I have to agree abit with OP here.
You can wintrade / get boosted to / “pilot” to gladiator rank, this essentially kicks someone ( Who deserves it rightfully ) down for you to take the spot.
In some cases ( which can happen ) you can even get R1 with irl money, seen it happen, search R1 sharing ( funnily to confirm I searched that and got multiple sites selling rank 1 boosts )
This in PvP is a P2W as you got the top place, without being deserving while taking someone else’s own deserved prize.
Now P2W is a little vague term and can change on how you describe it.
Google search top result gives
In general a game is considered pay-to-win when a player can gain any gameplay advantage over his non- paying peers.
As in for example, you can do +15 and get a rio score that gets you into dungeons while others get to grind / never reach that place.
Urban dictionary sites it as
Games that let you buy better gear or allow you to make better items then everyone else at a faster rate and then makes the game largely unbalanced even for people who have skill in the game without paying.
Which is what is currently happening with WoW, since there is not 1, not 2, not 3 but many huge large communities and boosting sites revolving around boosting the player base, were you can find people with all kinds of different rios not even knowing simple dungeon mechanics such as tol’dagor’s last boss… on a +15,16 and even seen someone complain about getting stunned on +17…
Surely all these boosting communities, websites and guilds that need money to raid aren’t boosting thin air, they are boosting a huge amount of players.
Which makes the game unbalanced and difficult for skilled players ( people who are 400-430 ilvl, usually around 600-900 rio but actually know how to do the dungeons, deal with affixes but no body will accept them )
Been joining some dungeons with these kind of people, they’re usually super nice, aren’t THAT good but sufficient enough and know every tactic of the dungeons, but guess what no one takes them since everyone magically has 1k+ rio.
So yes, the game is kinda pay to win but not, since you’re never gonna get a real advantage over others but you kinda do.