It’s a fair question, so I’ll wheel out my old answer again. TL;DR - it matters because it devalues elements of the game.
Written long before Token, when the issue was selling mounts and pets in the Shop.
A week ago, before this announcement, I predicted transmog sets along with pets and mounts, and said I would be fine with it.
I’ve been thinking about it, and I was wrong.
The nature of WoW is that it’s a separate world. It doesn’t matter whether you’re Bill Gates - or broke. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Nobel laureate - or late with your homework. What you are in the game, you earned for yourself in the game.
Everybody starts equal. Daddy’s credit card gets you a subscription, but no further.
When someone can buy something in-game for money, it devalues that thing in game.
Buying mounts devalues the earning of mounts.
Buying pets devalues the taming of pets.
Buying transmog devalues farming.
Buying XP boosts and Charms - and Valor, and whatever comes next - devalues the levelling and gearing process.
It doesn’t matter what the bought thing is, it devalues some part of the game. It makes the game less valuable to us.
I think what made me realise this was watching Preach on the subject. He was pretty OK with the whole thing, and thought selling LFR gear was “reasonable” (22:00). I figured out why. For him, and for players of his calibre, that’s where the game starts. Everything up to Lei Shen Normal is just the prelude to the real game, as he sees things, so I can see why he wouldn’t be vastly upset with that being devalued.
Just as I wasn’t bothered about pets and mounts and transmog being devalued, because those are not important parts of the game for me.
How many pieces need to be devalued, for how many people, before we lose what we have?
Now, I still think Blizzard have to do what they have to do to recover their ground in the Asian markets, and I still think they’d be incompetent fools not to have a plan to increase supplementary marginal revenue in the last years of WoW and leading up to the introduction of son-of-Titan. I get all that.
But Blizzard aren’t a company who push 5 titles of questionable quality out the door every month. They care about their quality, and they care about their reputation in the community, and they receive loyalty and trust as a result. They may need some very careful navigation on this one, and I hope they pull back from their more aggressive ideas, because there’s a lot to lose if the devaluation goes too fast.
It’s actually hard for me to remember back to the days when I could say “What you are in the game, you earned for yourself in the game.” That sentence feels so strange now.