So WoW is now Pay-To-Win eh?

Win in one aspect, lose in the other and in this case your losing your money and not to mention gambling as those boosts wont spit that piece of gear you want 100% of the time.

you give and you get it doesn’t matter if its money or your own time and effort.

I have to agree abit with OP here.

You can wintrade / get boosted to / “pilot” to gladiator rank, this essentially kicks someone ( Who deserves it rightfully ) down for you to take the spot.

In some cases ( which can happen ) you can even get R1 with irl money, seen it happen, search R1 sharing ( funnily to confirm I searched that and got multiple sites selling rank 1 boosts )

This in PvP is a P2W as you got the top place, without being deserving while taking someone else’s own deserved prize.

Now P2W is a little vague term and can change on how you describe it.

Google search top result gives

In general a game is considered pay-to-win when a player can gain any gameplay advantage over his non- paying peers.

As in for example, you can do +15 and get a rio score that gets you into dungeons while others get to grind / never reach that place.

Urban dictionary sites it as

Games that let you buy better gear or allow you to make better items then everyone else at a faster rate and then makes the game largely unbalanced even for people who have skill in the game without paying.

Which is what is currently happening with WoW, since there is not 1, not 2, not 3 but many huge large communities and boosting sites revolving around boosting the player base, were you can find people with all kinds of different rios not even knowing simple dungeon mechanics such as tol’dagor’s last boss… on a +15,16 and even seen someone complain about getting stunned on +17…

Surely all these boosting communities, websites and guilds that need money to raid aren’t boosting thin air, they are boosting a huge amount of players.

Which makes the game unbalanced and difficult for skilled players ( people who are 400-430 ilvl, usually around 600-900 rio but actually know how to do the dungeons, deal with affixes but no body will accept them )

Been joining some dungeons with these kind of people, they’re usually super nice, aren’t THAT good but sufficient enough and know every tactic of the dungeons, but guess what :stuck_out_tongue: no one takes them since everyone magically has 1k+ rio.

So yes, the game is kinda pay to win but not, since you’re never gonna get a real advantage over others but you kinda do.


The main requirement for pay to win is that it allows you to do something that you would otherwise not be to do normally, for example if azerite armour was available for real money and could then be disenchanted into titan residuum such as multi-boxing benthic armour tokens to obtain more residuum beyond what you would normally be to get in that week by normal means.

Getting boosts does not amount to pay to win as you require the help of other players to achieve your goal and thus it is easily possible without having to pay for it.

I did a +9 key on a 406 protection paladin so at that point there is no reason for anyone to ever buy mythic+ boosts as the 9 would easily give gear to effortlessly do a +10.

Just to clarify, buying gold is pay to win as you would not normally be to grind a guaranteed 100k within 5 seconds.

You surely won’t win in any competition like that.

Pay to win ? More like Pay to Whine.

WoW isn’t and never has been Pay to Win.

There is one thing to be won in almost every single game - progress. It can be against other players (say in the form of rank) or it can be agains the game (say progresing the story) and of course any other type of progress in between those two. Many games sale it to you left and right, trickling you that if that progress is available through play the game somehow magically stops being p2w.

That is exactly what pay to win is NOT.

Let me explain, lets take 3 players, I’ll call them Alf, Bob and Charlie (A,B and C for short)

Alf is very rich in real life, he has a well paid job and can afford lots of luxuries, he likes playing WoW but can only play 5 or 6 hours a week and therefore he doesn’t have much WoW gold.

Bob on the other hand is very poor, he has no job and just about to afford the essentials and an internet connection. Being unemployed, Bob can play WoW 12 to 16 hours a day and has more WoW gold than he knows what to do with.

Alf buys some WoW tokens with some of the spare RL money he has and trades them (via the AH) to Bob who uses some of the enormous pile of WoW gold he has to buy them and uses them to pay his sub for the next month or so.

Alf is now happy because he has a few 100k gold and Bob is happy because his WoW sub hasn’t cost him any RL money.

But what about Charlie ? Well Charlie happens to be really good at the game and can solo everything so he sells a boost run to Alf and Bob, Alf is even happier because he now has some BIS gear and Bob is happy too, for the same reason.

So all 3 players have used normal gameplay to get what they want, Alf has paid for the convenience of not having to grind for the gold whereas Bob has used some of his surplus gold for exactly the same reason.

Paying for the convenience and time saving is NOT pay to win.

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U are aware you can also make the gold in game to buy a boost right?? Making gold in WoW isn’t hard, there’s lots of guides and more on how to get large amounts of gold.

I feel a lot of people ignore the fact gold isn’t a rl bought currency, and is what u earn in game.

well, if you want to throw your money like this - you can… or you can find group of 4 other people and have fun and get that gear yourself? you know?
but when me and friend saw those prices for boosting, we laughed

I have no idea about the prices. How much they ask per run? Im already 120 and waiting for Season 4 to start so not going to spend any real money for in-game boosting as I mentioned long time ago already. But thing is that this game still has Pay-To-Win feature now because you can really buy gold for real money. And I have no intention to grp up for PvE since its does really really really not interest me the slightest.

It is people who came with boosts, not Blizzard :wink: WoW tokens are great for those who can’t pay subscription.

it is not, you can’t get real money for gold, without breaking tos at least.

blizzard allows it + they gave us a way to ‘‘legally’’ buy gold to pay for the boosts after they saw the gold sellers are making money from it.

Gear is useless. It used to be prestigue badge not its just tool. If you got yourself mythic boost there is no reason to farm gear, its get reseted every patch anyway and transmog can be farmed next expansion anyway.

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I doubt. Since I have been doing HFC for mogs even on half naked characters.

The most valuable thing in the world is what you win and that’s Time.

Thought experiment, the goal at the end is to not be the “poor sucker”.

Pay for Time with Gold/Money or pay for Gold/Money with Time

It’s not really about the gold or time, you (I) loose the satisfaction of doing it, because someone basically holds your hand while you’re doing it and you’re just along for the ride, not an active element that “plays”.

That’s the one thing that’s missing, you can have the achievements, you can have the gear, but succeeding on your own through your skill is where the real juice is.

If it wasn’t about that, this thread wouldn’t be in existence.

Satisfaction is a subjective term, it cannot be used to generalize, so arguing for or against pay to play based on this won’t get us a conclusive answer.

Time has value so does Gold/Money, arguing for or against pay to play using both will give us the correct answer.

SO what you win ?

That is account sharing against ToS you can report that.
IF someone gets “carried” boosted by playing themselves and with someone else they deserved it simple as that.

I could buy gold from 3rd party sours or from someone in game and give them irl money how would you stop that ?

simply you can not i rahter buy gold from blizz.