooges burned all the bridges long ago.

pats pats dragonscale expedition is literally belf copy of explorer’s league working with alliance xD

the lore is in the trash bin since cata.

Cataclysm saved WOW really.

You refer to the Reliquary, sir!
Dragonscale and now Algari are combination of Explorer’s League and the Reliquary under Brann’s name.